As of Sunday April 18th, at
9am The Taconic will again be
open for use by a Guest.
It's been over a year since
we were open to any
non-member and many including
myself may need a refresher
on the rules.
For that reason, we're
sending those that cover
along with some temporary
ones for entering the
→ Clubhouse Rules:
Because of the use of an
ozone generator for
the Clubhouse is not to be
entered Before 9am or after
Face masks must be worn when
entering the Clubhouse.
→ Guests, Waivers and
sign in/out rules:
All guest be it family or
friend must fill out and sign
a waiver AS SOON as they
enter Club Property.
All guests be it family or
friend must fill out and sign
a waiver EACH TIME they enter
Club Property.
All guests be it family or
friend when using any range
must also fill out the sign
in sheet before and after
All guests be it family or
friend must wear a guest
All members are required to
read range rules to their
guest BEFORE using any
All members and guest be it
family or friend are required
to use no more than one bench
or lane.
Member and guest are not to
fire at the same time.
Face masks are required when
social distancing can't be
Members are required to bring
their own disinfecting
All members are allowed to
bring one (1) guest six(6)
times a year during the
January to December year.
Waivers, Sign In Sheet and
badges are located on the
office door in the
Waivers when completed must
be folded and pushed through
mail slot located on the
Badges must be returned to
same area.
From the March meeting
Discussion of the probability
of having our annual picnic
in August!
Discussion on potential
annual raffle.
Discussion on potential
shooting competitions for
this year!
→ From Last Meeting:
It was decided by those in
attendance (majority vote)
that the Club would open
totally sometime in
Please be aware though that
as of this writing we're
still closed to all guests.
An announcement will be sent
when this changes.
→ As mentioned above
we're looking to get things
moving again.
For this to happen we need
people who'd be willing to
work on the raffle, picnic
and shooting committees.
If you'd like to help out or
even run one of those, please
attend the April meeting.
→ New Members. On
Saturday April 3rd at 10am we
will be inducting 24 new
members into the Club.
All new members will be
issued a white badge card. If
you see one of these white
badge people on the range,
please do your best to help
them if needed and make them
feel at home.
→ Ammo: As we all know
it's hard to find and crazy
expensive when you do.
Not much we can do but grin
and.....well whatever.
On the brighter side if
you're the owner of a 7x57
Mauser shooting rifle, or as
the British call it 275
we may have some good news
for you.
Fellow member Mike Camprione
has donated 40 rounds of this
1960's Interarms boxed stuff
to us with the idea it goes
to the person willing to
donate the most money to own
it. So, if you're looking for
some zombie killers make an
→ New Members:
We will have our annual
induction of New Members on
Saturday April 3rd at
Because of social distancing
etc. problems their sponsors
are not required to
→ Items on the 3/14
Projects for 2021 Shooting
Possible Total Reopening of
From Last Meeting:
→ Members Expelled:
By unanimous vote 8 members
who had failed to pay dues or
withdraw were expelled.
→ Remote Meetings:
It was decided by those in
attendance that a change in
the bylaws would be required
to hold monthly meetings on a
remote basis.
Research showed the recent
NYS Supreme Court decision
only allows for Annual
→ New Members:
We will have our annual
induction of New Members on
Saturday April 3rd at
Because of social distancing
etc. problems their sponsors
are not required to
→ Openings for
Membership for 2021:
We have four openings for
membership for this year.
Those interested will be
admitted on a first come
Applications can be
downloaded at our website
They need to be mailed in
immediately along with a
deposit check for $100.00 and
the understanding they will
pay a balance of $99.00 at
the April 3rd meeting which
they must attend.
→ With a little help
from our friends:
A big thank you goes out to
Tony Oppelt for his generous
cash donation.
→ Items on the February
Discussion on the possibility
of going to remote Club
Vote to expel members who
have not paid their 2021 dues
or resigned their
→ Meeting: will be held
→ Masks must be worn and
social distancing will be
An ozone generator will be
used prior to the club
meeting to sanitize and a
hepa filtered air purifier
will be in use during the
Because of social distancing
rules the meeting will be
limited to 18 attendees.
If more show up meeting will
be held outside. So, dress
→ Insurance/it pays to
shop around.
We recently received a
renewal notice for our
building insurance.
That notice told us that our
newest premium would rise by
10% and there was nothing we
could do about it.
Seems "rates in our area"
have just increased.
Please keep in mind that in
30 years with this company we
have never filed a claim. So,
we decided to contact the
people that handle our
liability and tractor
After filling out their
application we were quoted a
rate that was 58% lower than
our existing insurance
company's quote.
By the way we received
similar savings on our
liability and tractor
insurance from them too!
When all combined those
savings add up to the better
part of $2000.00 a year.
Needless to say we recommend
this company highly.
They're endorsed by The New
York State Conservation
Council and the family that
operates this business are
shooters and hunters.
So maybe the next time you're
looking for insurance be it
car,boat,home,camp, health or
whatever give them a
Their name is United
Insurance and our contact
there is John Long Jr.
They can be reached at
→ A big thank you goes
out to the following for
their recent cash
Jim Rubino, Johnny Bobo, Ron
Epstein, Darrin Kennedy, Dave
Rezey, Fred Realbuto, John
Rubino and Mike Camprione. we
can't forget Mike Droskey for
all his labor hooking up our
generator and last but not
least Denny Bailey for his
donation of an expensive
heavy cable that will be used
to get the electricity from
the generator and into the
→ Masks and Social
Distancing Required!
→ We're happy to report
that at last the Club is
Due to the pandemic we are
forced to make the following
temporary rules for a limited
when followed they will help
safeguard the health of our
those they come in contact
with and hopefully reduce any
legal exposure we might
As conditions improve, we
will make adjustments and in
the end return to where we
Thank you.
Taconic Valley Rod, Gun,
Camera and Social Club Board
of Directors ♣
→ Clubhouse: will be
closed. ♣
→ No bathroom
facilities. ♣
→ Guests: No Guests.
That includes Family.
→ Club Officer or RSO on
grounds during hours of
operation. ♣
→ Masks/Face Coverings:
Must be worn when there's
more than one shooter on any
or in the picnic table area
when social distancing can't
be maintained. ♣
→ Hand Sanitizer: each
shooter is to provide their
own. ♣
→ Sanitizing: The Club
will provide this for
disinfecting of benches etc.
A container will be located
on each range.
We ask all range users to
clean areas touched during
their visit.
Used material can be placed
in a receptacle that will be
kept on each range.
→ Rifle Range: Total
benches reduced to six and
spread to allow for social
no more than six shooters on
rifle range at any time.
→ Pistol Range: Total
firing points reduced to four
and spread to allow for
social distancing.
No more than four shooters
allowed on range at any time.
→ Clay bird range:
Throwers reduced to two and
spread for social
No more than 4 shooters
allowed on CB range at any
time. ♣
→ Tactical Shotgun: No
more than one shooter at any
time. ♣
→ Archery: No more than
one archer at any time.
From December
→ Rear Plow Blade: We've
located and purchased a used
rear plow blade for the John
Deere. In the event that the
ground is too soft for use of
the snowblower this will
allow us to move snow. Thanks
go out to George Fradenburg
for driving to the other side
of the Moon to pick it
→ Generator: A few weeks
back a power outage blackened
the Club for a few days.
Since it was warm and we're
in shutdown mode it wasn't a
big thing. Had we not been
though it would have meant no
water and if the weather been
freezing possible frozen and
maybe rupturing pipes. Seeing
these things as a possible
problem Ara Shahinian
generously donated a
5000-watt generator. This
machine had been in storage
for a bit so another member,
Mike Camprone, picked it up
and gave it a heck of a nice
tune-up and it now starts
with one pull. Fellow member
Mike Droskey has volunteered
to wire it in to our
electrical system so that it
will power everything that's
essential should the need
arise again. Our thanks go
out to all three of these
→ Donations: A huge
thank you goes out to Johnny
Bobo,Ron Epstein and Darren
Kennedy for their generous
cash donations.
→ Dues: All members'
dues expire on 12/31/20. 2021
dues bills have been mailed!
This bill ,$85.00,must be
paid by 12/31/20. Any payment
of dues received after
12/31/20 will be considered
late and a $25.00 late fee
will be attached making the
total due then $ 110.00. Any
payment received after
12/31/20 without the late fee
included will be refused and
sent back to the sender.
Please also be advised that
after 1/01/21 nonpaying
members will not be allowed
the use of the facilities.
Those not paying by 1/31/21
will be dropped from the
roster and expelled! Those
expelled will never be
allowed on Club Grounds again
under any circumstance nor
will they be allowed
readmission as a member! If
you intend on paying with
cash in person please have
the exact amount as change
may not be available. Those
who decide they no longer
wish to be a member must
submit a withdrawal letter or
email us here before 1/31/21!
Sorry if all that sounds
harsh but those are the
→ In case you missed
them here again are the
temporary rules which still
apply. We'd love to go back
to normal but unfortunately
at this time with the
infection rate being what it
is we can't!
→ Clubhouse: will be
→ Bathroom: Will be open
on a limited basis. Face
masks must be worn and those
using must clean any area
they come in contact with
when done.
→ Guests: No Guests.
That includes Family.
→ Club Officer or RSO on
grounds during hours of
→ Masks/Face Coverings:
Must be worn when there's
more than one shooter on any
range or in the picnic table
area when social distancing
can't be maintained.
→ Hand Sanitizer: each
shooter is to provide their
→ Sanitizing: The Club
will provide this for
disinfecting of benches etc.
A container will be located
on each range. We ask all
range users to clean areas
touched during their visit.
Used material can be placed
in a receptacle that will be
kept on each range. These
receptacles are for the
disposal of used cleaning
materials only. Take your
targets and other items off
property for disposal! Also
please note as temps drop the
sanitizing sprays provided
may freeze up so as an added
precaution please bring your
→ Rifle Range: Total
benches reduced to six and
spread to allow for social
no more than six shooters on
rifle range at any time.
→ Pistol Range: Total
firing points reduced to four
and spread to allow for
social distancing.
No more than four shooters
allowed on range at any
→ Clay bird range:
Throwers reduced to two and
spread for social
No more than 4 shooters
allowed on CB range at any
→ Tactical Shotgun: No
more than one shooter at any
→ Archery: No more than
one archer at any time.
→ In Closing: We'd like
to thank all of our members
for hanging in during this
crazy year.
Unfortunately given health,
legal, insurance and medical
complications we had very few
other choices then those we
We promise that once the
infection rate subsides,
we will do our best to get
things back to as normal as
It's also our hope that you
and yours have a safe, happy
and healthy Holiday
Meeting will be held outside!
Masks and Social distancing
of course!
From November
Items On that agenda:
→ Annual election of
Officers. ♣
→ Treasurers annual
financial report. ♣
→ Discussion on possible
reopening bathroom.
→ Discussion on possible
reopening of clubhouse.
→ Shotgun Areas
A huge thank you goes out to
Mike Weiland for rebuilding
our shotgun platform and
thrower holders.
It was good to see Mike
didn't suffer any loss of his
skills as a result of the
tragic accident that took
place three years ago at the
Bonneville Salt Flats.
Some of you might recall that
at that time Mike was
attempting to set the land
speed record on his turbo
charged quadrupled engined
John Deere tractor when he
lost control after hitting a
herd of spiked armadillos at
over 250 mph.
The resulting crash caused
him to be in a total body
cast for 19 months.
Suffice it to say he's back
and has even learned to use a
hammer with his feet!
→ Guest Speaker
Roberto Matinez has arranged
to have Tom King as a guest
speaker after our September
Tom, as many of us are aware,
is President of the New York
State Rifle and Pistol
Association and also sits on
the Board of Directors of The
National Rifle Association.
This of course means he knows
the firearms laws and
potential laws business both
on a local,State and National
level. So this will be a very
informative talk!
→ Labor Day
A reminder that all ranges
will be closed for shooting
after 11am to allow our
neighbors time to enjoy their
homes in peace and quiet!
→ North East Firearms
Class: This class will be
held entirely outside.
Sunday September 20th:
Defensive Pistol Class:
Pistol Range in use from 9am
to 4pm
For more Information on these
classes contact Dan at
518-322-2045 or visit:
→ Northeast
From August:
→ 50 yd berm rebuild:
Set for cooler weather in
→ Firewood: Annual
firewood purchase
→ 2'x4's and plywood
purchase approved.
→ Rebuilding of shotgun
platforms: at a standstill no
→ Annual Club Picnic:
→ Rear Plow for John
Deere: OK'd the search and
price for one.
Report to follow.
→ Nominations for
office: The following people
were nominated
President: George
Vice President: James
Secretary : Dan Place
Treasurer: Bill McGarry
Director: Now open to anyone
who meets bylaw
specifications to run for
→ As mentioned above
we'd like to get our
Clubhouse reopened.
What stands in the way are
the recommended cleaning and
sanitizing procedures that
must be followed on almost a
constant basis.
Based on these procedures it
would probably take two
people two hours per
Needless to say, that's a tad
much to ask any two people to
do seven days a week.
So, what we're are looking
for are a group of volunteers
to step up.
If we get them the Clubhouse
will reopen. If not, we'll be
forced to keep it closed!
We show the below to give you
an idea what we're up
→ The NYS guidelines for
→ Interim Guidance for
Cleaning and Disinfection of
Public and Private Facilities
for COVID-19 - Novel
Coronavirus (COVID-19) |
Department of Health
→ Interim Guidance for
Cleaning and Disinfection of
Public and Private Facilities
for COVID-19 . March 10, 2020
To help prevent spread of
COVID-19, procedures and
supplies should be in place
→ These requirements
require a level of
responsibility that will be
difficult to control, items
such as controller, score
sheets, clubhouse use,
handling of money, etc.
→ Tracking registration
and attendance list
→ Proper PPE: Proper
member training and
scheduling of members to be
on duty for adequate
continuing sanitation
anything that could be
touched or is touched.
→ Tom King President of
the NYSRPA and Board Director
for the NRA has been asked to
speak at the conclusion of
our September 13th meeting.
So, if you'd like to learn
more about the world of
politics and firearms
attending this meeting should
be a must!
→ New Members Meeting:
On Saturday July 25th we
voted in 14 new members. We'd
like to take this opportunity
to officially welcome them to
our Club!
→ Sunday August 23rd
North East Firearms:
In case you missed them here
again are the temporary
reopening rules:
→ Clubhouse: will be
→ No bathroom
→ Guests: No Guests.
That includes Family.
→ Club Officer or RSO on
grounds during hours of
→ Masks/Face Coverings:
Must be worn when there's
more than one shooter on any
range or in the picnic table
area when social distancing
can't be maintained.
→ Hand Sanitizer: each
shooter is to provide their
→ Sanitizing: The Club
will provide this for
disinfecting of benches etc.
A container will be located
on each range. We ask all
range users to clean areas
touched during their visit.
Used material can be placed
in a receptacle that will be
kept on each range. These
receptacles are for the
disposal of used cleaning
materials only. Take your
targets and other items off
property for disposal!
→ Rifle Range: Total
benches reduced to six and
spread to allow for social
→ no more than six
shooters on rifle range at
any time.
→ Pistol Range: Total
firing points reduced to four
and spread to allow for
social distancing.
→ No more than four
shooters allowed on range at
any time.
→ Clay bird range:
Throwers reduced to two and
spread for social
→ No more than 4
shooters allowed on CB range
at any time.
→ Tactical Shotgun: No
more than one shooter at any
→ Archery: No more than
one archer at any time.
Guess that's it for now and
thanks for reading.
From Last Months
We're happy to report that at
last the Club will be
reopening Wednesday June 24th
at 9am.
Due to the pandemic we are
forced to make the following
temporary rules for a limited
when followed they will help
safeguard the health of our
those they come in contact
with and hopefully reduce any
legal exposure we might
As conditions improve, we
will make adjustments and in
the end return to where we
Thank you. ♣
Taconic Valley Rod, Gun,
Camera and Social Club Board
of Directors
→ Clubhouse: will be
closed. ♣
→ No bathroom
facilities. ♣
→ Guests: No Guests.
That includes Family.
→ Club Officer or RSO on
grounds during hours of
operation. ♣
→ Masks/Face Coverings:
Must be worn when there's
more than one shooter on any
or in the picnic table area
when social distancing can't
be maintained. ♣
→ Hand Sanitizer: each
shooter is to provide their
own. ♣
→ Sanitizing: The Club
will provide this for
disinfecting of benches etc.
A container will be located
on each range.
We ask all range users to
clean areas touched during
their visit.
Used material can be placed
in a receptacle that will be
kept on each range.
→ Rifle Range: Total
benches reduced to six and
spread to allow for social
no more than six shooters on
rifle range at any time.
→ Pistol Range: Total
firing points reduced to four
and spread to allow for
social distancing.
No more than four shooters
allowed on range at any time.
→ Clay bird range:
Throwers reduced to two and
spread for social
No more than 4 shooters
allowed on CB range at any
time. ♣
→ Tactical Shotgun: No
more than one shooter at any
time. ♣
→ Archery: No more than
one archer at any time.
→ The New Member Meeting
has been postponed!
→ Based upon the recent
Federal and State guidelines
regarding the Corona Virus
and gatherings of people
it's been decided by the
Board of Directors to cancel
all scheduled events for the
month of May.
We look forward to the month
of June with the hopes of
getting back to a normal
We also hope that this
message finds you and yours
in the best of health.
→ From Last Meeting:
It was reported that the snow
blower attachment on the John
Deere tractor is prone to
breakdowns when used on
ground that isn't frozen. For
that reason it was suggested
that a rear mounted plow be
obtained to be used in
conjunction with front
mounted blower for next
→ It was decided to
scrap or sell our Dodge
pickup truck. So if you are
looking for a plow truck that
only works in reverse don't
hesitate to make an
→ Also voted on and
approved Schedule for North
East Firearms:
→ The following Dates
and times have been approved
for Northeast Firearms
Training use:
Sunday April 26th: Skill
Builder Class. Pistol Range
will be in use from 9 am to 2
Sunday May 24th: Defensive
Pistol Class: Pistol Range
will be in use from 9 am to
Saturday May 30th: USCCA
Instructor Workshop Class:
Clubhouse to be used 9am to
4pm. no pistol range use.
Sunday May 31st: USCCA
Instructor Workshop Class:
Clubhouse to be used 9am to
4pm. Pistol Range in use from
10am to Noon.
Sunday August 23rd: Skill
Builder Class: Pistol Range
will be in use from 9am to
Sunday September 20th:
Defensive Pistol Class:
Pistol Range in use from 9am
to 4pm
For more Information on these
classes contact Dan at
518-322-2045 or visit
→ Guest Speaker
Roberto Matinez has arranged
to have Tom King as a guest
speaker after our May 17th
meeting. Tom,as many of us
are aware, is President of
the New York State Rifle and
Pistol Association and also
sits on the Board of
Directors of The National
Rifle Association.This of
course means he knows the
firearms laws and potential
laws business both on a
local,State and National
level. So this will be a very
informative talk!
→ Where are all the
fish? George Hillje sent us
this link.It'll not only tell
you where the fish are but
also how to purchase your
fishing license on line!
→ What caliber do I need
to hunt bear? That's a
question most shooters have
heard a few times. The answer
usually is a big one. The
truth is no matter what
caliber it is the bear won't
be downed unless you can
place your shots where they
mean the most. Read this
story and you can see what
that means:
→ Dangerous Game Hunt:
Many of us have probably
dreamed about an African
dangerous game hunt.I know
sense I was a kid I have.
Then you see a video like
this one and decide maybe
sticking with rabbits and
squirrels isn't a bad
→ Home for sale:
For a lot of people the
thoughts of owning a home on
a golf course would be a
dream come true. For a
shooter that dream might just
be a home with a shooting
range in its backyard. If
that's the case we've got
some early information for
you. The home located to the
right of our entrance road
will be soon up for sale. If
you're interested give us a
shout and we'll give your
contact info to the
→ from last month
Possible creation of an Off
Hand Pistol League.
More discussion of projects
for this year.
Report on New Members
New Member Indoctrination
meeting set for Saturday
March 28th at 10am!
North East Firearms Schedule
for 2020.
→ From Last Meeting:
→ Members Expelled.
Unfortunately 8 members were
expelled by unanimous
vote.The reasons non payment
of dues and failure to submit
a withdrawal .
→ Bow Hunting Course. We
needed 4 volunteers to assist
at a class we wanted to set
up for August. Unfortunately
none came forward so no
→ Lights! Camera!
Action: It was decided that
our new member meeting slated
for March 28th would be
videoed. That way if an
opening occurred at some
point of the year all that
would be needed would be to
have the potential member
watch the recording. On
Sunday March 8th a trial run
taping will be done at our
regular meeting. Thanks go
out to George
Martinez,Laurie Rivera and
Chris Loiselle for their
cinematic efforts on this
→ Guest Speaker
Reminder: Roberto Matinez has
arranged to have Tom King as
a guest speaker after our May
17th meeting. Tom,as many of
us are aware, is President of
the New York State Rifle and
Pistol Association and also
sits on the Board of
Directors of The National
Rifle Association.This of
course means he knows the
firearms laws and potential
laws business both on a
local,State and National
level. So this will be a very
informative talk!
→ Membership. After
losing some members and
contacting potential members
from our waiting list, we
will be back up to our
allotted membership ceiling
for 2020. So if you know of
anyone who'd like to become a
member in 2021 please have
them fill out an application
and get it in as soon as
possible. Keep in mind we
work on a first come
→ Range Safety Officer
Class: We'd like to have
another RSO class this
year.So anyone interested in
taking the class to become
one please let us know. RSO's
would be responsible at our
Club for making sure firing
lines were safe and helping
shooters with mechanical
problems on the lines.
→ Our Friend Bob Mergen
sent this to us:
One of the bills that will be
considered is S07542 in the
Environmental Conservation
This bill "provides that it
shall be unlawful for any
person to organize, sponsor,
conduct, promote, or
participate in any animal
killing contest, competition,
tournament or derby where the
objective of such contest or
competition is to take the
largest number of small game,
wild birds, other than wild
turkeys, and domestic game
Please contact the NYS
Senate's Environmental
Conservation committee
members to let them know your
thought about this bill.
Link to the NYS Senate
Environmental Conservation
Committee members:
link to this bill:
Link to the NYS Senate
Environmental Conservation
Committee members:
Senate Environmental
→ Thank You. A big
thanks goes to Tony Oppelt
for his generous
We promise not to use any of
it towards cheap wine and
scratch-off tickets too!
→ From last month for
this month! ♣
→ Items on that
Vote to expel unpaid
New Projects for the 2020
Possible replacement of main
door and frame?
Possible window installed on
parking lot side of
Any other suggestion are
From Last meeting:
→ Water:
It was reported that Charlie
Baker and Son had finished.
The Club now has year round
running water for the first
time in it's near 100 year
history, HOLY MOLEY!, It was
also reported that Charlie
and his brother Brian went
way beyond what they
contracted to do. This
included the rewiring and
pest proofing of our breaker
box. When opened It appeared
that the box had been invaded
by little furry rodents who
had chewed up many of the
wires. Fortunately after the
work done by Charlie and
Brian this won't be happening
It was suggested by those in
attendance that we pay The
Baker Brothers a bit extra
for doing work they didn't
have to do. A figure of 200
hundred was tossed out and
approved by a majority
→ Guest Speaker:
It was reported by Roberto
Matinez that he'd arranged to
have Tom King as a guest
speaker after our May 17th
meeting. Tom,as many of us
are aware, is President of
the New York State Rifle and
Pistol Association and also
sits on the Board of
Directors of The National
Rifle Association. This of
course means he knows the
firearms laws and potential
laws business both on a
local, State and National
level. So this will be a very
informative talk!
→ Ladies Day:
currently in the planning
stage by Laurie Rivera and
Ron Epstein is a range day
for just ladies. At this
point we can't add much more
other then the target date
will be sometime in the
warmer weather months.
→ New Members
Indoctrination Meeting:
this meeting will be held
Saturday March 28th at 10am.
Invited to this meeting will
be all new 2020 members and
their sponsors. Guest Firearm
Safety Instructor will be Dan
Bartholomew of North East
Firearms training.
→ New Members:
as of this writing we're
still waiting for the last of
the late dues payments to
arrive. Once this happens
we'll be able to figure how
many new openings we'll have
and contact those on the
waiting list. As we look at
the results we have so far it
appears our loss of old
members is far lower then
it's ever been.
→ Bow Hunting
with the help of New York
State certified instructor
Bob Mergen we'd like to set
up Bow Hunting Class for
sometime in August. what we
need to do this is four or
five people who'd help out
with the one day event.If
you're interested please
contact us here.
→ Gun Raffle:
Ok we know August is a long
way off. Just the same what
happens then starts with the
planning stage now. So first
in foremost we'd like to get
some input on the types of
firearms you'd like to see
raffled. It's been suggested
we do another M-1 Garand.
Also suggested was a nicer 22
cal rifle. Something along
the lines of the CZ-457.
Another suggested was a 45/70
rifle. Last but not least a
Phased-plasma battle rifle in
the 40 watt range! So the
question is what would you
like to see?
→ All's well that ends
If you need any well work
done we can highly recommend
Charlie Baker and Sons. They
can be reached at
Guess that's it for now and
thanks for reading!
From January:
→ Appointment of a
committee to handle incoming
new members for the 2020
→ Discussion on goals
and projects for the 2020
→ Chains for
It was reported that our new
tractor could have done
better with traction in the
two foot snowfall that hit us
in early December.It was felt
by most in attendance that a
set of chains would give that
traction. A vote was taken
and funds for the chains was
→ Dodge Plow Truck:
It was reported that a
transmission line was leaking
and the water pump was going
on this vehicle.It was
decided the most prudent
thing to do would be to
repair it. A vote was taken
and funds approved for this
→ Water Project:
It was reported that the
company doing our year round
water project would be
starting soon. It was
anticipated that with the
proper weather the project
would be done before the end
of December.
→ Dues:
If you haven't paid your dues
by 12/31/19 you have until
January 31st to do so!
Unfortunately after 1/1/20 a
late fee will be added to
them! So please include an
extra $25.00 on top of your
dues fee(total $110)! Any
payments sent in after 1/1/20
without this fee will be
returned to the sender!
Please also keep in mind that
after 1/1/20 any member who
has not paid their dues is
not allowed the use of the
facilities. Any member who
has not paid by 1/31/20 and
has not sent in a letter of
resignation along with their
Clubhouse Key will be
Expelled members are never
again allowed on the grounds
nor are they allowed to
rejoin at a future time!
Letters of resignation can
either be written and snail
mailed or emailed to this
→ Membership Cards for
When your dues are paid
you'll be given a new colored
card! The 2020 card is a dark
green! Please slide this
eye-catching new card into
your neck badges and remember
that the neck badge must be
worn visibly when shooting on
any of the ranges! This is
not to say you can't wear it
elsewhere though. If you're
comfortable wearing it at
work or while shopping at
Walmarts or even the Mall
please feel free to do so!
When it comes to
swimming.....maybe not!
→ Potential New Members
for 2020:
As of this writing we're
still taking in 2020 dues. We
should have a handle on how
many new for 2019 openings by
the first week of
→ With a little help
from our friends ♣:
S big thank you to Dave Rezey
for his generous cash
donation to the Club!
Guess that's it for now.So in
closing Happy New Years to
all!! ♣
→ From Last Meeting:
No Christmas Party: It was
decided due to dwindling
attendance at previous
Holiday parties to not have
our usual seasonal bash. It
was suggested instead to
celebrate the New Year with a
party sometime in February or
March when members might have
more free time to attend!
→ Year Round Water
Project: as of the last
meeting the well relocation
project hadn't been
completed. We were promised
by the contractor it would be
done before the winter freeze
→ Dues:
All members dues expire on
12/31/19. 2020 dues bills
have been mailed! This bill
must be paid by 12/31/19. Any
payment of dues received
after 12/31/19 will be
considered late and a $25.00
late fee will be attached.
Any payment received after
12/31/19 without the late fee
included will be refused and
sent back to the sender.
Please also be advised that
after 1/01/20 nonpaying
members will not be allowed
the use of the facilities.
Those not paying by 1/31/20
will be dropped from the
roster and expelled! Those
expelled will never be
allowed on Club Grounds again
under any circumstance nor
will they be allowed
readmission as a member!
Those who decide they no
longer wish to be a member
must submit a withdrawal
letter before 1/31/20 along
with any Clubhouse key they
Sorry if all that sounds
harsh but those are the
best way to pay your dues: By
mail and by check or money
Paying in person: Check or
money order preferred. If by
cash(not preferred) please
have the exact amount.
There's no guarantee change
will be available!
→ Update On Water
On Tuesday December 3rd and
Wednesday December 4th our
Well people will be at the
Club working on the
conversion. This means no
water use during that time
and of course no toilet use
will be available!
→ Guests and
Members bringing guest must
fill out a waiver each time
they visit.These waivers must
be filled out legibly. It's
the responsibility of the
member to make sure this is
done correctly. If it's not
done so that the name of the
guest is clear a waiver will
be mailed to the member and
his or hers shooting
privileges will be suspended
until a legible form is
submitted! Sorry to have to
mention this again but a good
majority of the waivers are
If we can't read them neither
can our insurer. If that's
the case coverage could be
denied and guess who would
have to pay any claim!
→ Sign in Sheet:
Members bringing guests must
also fill out the sign in/out
→ Thank you: A big thank
you goes out to Tony Oppelt
and Johnny Bobo for their
very generous donations!
→ Best wishes to all for
a great Holiday Season!
→ From Last Month:
Items on that agenda:
Progress report from the year
round water committee.
Updates on use of new
Recommendations for range
improvements for 2020.
From last meeting:
→ Discussion on
Christmas Party: No definite
plans made yet.
→ Dues: All members dues
expire on 12/31/19.
2020 dues bills have been
mailed! This bill must be
paid by 12/31/19. Any payment
of dues received after
12/31/19 will be considered
late and a $25.00 late fee
will be attached. Any payment
received after 12/31/19
without the late fee included
will be refused and sent back
to the sender.
Please also be advised that
after 1/01/20 nonpaying
members will not be allowed
the use of the facilities.
Those not paying by 1/31/20
will be dropped from the
roster and expelled! Those
expelled will never be
allowed on Club Grounds again
under any circumstance nor
will they be allowed
readmission as a member!
Those who decide they no
longer wish to be a member
must submit a withdrawal
letter before 1/31/19!
Sorry if all that sounds
harsh but those are the
best way to pay your dues: By
mail and by check or money
Paying in person: Check or
money order preferred. If by
cash (not preferred) please
have the exact amount.
There's no guarantee change
will be available!
→ Gate:
Gate is to be kept closed at
all times! From
Items on that agenda:
→ Election of club
Officers ♣
→ Treasurers Annual
Financial Report!
→ From Last Meeting:
Club Vote authorized funds
for a new tractor!
Annual Raffle: Thanks to all
who bought tickets to help
support their Club. All in
all it was a success. We'd
like to those who worked to
make it possible. Well enough
about that.The big question
is who the heck won. So
winners are as follows:
M-1 Garand: Don B
PC-9 : John R.
Mossberg Shockwave: Justin
Turkey # 1: Josh C.
Turkey # 2 Guido G.
22 ammo: Jack S.
→ A big thank you needs
to go to Moe Barbera and
Family for the fowl donations
and to Dan Hartnett for the
Also Dan Smith of Nassau
Hardware for allowing our
winners to pick up their
firearms at his FFL
→ Picnic: We had a great
day for this. Sky cleared up
late morning and temps were
All together 75 people came
to enjoy the day. A big thank
you to all members who kicked
in to make it work. An even
bigger thanks to a guy by the
name of Joe Oppelt. Joe was a
guest but that didn't stop
him from rolling up his
sleeves and helping out.
Another interesting thing
about Joe is he's the Club
President. Not of this one
but the Middleburg Rod and
Gun Club! All's we can say is
that Club is fortunate to
have him.
→ Upcoming Events:
Saturday September 14th. Moe
Barbera Surprise Shotgun
Shoot. Start time 10:30.
Entrance fee 5 dollars.
Awards given and hotdogs and
burgers will be available.
Please note the rifle range
will be closed during this
Sunday September 22nd.
Northeast Firearms Class
Pistol Range will be closed
during this class.
For more details on this
class call Dan at
518-322-2045. Pistol range
→ Saturday September
28th: Hunters Safety Class
(already full)
Start time 8am finish appx
5pm. Please note the pistol
range will be closed from 2pm
to 5pm that day.
→ 22cal Benchrest Shoot:
all in all it was a fun
season for all shooters. The
last event of the season
added some interesting
highlights though!
Paul Adkins, using one of
those darn German rifles,
shot an amazing 10 shot 100
yd group. All ten rounds hit
within 7/8ths of an inch. 7
of the ten actually created a
group that was slightly more
then a quarter inch. Now if
you think that isn't amazing
please remember that a single
22 round makes a hole of appx
.223.See what I mean?
Mike Williams added another
record in the 22mag division.
Mike beat his previous record
of 272x300 with a 280 x300.
Nice shooting Mike. It should
be mentioned that The
Benchrest guys donated all
their collected money after
expenses to the Club.
That sum was $260.00. Thanks
→ Pistol Lessons. If
you're a member we have some
good news. Ron Epstein, who
has more instructor degrees
then a thermometer, has
agreed to help those who wish
to become more proficient
with a handgun with free
lessons. Non members would be
charged a fee. If interested
contact us here and we'll
give you Rons info.
→ New to us Tractor. As
mentioned Club funds to
purchase a new to us tractor
were recently given. So after
a search that started months
ago we picked up a nice low
hours John Deere 44 horse
diesel tractor. This machine
came with an enclosed cab,
front bucket, rear box blade,
belly mower and a front mount
snow blower. This green
creature will be used for
range maintenance and snow
plowing and will eventually
replace the rusty plow trucks
we have had in the past!
It also has brakes which is a
thing none of our plow trucks
have ever had:)
→ Received the below
from Mark Pepin. Now we're
looking for Taconic Members
who could represent the Club
at this meeting and report
back to us at our October
meeting. If interested
contact us here and Mark at
the below address.
Mark Pepin
Hudson Falls Fish & Game
Club- President
Fellow Fish & Game/Rod
& Gun Clubs
→ Our political
environment, as we know is
fighting our sport at every
chance they have. The latest
bill A8174 was passed
recently (Safe Storage Bill-
aka Safe Act 2) and part of
that Bill was going to
eliminate all shooting sports
for those under 16. A few of
us locally acted on this
immediately and met with
Carrie Woerner who has and is
a strong proponent of the
youth shooting sports and in
particular the High School
Clay Target League which we
have 12 schools in her
district that participate.
She has been to our club
numerous times to meet the
student athletes and actually
tried trap. Carrie is a
democrat as we are aware but
we were not going to get any
useful help from the
Republican side as they have
no voice today.
My vision is to unite all the
area F&G clubs and become
1 voice and provide us with a
strong message to our
elected. An organization that
is 20,000, 30,000+ will be so
much more powerful than any
of us individually.
Please join us on Sept 9 ,
7pm at Fish Creek Rod &
Gun Club, 121 NY 32,
Schuylerville for us to start
discussions on how to move
forward in this. United we
stand, divided we fall!
Please feel free to contact
Thank you!
Mark Pepin
Hudson Falls Fish & Game
Club- President
→ Next meeting: Sunday
September 8th at 11am
We'd like to thank Hunter
Safety Instructor Kevin Bush
and his RSO Mark Caruso for
once again making this class
Please visit the web site
New York
Department of Environmental
Reports From Raffle,
New Tractor and Range
→ From Last Meeting:
A Committee was formed to
find a new tractor.
This committee made up of
four members and was given
the blessing to find and
purchase this piece of
→ Candidates for office
announced their availability.
They are as follows:
President: George
Vice President: Jim Davin
Secretary: Dan Place
Treasurer: Bill McGarry
Director: Paul Adkins
→ Picnic/Raffle/Swap
Meet Sunday August 18th:
Swap meet setup will start at
9am. Food will start being
served at 1pm: Raffle drawing
Sunday August 18th at
→ Raffle Tickets: Can be
turned in at the Picnic. They
can also be mailed back but
allow enough time for them to
arrive by drawing date.
More Tickets? Write us here
or call Doc at
→ 22 Cal Benchrest:
In the heavy weight target
rifle division the high score
of 294x300 has stood for
almost two years. In fact
three shooters have shared
that same score. This came to
an end during our last shoot
when Jay Wilkes bested the
old high by one point with a
295x300.It should also be
noted Jay did this with an
American made classic. None
other then a 52 D Winchester.
That oughta send those German
gun guy back to Berlin:).
In the 22 magnum division
things have been interesting
too. Mike Williams bested a
Club hi score made by Jim
wager by two points giving
him a 272x300. what's really
amazing about it is Mike did
this with a brand new rifle
he'd owned for 48 hours.
Nice work Mike
→ All ranges will be
closed the day of our
→ Waivers for the
Picnic. We purchased some
event insurance for Picnic
Day. What that means is for
this ONE DAY ONLY guests need
not sign a waiver.
→ Waivers and
Many of the waivers that
we've seen have barely
legible names written in.
Unfortunately in the event of
an accident these waivers
must accompany the claim. Now
if we can't read them neither
can our insurer. Which means
the claim could be rejected.
So members please supervise
your guest at sign in and
make sure they are
→ Member Suspended:
Unfortunately in June a
member chose to ignore a few
rules and was observed doing
so. Seems he didn't feel he
had to wear a badge and could
ignore how many guests he was
allowed. Unfortunately for
him this isn't the case and
that person earned a
suspension of membership and
the right to bring a guest
when the suspension is
→ Things that need
Sometime before the picnic
the following things need to
be done:
Gas cookers cleaned.
Picnic tables wiped down and
Windows in Clubhouse
Firewood stacked.
→ Saturday August 17th
from 10am till 2pm:
Club cleanup in preparation
for picnic. All are
→ Tom Batsios gives up
That's right he did. So why
is it news? Because Tom
donated the 20lbs of high
octane Columbian he had
stashed home to The Club
that's why. Looks like we now
have enough coffee for better
then a year. Thanks Tom and
could you please drop off
some donuts!
From Last Month:
Items on that agenda:
→ Announcement of
availability for office for
2019/2020 years by potential
unstalling stalled bathroom
update project.
From last meeting:
Approved funds for
Additional grass seed
Annual Summer Raffle: Sunday
August 18th: M-1 Garand,
Ruger PC-9mm takedown Carbine
and Mossberg 590Sockwave are
all in Club Possession.
Tickets have ben ordered and
Robyn Wilkes will be creating
a Summer Raffle /Picnic
poster for us to mail out to
all members.
Runner Up Prizes: We
currently have two but expect
as time goes on to have
Right now we have:
Two 25lb Naturally raised
organic turkeys donated by
Moe Barbera and Family
Expected to mail tickets out
sometime end of June start of
July. Tickets can be sold to
members and non members
alike. All winners of
firearms must pass the
appropriate Federal, State
and local law
Winners of turkeys: Do not
have to pass a background
check. It is though
recommended that they have an
adequate supply of bread,
lettuce, mayonnaise and bacon
handy before picking up their
fowl prizes.
Ladies Auxiliary Porch
Accomplished and then some
thanks to the efforts of
Steve Goodness! We're told
Steve hires out as a handy
man so if you're in need
contact us here and we'll put
you in touch
22 caliber Benchrest
Will start its season Tuesday
June 4th Hot-dogs,burgers and
soft drinks will be served
from 5 to 6pm. Shoot will
start at 6:01 give or take a
Entrance fee including food
is five bucks. Entrance fee
without food is also five
bucks so you might as well
eat. For those who prefer to
watch there is no charge.If
you wish to eat though its
five bucks. So you might just
as well shoot too. If you
don't have a rifle we'll loan
you one. It's part of our
community gun program.
Additional dates for the
shoots are as follows:
Tues June 11th and Tuesday
June 25th. July: tues the 9th
and Tuesday the 23rd. August:
Tuesday August 6th and
Start times and entrance fees
will be the same for all
Please also be aware that
there will be several
divisions of classes of
rifles. That means no matter
what rifle you bring you'll
be competing against a
similar rifle! Please also
note that there will also be
a separate class for .22
Things to do:
For those looking for
something to do at the club
the following are tasks that
can be done by one
Pick up of downed branches
left behind by recent winds.
They can be placed neatly out
of sight on the edges of the
tree line.
Clubhouse: Windows
cleaned,floor swept,kitchen
and bathroom cleaned and
Leaves raked: Around
Clubhouse and ladies
New members are reminded if
they chose to do these things
to be counted as their
service time they must write
down when they did it and how
long it took. They must then
place that info in the mail
slot located on the closet
Upcoming North East
June 23: Defensive Pistol
@ Taconic Valley Rod &
Gun Club, 420 Dater Hill
Road, Troy
9 am to 5 pm $220 Limit: 12
NE will use Pistol Range from
9am till 5pm!
Please note that the
Clubhouse and Pistol Range
only will be unavailable
during the times listed. All
other ranges will be open for
For more info on classes
contact Dan @518- 322-2045 or
go to:
From last meeting:
On that agenda: More planning
for the upcoming Season.
discussion on an inexpensive
face lift to the front of the
ladies auxiliary
→ The membership
unanimously voted to support
the decision of The Board
regarding the suspension of a
→ Funds were approved
for the following:
→ Lawn seed for the
rifle range.
→ A Guest Policy sign
for the front gate.
→ Material to freshen up
the appearance of the
→ Complaint by several
members that the Donut
Committee hadn't purchased
enough frosted jelly filled
for the meeting.
→ Holding Tank/flush
without fear: it was
announced by the chairman of
the water committee that the
old defective holding tank
had been replaced by a new
one that has three times the
Things to do:
→ For those looking for
something to do at the club
the following are tasks that
can be done by one
→ Pick up of downed
branches left behind by
recent winds.They can be
placed neatly out of sight on
the edges of the tree
→ Clubhouse: Windows
cleaned,floor swept,kitchen
and bathroom cleaned and
→ Leaves raked: Around
Clubhouse and ladies
→ New members are
reminded if they chose to do
these things to be counted as
their service time they must
write down when they did it
and how long it took. They
must then place that info in
the mail slot located on the
closet door!
→ 22 caliber Benchrest
Will start its season Tuesday
May 28th. Hot-dogs,burgers
and soft drinks will be
served from 5 to 6pm.Shoot
will start at 6:01 give or
take a minute. Entrance fee
including food is five bucks.
Entrance fee without food is
also five bucks so you might
as well eat. For those who
prefer to watch there is no
charge.If you wish to eat
though its five bucks.So you
might just as well shoot too.
If you don't have a rifle
we'll loan you one. It's part
of our community gun program.
Additional dates for the
shoots are as follows:
Tuesday June 11th and Tuesday
June 25th. July: tuesday the
9th and Tuesday the 23rd.
August: Tuesday August 6th
and 20th.
Start times and entrance fees
will be the same for all
shoots.Please also be aware
that there will be several
divisions of classes of
rifles. That means no matter
what rifle you bring you'll
be competing against a
similar rifle!!
So that said hope to see you
→ Bathroom: As mentioned
above we intend to freshen up
the clubs bathroom. We wish
to thank Fathullah Zamani for
taking on the project that
will include a new floor,
paint and possibly even new
art work for the walls!
Anyone who would like to
assist in this project can
contact us here and we'll let
Fathullah know of your
→ Upcoming Northeast
Firearms Classes. Please note
the class originally
scheduled for this weekend
has been postponed and the
range will be open as
May 11th Basic Shotgun &
Home Defense with live fire
class Basic Shotgun Range
work Course »
This is a 4 hour live fire
class. Learn loading, select
slug drills, patterning at
different distances and
This class is based on the
self-defense use of a
May 11 @ 9:00 am - 4:00
May 25: Defensive Pistol
@ Taconic Valley Rod &
Gun Club, 420 Dater Hill
Road, Troy
9 am to 5 pm
Limit: 12 Students
NE will use Pistol Range from
9am till 5pm
June 23: Defensive Pistol
@ Taconic Valley Rod &
Gun Club, 420 Dater Hill
Road, Troy
9 am to 5 pm
Limit: 12 Students
NE will use Pistol Range from
9am till 5pm!
Please note that the
Clubhouse and Pistol Range
only will be unavailable
during the times listed. All
other ranges will be open for
For more info on classes
contact Dan @518- 322-2045 or
go to
Bill McG.
→ Taconic T-shirts,hats
and other clothing! they can
now be ordered via Wicked
Smart. Listed below is their
webpage, the dates you can
order and the conditions of
the sale!
→ Please also be advised
this is the only time during
2019 Wicked Smart will be
making these items available!
Please also check last months
email and our webpage
(www.tvrgc.com) for
conditions of sale before
→ The store will open
5/1 and stay open for 3 weeks
instead of two so delivery
will be mid June.
From April:
→ Next Meeting: Sunday
April 14th @ 11am.
Items on that agenda: More
discussion on plans for the
upcoming shooting season.
From last Meeting:
approved were funds to pay
contractor for winterized
plumbing set up for
Tractor: Reported the search
→ Raffle Committee
chairman Paul Adkins reported
very hard to get and
desirable M-1 rifle was
almost in hand. When that
rifle was obtained Mossberg
Shockwave and Ruger 9mm
carbine would be ordered.
Target date for the drawing
will be at annual picnic in
August. Tickets will be
mailed to each member in the
near future!
→ Gate: Will soon be
locked. So last call for
→ Member Suspended: The
Board of Directors levied a
suspension and a probationary
period to a member who did
the following:
Failed to sign in a guest and
failed to have that same
guest fill out a waiver. The
suspended period to run a tad
over three months. The
probationary period till
December 31st of 2019.
What this member did was
create circumstances that
could have jeopardized our
Club. Actions such as the
ones he took can't and won't
be tolerated. If that guest
had been injured we could
have been sued and our
insurer could have chosen not
to cover the claim. We've
mailed,emailed and posted
these rules so there's
absolutely no reason for any
member not following them and
no excuse will be accepted!
So this said lets all of us
avoid being in the shoes of
our suspended member and
follow the below Guest
→ Guest Procedure: when
bringing a guest to the club
follow these steps each and
every time after entering
1. go immediately to
2. sign your guest in!
3. give your guest a guest
badge that they must put
4. have guest fill out waiver
a form!
5. proceed to range but
before using read range rules
to your guest!
→ Taconic T-shirts,hats
and other clothing! they can
be ordered via Wicked Smart.
Listed below is their
webpage,the dates you can
order and the conditions of
the sale!
Wicked Smart
700 Fifth Ave
Watervliet, NY 12189
Please also be advised this
is the only time during 2019
Wicked Smart will be making
these items available!
The store will open 5/1 and
stay open for 3 weeks instead
of two so delivery will be
mid June.
Conditions for all sales:
1. ALL orders will be
completed and distributed at
the same time. Choosing a
shipping option will not
expedite an please remember
that orders will be
distributed at any time
during the week stated
2. Wicked Smart is not
responsible for backordered
items. All items are checked
for stock before the website
is built. If items are out of
stock at the time the store
closes, Wicked Smart will
deliver the remainder of the
store and notify customers
when the backorder items
3. The storefront must have a
minimum of 6 orders to
proceed with production.
4. Lastly, please inform
customers of the contact that
has volunteered to be the
coordinator of the
storefront. Please make them
aware if a coordinator will
be picking up the orders and
that they have the option to
choose "Pick Up by
5. Orders that are "Pick Up
at Wicked Smart" and decide
to change their delivery
option will be charged for
→ With a little help
from our friends:
Thanks go out to Tony Oppelt
and Jamil Buzarg for their
recent donations.
Also a thank you to Paul
Adkins for crafting those hot
brass deflectors on the
pistol range!
→ Welcome: we'd like to
wish the new members who
joined our Club a hearty
welcome aboard .If there's
anything we can do to make
your time at the Club easier
and more enjoyable you can
write us here or better yet
come to a meeting and tell us
about it!
From last meeting:
Items on that agenda:
More talks on plans for the
upcoming year.
From Last Meeting:
→ Reported: 8 members
failed to pay dues or submit
a letter of resignation
during the required time
frame and as for our bylaws
they were expelled at the
February Meeting!
→ Reported: a letter was
sent out to new potential
members in early January and
again February advising them
of possible membership in our
Club and seeing if they were
interestd . Based on the
response to that letter we
are expecting to bring our
membership level back up the
allowable limit.
→ Reported: There will
be a mandatory Introductory
Meeting for all new 2019
members and their sponsors to
attend on Saturday March 30th
at 10am.
→ Reported: the
contractor we consulted in
the past about securing year
round water use for the
Clubhouse has not yet
responded with a current
update on its original
→ Reported Tractor/snow
plow: It was reported by
those who are looking into
this item that we need to
stay away from any machine
that has a "regen" system.
Reason being said federally
mandated system is in its
early state of development
and as a result prone to
headaches. The search will
continue for a machine
without this "feature"
→ Reported: anyone
interested in Taconic
T-shirts,hats and such they
can be ordered via Wicked
Smart. Listed below is their
webpage,the dates you can
order and the conditions of
the sale!
Please also be advised this
is the only time during 2019
Wicked Smart will be making
these items available!
The store will open 5/1 and
stay open for 3 weeks instead
of two so delivery will be
mid June.
Conditions for all sales:
• ALL orders will be
completed and distributed at
the same time. Choosing a
shipping option will not
expedite an please remember
that orders will be
distributed at any time
during the week stated
• Wicked Smart is not
responsible for backordered
items. All items are checked
for stock before the website
is built. If items are out of
stock at the time the store
closes, Wicked Smart will
deliver the remainder of the
store and notify customers
when the backorder items
• The storefront must
have a minimum of 6 orders to
proceed with production.
• Lastly, please inform
customers of the contact that
has volunteered to be the
coordinator of the
storefront. Please make them
aware if a coordinator will
be picking up the orders and
that they have the option to
choose "Pick Up by
• Orders the choose
"Pick Up at Wicked Smart" and
decide to change their
delivery option will be
charged for shipping.
→ Northeast Firearms
Training Classes: Discussed
and approved by majority vote
were the following dates for
North East Firearms to use
our facilities.
Saturday April 27th and
Sunday April 28th:USCCA
Instructor Work Shop Class:
Class will be held in the
Clubhouse from 9am till 5pm
on Saturday and from 9am till
1pm on Sunday. Class will
then move to Pistol range on
Sunday from 1pm till 4pm.
Sunday May 5th: Defensive
Pistol Course. NE will be
using the Pistol Range from
9am till 5pm.
Saturday May 11th: USCCA
Concealed Carry and Use Of
Force Complete Class.NE will
use Clubhouse from 9am till
3pm. Then Pistol Range from
3pm till 5pm
Saturday May 25th: Defensive
Pistol Course.NE will use
Pistol Range from 9am till
Sunday June 23rd: Defensive
Pistol Course! NE will use
Pistol Range from 9am till
Please note that the
Clubhouse and Pistol Range
only will be unavailable
during the times listed. All
other ranges will be open for
We will be listing more info
on the classes next month. If
you need to know more now
contact Dan @ 322-2045 or go
Upcoming Possibilities: A Moe
Barbera Shotgun Shoot for May
or June? Possible Pistol
From February:
→ Items on that
More discussion on projects
for 2019!
Discussion on
→ From Last meeting:
kicked around were some of
the following;
Replacing plow truck with a
tractor capable of clearing
snow and moving soil
Moving of the water pump to
an inside location so water
could be used year round.
A Gun Raffle.
→ If you have any
thoughts on these or other
projects you'd like to see
undertaken come to the next
meeting and speak out.
→ New Members: As of
this writing we haven't fully
completed our count of how
many total openings for new
members we'll have for 2019.
That can't be done until we
hear from the last of the
unpaid members on or about
2/04//19! That aside we do
know we currently have 15
withdrawals. That many
potential new members (taken
in chronological order) and
their sponsors were contacted
via letters the second week
of January. If there are more
openings the next batch will
be contacted the same way
starting on the second week
of February!
→ Gun Raffle: Paul
Adkins courageously stepped
up and offered to chair the
2019 firearms raffle. Paul
has some good ideas that will
make this years raffle a
special one. we understand,
and this is a rumor, that
among the offerings we may
see a M-1 Garand. Given that
those rifles travel in the
$1200.00 plus range that
would be one heck of an
offering! Also heard on the
rumor mill that Tom Batsios
was assisting him in
acquiring one of those very
hard to find beauties.
→ .22 cal Benchrest
shoot: It may seem a bit
premature to talk about this.
The reality is it's seven
weeks to Spring and hopefully
that time will go by quickly.
So we'd like to get the jump
on things by saying we're
going to try to make this
shoot more competitive for
everyone. What we intend on
doing is making different
classes for different type
rifles. In other words the
shooter with a Marlin 60
won't be competing against a
shooter with a Remington 40x
but instead be competing with
a person with a similar
rifle. The bugs on this still
need to be worked out but the
bottom line is a simple one;
every competitor will have a
good chance at winning. So
blow the dust off that 22
rifle and get ready to have
some fun when the weather
→ From Last Meeting:
Discussed were potential
projects for the 2019.Among
then were having well set up
so the Clubhouse could have
year round running water.
Also mentioned was the
purchase of a tractor that
would be capable of plowing
snow and moving dirt.
→ Christmas Party. was a
nice event. We have to thank
several people for making it
happen.The Barbera Family for
a beautiful 25lb turkey with
all the trimmings. Jim Davin
and George Frodenburg for
donating items that made our
raffle possible and a
success. Ken Kaskoun for
running that raffle.
Tony,Ryan and Tyler Oppelt
for a great clean-up of our
Clubhouse and last but not
least to all the members who
brought along sweets and
→ Dues: If you haven't
paid your dues by now you
have until January 31st to do
so! Unfortunately after
1/1/19 a late fee will be
added to them! So please
include an extra $25.00 on
top of your dues fee! Any
payments sent in after
1/1/189without this fee will
be returned to the sender!
Please also keep in mind that
after 1/1/19 any member who
has not paid their dues is
not allowed the use of the
facilities. Any member who
has not paid by 1/31/19 and
has not sent in a letter of
resignation will be expelled.
Expelled members are never
again allowed on the grounds
nor are they allowed to
rejoin at a future time!
Letters of resignation can
either be written and snail
mailed or emailed to this
→ Membership Cards for
2019: When your dues are paid
you'll be given a new colored
card! The 2019 card is a
lovely combination of a
Johnny Appleseed red
backfield with Sheffield
Black lettering! Please slide
this eye-catching new card
into your neck badges and
remember that the neck badge
must be worn visibly when
shooting on any of the
ranges! This is not to say
you can't wear it elsewhere
though. If you're comfortable
wearing it at work or while
shopping at Walmarts or even
the Mall please feel free to
do so! When it comes to
swimming.....maybe not!
→ Potential New Members
for 2019. As of this writing
we're still compiling
existing members. We should
have a handle on how many new
for 2019 by the first week of
Guess that's it for now. So
in closing Happy New Years to
→ Dues: All members dues
expire on 12/31/18. 2019 dues
bills have been mailed! This
bill must be paid by
12/31/18. Any payment of dues
received after 12/31/18 will
be considered late and a
$25.00 late fee will be
attached. Any payment
received after 12/31/18
without the late fee included
will be refused and sent back
to the sender.Please also be
advised that after 1/01/19
nonpaying members will not be
allowed the use of the
facilities. Those not paying
by 1/31/19 will be dropped
from the roster and expelled!
Those expelled will never be
allowed on Club Grounds again
under any circumstance nor
will they be allowed
readmission as a member!
Those who decide they no
longer wish to be a member
must submit a withdrawal
letter before 1/31/19! Sorry
if all that sounds harsh but
those are the rules!
→ Waivers: Included with
the dues letter for those who
have not yet complied is a
waiver form. That form must
be filled out if you're going
to continue being a member.
Anyone who owes a waiver and
sends their renewal fee in
without it can expect to see
their payment returned to
Best way to pay your dues: By
mail and by check or money
Paying in person: Check or
money order preferred. If by
cash(not preferred) please
have the exact amount.
There's no guarantee change
will be available!
→ $600 NRA Life
Membership is Back!
The Taconic Rod and Gun Club
is an Official NRA Recruiting
Center. Because of that we've
got a great Christmas deal
for you or maybe as a gift
for someone you know! From
now until December 31st 2018
we can hook you up with a NRA
Life Membership for just
$600.00. That's $900.00 off
the regular price! If you're
interested contact us here or
call Doc@ 518-469-8584 or
George @ 518-785-0451
→ Getting Plowed: A big
thank you goes to Mike
Weiland for plowing the Club
out when our truck was out of
commission. An equally big
one of those goes out to
George and Peggy Fradenburg
for welding and rewiring our
old plow set. Thanks to them
we're up and running
→ Holiday Toilet Bowl.
It seems if you use a
Christmas Tree, Menorah or
almost anything else to show
your appreciation for the
holiday season you'll offend
someone. So not wanting to do
that we here at the Club will
not be displaying any such
items. What we have decided
to do though is decorate our
toilet. We've put over a
hundred flashing lights on it
and its accented with some
beautiful tinsel.
Unfortunately we couldn't get
a good ground for the
electricals.So maybe if you
need to use it during the
Holiday Season you should
wear very heavy rubber boots
and sign another waiver.
Club officers to discuss
possible prorated refund of
dues to those who've not sent
in their waivers!
→ Please Read. Very
In the next few days you'll
be receiving a letter from
your Club. In this letter you
will find a form that must be
filled out and returned asap.
This form is called a waiver
and what it does is release
the Club and our insurer of
certain responsibilities from
accidents that may occur on
our property.
Unfortunately if its not
filled out and returned to us
by 9/24/18 you will be denied
any use of your Club starting
on 10/01/18 or after. Now
before you write, call or
whatever to tell us how
unhappy you are with this
waiver let us tell you the
how and why of it all.
NYS and our beloved Safe Act
making Governor have tossed
our longtime NRA approved
insurance provider ,Lockton
Affinity, out of NYS. That's
right. Seems as if you're the
head second amendment hating
politico in NY you can do
that. Given only a few weeks
notice of this it sent us
scrambling for a new provider
of insurance.
We checked with many. Some
took the now fashionable
stance and didn't want to
provide liability insurance
to a gun club and those that
did insisted on each member
of a Club signing a
As a result Now as of
10/01/18 if we're caught
without a waiver for each
member, and also any guest,
we can lose our
So here's the bottom
You must fill out the waiver
and return it to us before
9/24/18. If you come on Club
property and we have no
waiver on file for you then
you'll not be allowed usage.
Also if you bring a guest
they must sign a waiver
BEFORE using any range.
Thank you very much!
Enough with that nonsense.
Lets move on!
Next Meeting: Sunday November
11th @ 11am.
On that agenda: Christmas
Party Planning? If we're
going to have one we need
people to make it happen!
From Last Meeting: Added to
the standing rules of order
located in our bylaws: All
members must sign
Any Member who has not yet
signed a waiver will not be
allowed use of the Club until
they do!
Notes From Tom Kings address
after the October Meeting by
Roberto Martinez:
We had Tom King as a guest
speaker for our monthly
meeting on Oct 14th.
Tom King is the President of
the NYSRAP Association and
Board Member of the NRA. He
spoke for an hour and a half
bringing us up to date on
what's going on in the
politics of the gun ownership
and the second amendment
locally, at the state and at
the national level.
He entertained all questions
and answered from his
perspectives and roles in the
4. Vote Vote Vote
Safe Act ll: we've heard the
rumors . Well here's what
many think it will
Require that weapons be
stored with a safety locking
device or in a safe storage
depository when left outside
the immediate possession or
control of the owner or other
lawful possessor, Ban the
possession, sale or transfer
of 50-Caliber or larger
Require all semiautomatic
pistols manufactured or
delivered to any licensed
dealer in NYS to be capable
of producing a unique
alpha-numeric or geometric
code on at least two
locations on each cartridge
case expended from such
pistol. Class D felony if you
deface microstamping
Ban the possession, sale or
transfer of 50-Caliber or
larger weapons,
Require the imposition of
restrictive business
practices, recordkeeping and
reporting for lawful gun
dealers including requiring
that every dealer carry
insurance coverage against
liability (at least $1
million per incident) for
damage to property and for
injury or death of any person
resulting from the sale,
delivery, lease, or transfer
of a firearm, rifle or
Prohibit the sale or transfer
of a “child operated
firearm” to another
person. Defines “child
operated firearm” as a
pistol or revolver which does
not contain a childproofing
device, which would prevent
an average five-year-old from
operating it,
Prohibit a person from
purchasing more than one
firearm from a dealer within
a 30-day- period. Prohibits a
dealer from selling or
transferring a firearm to a
person who has purchased or
taken possession of a firearm
within the previous 30 days.
Requires dealers to request
approval for sale from the
Division of Criminal Justice
Class A misdemeanor
Prohibit a person from taking
possession of any firearm
from a dealer unless 10 days
have elapsed from the date
the dealer initiated the
National Instant Criminal
Background Check System
(NICS) background check of
the purchaser and has
received notice that the
purchaser has passed all
background checks required by
federal, state and local law.
Violators would be subject to
class A misdemeanor,
Require every manufacturer to
code any ammunition for
handguns and assault weapons.
ammunition” means a
bullet carrying a unique
identifier that has been
applied by etching onto the
base of the bullet
Require persons owning a
firearm (not defined in the
bill), prior to ownership or
within 30 days of enactment
for current owners, to obtain
a liability insurance policy
with a limit of at least
$250,000. Failure to do so
would result in the immediate
revocation of the firearm
owner’s registration,
license and any other
privilege to own a
Require that all pistol
permit licenses expire every
two years.
because if you don't you'll
probably be dealing with Safe
Act ll
Taconic apparel. If you want
to order Hats,Tee's etc in
time for Christmas the store
will open on the below
Open: 11/1 Close: 11/15
Approx. Delivery: 12/6
So follow the link below and
take a look! There's some
very nice items there!
Waivers for all: Needless to
say no ones happy about our
recent waiver crisis. . Seems
our brother and sister
shooters at the following
clubs are now signing them
Brunswick Sportsman's
Iroquois Rod and Gun
Sara Spa Rod and Gun Club
Watervliet Rod and Gun
Hale Mountain,Bennington VT.(
Yup it's starting there
North Troy Stag
So it ain't just us and soon
it'll be everyone!
Gate: Please keep gate closed
at all times. Also remember a
lock will be attached in
January of 2019. Your
Clubhouse key will open that
lock.If you haven't a key you
should obtain one asap.The
cost is $5.00.

Our new gate!
From Last Meeting: Elected
for another term the
Tom Batsios,President
George Fradenburg, Vice
Dan Place,Secretary
Bill McGarry ,Treasurer
Ken Kaskoun,Board Member
Appointed Sgt at Arms Jim
With a little help from our
friends: thanks go out to
Carlos Correa,Doug Doyle,Nick
Calordino and Neil Brown for
their generous donation of
goods to be used in our Club
Raffle! Also to our
friend,Joe Quintel, who
frequently rescues us when
mechanical disasters
With a little help from our
friends: Thanks go out to the
following people! Their
efforts have helped make our
Club better for all of
Robyn and Jay Wilkes for
designing and paying for the
copying of our 2016 Picnic
Neil Brown for his generous
donation of the youth model
.22 rifle!
Tracy Church for locating and
getting us an outstanding
rate on the vibratory roller
that was essential in our
road project!
Taconic Items for Sale:
Tee Shirts: Black with orange
lettering! Sizes
small,medium,no large,ex
large,2x,3x and 4x! Normally
clearance priced at 15.00
Ladies Tee Shirts pink with
black lettering! One medium!
Normally $33000.00
clearance priced at
Taconic decals: Normally two
for $99.00 now clearance
priced at $4.00 each!
Taconic 1927 Tin Badge
Replicas: Normally $5800 each
now $5.00!
NRA : Please don't forget we
are an Official NRA
Recruitment Center! We can
sign up new members
(for as little as 10 bucks)
or renew existing ones!
If interested contact George
@ 421-9635 or Doc@ 469-8584
Doing business with like
minded people: Here's some
info on fellow members and
the services they supply! If
you'd like we can add you
next month! Just email us a
short note with your
particulars and we'll send it
out in June!
Plumbing and heating: Paul
D'Angelo! Paul can be reached
at 488-4869.
Building and managing
websites: Dylan Macleod.
Stonehenge Associates Network
Administrator. Dylan can be
reached at 518-727-8356
Check out a few of his
Engineering and Solar: Cris
Schrader owns Seed
Engineering and Solar, which
provide civil and
environmental engineering
services and the installation
of solar PV systems. The
website is
and Cris can be reached
cjschrader@seedpllc.com or
Also, Cris will be donating
$500 to the club for any
member that installs a solar
PV system.
Thank you Chris for that
generous offer!
From April
Thank You to: Kevin Taylor.
Kevin donated a nice shadow
box containing a repro 1873
Winchester! it now hangs in
our Clubhouse!
Some Info sent in by Bob
Some more sent in by Mark
Like Minded People: We'd like
to put a list together of
members and what type of
business they're in! The idea
would be that if you needed a
service this list would
provide you with a source and
also insure that your money
is being given to a person or
company that supports your
interest! If you'd like to be
listed drop an email with
your particulars! Every month
we'll make that list
available in our Newsletter!
So that said here's our first
entry: Joe Quintel! Joe
repaired our plow truck on
the coldest snowiest night
possible! When it comes to
mechanical repairs,welding or
large and small engines Joe
walks on water! You can reach
him at: 817-6406
Also for March:
Discussion on possible
purchase of Video Security
System for Ranges!
Progress Report on Rifle
Range Baffle System!
Discussion on allowing new
members to bring guests!
New Location for Tactical
Enlarging the Pistol
25 yard Target is missed: at
the January meeting a member
mentioned how much more
difficult it was to sight in
his rifle at 50 as opposed to
25 yards! After the meeting
several members of the Board
came up with the idea of
obtaining a lazar bore
sighter for Club use! This
has been done and that piece
of equipment, donated by Neil
Brown the largest dealer of
fine firearms in Poestenkill,
is available on Sundays or by
appointment! Hopefully this
will make things a bit easier
for all concerned!
Pledge of Allegiance! A
member recently donated an
American Flag to be displayed
in our Clubhouse! His only
request was that we consider
starting each meeting with
The Pledge of Allegiance! If
there aren't any opposed to
this maybe we can start doing
this in February!
New Members and Guests: Very
often new members share their
new club with friends! Since
new members tend to be more
frequent users for their
first few weeks this could
mean and has meant that the
two new guys show up and
bring four friends! What that
could mean is you arrive at
your normal time and you may
have a difficult time getting
on the firing line! So the
question is do we leave
things as are! Or do we
change the guest policy a tad
for new members? Maybe say
that for the first three
months new members aren't
allowed a shooting guest? Or
perhaps they're allowed only
one bench? Well that's all in
your hands now and you'll let
us know how you feel about it
in February!
Pistol Range, circa 1983! We
really need to take a hard
look at this area! It was
originally set up in the 80's
and built to accommodate a
club that only had 75
members! Today our membership
more then triples that
amount! Now also figure in
this range is the most
heavily used of all of our
ranges! Add to that the fact
that the NRA tells us that
the comfort level for any
shooter is about 6 feet! In
other words 2 feet to his or
her right and left! That
figured it means we can only
accommodate 2.5 pistol users
at one time! That's assuming
we have a .5 person too!
Given these things it's more
then apparent this range
isn't adequate and it's time
to start planning on making
some much needed changes
soon! Maybe it doesn't have
to be from soup to nuts!
Maybe just widening it and
deepening a bit? Maybe Add a
tad more berm on the left of
impact? A few more feet of
berm on left and right? Maybe
some drainage for the person
that doesn't enjoy shooting
in ankle deep water or mud?
Maybe the old building
doesn't have to come down?
Given all these maybes maybe
if we can all compromise a
bit a more accomodating
pistol range could be ours by
Maybe I'll vote and then
again maybe I won't: Well you
might feel a bit different
about that after you read the
info on the below link! Seems
our beloved governor, who's
currently in Afghanistan
probably trying to pitch the
Taliban on how much better
off they'd be if insurgents
had only 7 round clips, has
even better plans for us!
Thanks to both Bob Mergen and
Kevin Taylor for sending us
info on this!
Safe Act Part
2 - scopevoter
After reading the above we
hope you chose to vote at
least once. We also hope that
you'll consider joining one
or both of the below if you
haven't already:
have applications on hand!
They can be picked up at the
Clubhouse or mailed to you!
Contact Doc if
you can join for as little as
10 dollars a year.If
interested contact George or
Doc and we'll get the
paperwork to you!
Unwanted Waste
Material(garbage): Please
remember we don't have any
refuse pick up.So if you
bring anything with you
please remember it also
leaves with you!
Don't forget all ranges will
be closed Saturday October
4th for our Hunter Safety
→ A Message from George
Hillje our NRA Recruiter:
As you may be aware The NRA
is the champion of the gun
owner and a guardian of the
second amendment! What that
means is a very important
part of you joining the NRA
is you actually take a hand
in the defense of your
Constitutional right to keep
and bear arms. What many of
our newer members may not be
aware of is This Club is a
fully authorized Recruitment
Center for The NRA.That means
you can join and or renew
your membership through
us.Even better news is that
if you originally joined or
even renewed through us
before we can do the same for
you again with us doing all
the work! That's right.No
forms to fill out. No dates
to remember. No dotted lines
to sign. We will notify you
appx one month in advance of
your next renewal. All's you
then have to do is send your
check made out to The NRA to
us here.If your address has
changed simply include the
info listed below and send it
to the Club at 420 Dater Hill
Road Troy NY 12180! Or drop
it off in person. If you have
any questions feel free to
contact me anytime at
Listed below are prices on
the various types of
membership. With any of them
you will receive:
Choice of one of three free
$5000.00 accidental death and
dismemberment coverage at no
$2500 firearms Loss Insurance
at no cost!
Life Members receive $10,000
worth of insurance at no
Law Enforcement Officers
joining the NRA receive
$25,000 worth of insurance at
no cost!
Associate Membership: One
year $10.00(note no magazine
with this one)
Full One Year Membership with
choice of one of three
Full Two year Membership with
choice of one of three
magazines: $60.00!
Full Three Year Membership
with choice of one of three
magazines: $70.00!
Full Five Year Membership
with choice of one of three
magazines: $100.00
Life Membership with choice
of one of three magazines:
Junior: $15.00! Subscription
to Insights Magazine!
If you'd like to sign up
here's all will need to get
things going!
NAME: First,last and
Hunter! American Rifleman!
American Freedom!
A Check made out to the NRA
for the amount that covers
the type of membership you
Place in envolope and mail
to: Taconic Valley Rod and
Gun Club 420 Dater Hill Road
Troy NY 12180
It's as easy as that.Take
advantage of The Taconic
Valley RGC Recruiting
Service! If you do you'll
help yourself,The NRA and
Your Club.You'll also become
one of six million Americans
who are saying we want our
Second Amendment Rights
♣ October 9th :
Vote to change monthly
meeting time to the second
Wednesday of each month with
a starting time of 7pm!
From Last meeting:
Election of Officers: The
following people were elected
or reelected to these
Jay Wilkes ,President!
Tom Batsios,Vice
Dan Place,Secretary
Doc McGarry ,Treasurer!
Mark Caruso, Director
Presidential Appointee: Tom
Madsen was appointed to the
position of Sargent At Arms
by President Wilkes!
Funds for the purchase of
firewood were also
Treasurers Annual Report: The
Treasurer reported the Club
to be in very good financial
condition! Financially the
cash on hand is almost equal
to what it was last year at
this time! He pointed out
that this was quite a fete
considering our expenditures,
due primarily to range work,
were the highest ever and our
income only the third
Lead Cleanup: In mid
September Andy Crowley was
assisted by Ara Shahanian and
an unknown elf in our first
50yd target cleanup! After
removal and washing of the
crushed rubber contents close
to five pounds of lead was
extracted and taken away from
our property.While it may not
seem significant it is! It
makes us one of the first
Clubs in the area to do a
hazmat clean up of its type!
It also puts us one step
ahead of those who would try
to hamper our shooting rights
using the environment as a
Hunter Safety Course: On
September 24th The Taconic
hosted it's yearly Hunter
Safety Course! Thanks to the
efforts of Instructors Kevin
Bush and Mr Wendell over 20
new hunters will be able to
enjoy the sport of
Sunday .22 cal Shoot! Thanks
to the efforts of
Shootmeister Scott
Shmiedeshoff an average of 11
people have been enjoying
some friendly weekly
competition on our rifle
range! If you're interested
the shoot starts at 11am and
the range fee is just 5
bucks! Those who participate
in all 6 shooting events will
be eligible to attend a free
dinner at Two Brothers
Restaurant! UPDATE: The dates
for the two remaining events
have been changed! They new
dates will be Sunday October
16th and Sunday October 23rd!
There will be no shoot even
on October 9th!
A fish Story: George Hillje
sent this along!
Unfortunately it means some
of us will have to be a bit
more....accurate when telling
of our past fishing
New York State
Freshwater Fishing Records -
A list of record fish for 45
freshwater fish species.
Range Rules: hunting season
is approaching quickly! That
means more and more people
will be using the ranges to
sight in their blunderbuss!
Many of these members are
just occasional shooters!
That means they may need a
little help from you ,the
more senior and experienced
shooter,with not only their
firearm but in understanding
our range rules! When you can
please offer assistance with
both! Please also correct
them if you see a range rule
being violated! Advise them
to read the posted rules and
if necessary also remind them
that any infraction could
result in their termination
as a member! If you can do
this you'll be helping to
keep your Club a safe place
to shoot!
Lost and Found Dept: Found
one soft and cuddly grey
blanket! Possibly belongs to
Linus! If this is yours give
a shout! You can have it back
when our Treasurer finishes
his nap!
With a little help from our
friends: Sorry but I forgot
to thank a few people for
their donations last month!
These donations were a huge
help in making our Raffle a
success in August! So a
sincere thanks goes out to
Bob Henry,Jack Borden and
Dave Hummel! Thank You! Your
contributions were really
From September:
Election of Club Officers for
2016/2017 !
→ In recognition of his
support for our Club a
unanimous vote to make Neil
Brown a Life Member!
Picnic: In spite of a rainy
weather forecast we had a
great turn out! Those who
count reported a total of
over 100 attended throughout
the day! Our sincere thanks
to all who brought salads and
sweets! They were truly
If you've won any of the
firearms or ammo please call
Neil Brown @283- 1307 to
schedule a pick up time!
If you've won any other prize
please call Doc @ 469-8584 to
arrange for pick up!
Hunter Safety Class:
The Taconic Gun Club will be
hosting a Hunter Safety
Training Class Saturday
September 24th from 8am to 5
pm. This course will be lead
by certified instructor Kevin
Bush .This class will
accommodate appx 15 people
and will fill up quickly! We
urge those interested to sign
up as soon as it's posted to
DEC's website! We believe
that will occur this Saturday
the 27th in the afternoon!
Please be advised that no
sign-up can occur at Club
level! All who wish to attend
Sportsman Education - NYS
Dept. of Environmental
Sportsman education teaches
future sportsmen and
sportswomen how to be safe,
responsible and ethical
hunters and trappers. After
successful completion of the
required ...
Please also be advised that
our club will also provide a
free lunch for all attendees!
This lunch will be prepared
by world renowned outdoor
Chef Mark Caruso!
Please also be advised that
in the event our class fills
up our neighbors at Hendrick
Hudson will be hosting the
same class on 9/30!
Sportsman Education - NYS
Dept. of Environmental
Sportsman education teaches
future sportsmen and
sportswomen how to be safe,
responsible and ethical
hunters and trappers. After
successful completion of the
required ...
In Closing: Thanks to all who
helped make our picnic and
raffle a success! Thanks also
to Jule Kovaks for making
some very nice rifle rests!
Also Miles Colfer for his
donation of material to make
our landscape greener!
Guess that's it
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
Club - TVRGC.com
From August →
Funds approved for potential
replacement of small
Funds approved for the
purchase of material to
repair skeet platform!
Funds approved for the
purchase of extra crushed
Thanks go out to Chris
Loiselle ,Frank Castle and
our good friend Neil Brown
for their generous donations
of items for our raffle!
From July:
50yd Berm: After several
weeks of use it appears the
50 yd berm set up is doing
what we hoped it would! We do
ask all shooters to please
take extra precautions so as
not to shoot and damage any
of the surrounding wood! If
sighting in a new setup
please borsesight first! If
you don't have a borsesighter
one can be borrowed from the
Club! If you don't know how
to use one of these we'll be
happy to show you or do it
for you!
Reseeding: The areas of the
Club that donated soil for
the different berms have been
reseeded! thanks go to Ken
Kaskoun,Mark Caruso and Mr
and Mrs George Frodenburg for
this effort! Now if only we
can get some rain we might
see some green!
Small Tractor: As mentioned
above we've had some problems
with our small tractor. With
what is now the equivalent
use in hours to approximately
20 years of service it's
starting to show it's age! In
particular it developed an
excessive vibration and then
a few oil leaks! Our mechanic
determined this was caused by
a hairline fracture in the
block! He theorized the
vibrations are caused by worn
crank bearings! Internet
investigation show the Kohler
motor that powers the machine
is prone to block cracking!
This said he did manage to
repair the fracture and that
oil leak has stopped!
Unfortunately he couldn't be
sure how long this repair
would last! For that reason
at the July meeting a vote
needs to be taken to make the
funds available should the
need suddenly arise for
Cameras: We all know we have
security cameras around the
property! What we don't know
is someone has on occasion
taken photo's of us! Seems
one of our members found this
on google earth! That of
course is no surprise! What's
interesting is the photo
according to him shows crop
circles! We theorize that
these circles were made by
extraterrestrials when they
dropped off Hillary and
You don't know where you are
unless you know where you
came from! Not sure if that
makes sense but it allows for
an introduction for a few
photo's. Pictured first is
one taken in 2006 and the
other current. Note the
absence of any side berms on
the earlier photo!
From the June meeting:
Items on that Agenda:
Discussion and planning for
our annual Members Only
Raffle and Club Picnic!
From Last Meeting: It was
discussed and approved that
as long as equipment was
going to be on premises that
we get a price on freshening
up the pistol range impact
berm and include raising of
the low shoulder on the right
side! Our excavator complied
with a very reasonable price!
Based on this the work has
been done!
Range Work: As this is being
written excavation work is
being done on our rifle and
pistol ranges! The goal is to
have almost all work
completed by end of day
Saturday June 5th! The one
area we're struggling with is
the 50yd berm! Worst case
scenario will be the 100 and
200 yd and ranges will be
open by Sunday and the 50yd
within a few days after! So
please hang in!
50 yard Berm: As mentioned
this berm is requiring a lot
of attention! Originally we
had figured on just a pile of
clay with some sand in the
center to act as a projectile
catcher! Since then though
we've conjured up another
plan! What we're doing is
taking nine 55 gallon drums
and filling them with chopped
rubber and placing them in
the core of the berm.We've
tested this idea firing both
a 30:06 and a 7mm mag into
the filled drums.What we
found is both calibers
penetrated only 16 inches out
of the 34 inch depth! In
addition to this we're going
to add a roof over the drums!
The idea behind the roof, or
as it's officially called
eyebrow, is to catch and
contain any projectile that
might otherwise ricochet off
in a direction other then
down range! One other benefit
from this set up will be lead
containment! Most of the
fired bullets will be inside
the drums as opposed to
outside in the soil! This
means we're not leaching lead
into the ground and waters
etc. This is important
because many states are now
looking at gun clubs and the
issues lead can cause! This
type of set up helps us to
stay once step ahead. I think
we can all take pride in
knowing we're probably the
first Club to take such
measures on an outdoor range
in the area! So the long and
short of it is if it takes a
bit longer to get done it's
worth the wait!
Pistol Range: Work has been
completed and it's ready for
immediate use!
thanks go out to a few of our
members for their work on
making the range changes! So
here's a few names of the
guys who deserve a pat on the
back for working for hours in
the Sun on mid 80's days !
Andy Crowley,Mark Caruso,Pat
Rinaldi,Ara Shahanian and Jim
Davin! We also should mention
the excavator guys! Ron
Showers and Scott Polaro!
Both of these Poestenkill
guys are artists who use
dozers and excavators instead
of canvas and a brush!
In closing if you get the
chance stop out and check out
the new berms. We think
you'll be pretty happy with
On another note:
Taconic Gun Club Official
Bathroom Policy:
It seems that today,
following the lead of
State,County and local
governments, it's necessary
to have an official policy on
bathroom use. So Ours is as
We only have one damn
bathroom. So whoever wants to
use it can!
Thanks for reading!
From the April Meeting:
Special meeting held on April
24th ended with unanimous
vote to allocate funds for
the immediate (weather
dependent) update and
construction of Rifle Range
Rifle Range will be closed:
As mentioned above we're
going to be doing some work
on the Rifle Range!
Unfortunately this work will
mean the closure of the
entire rifle range for almost
a week! Because the project
is weather dependent we can't
give exact times as to the
start and finish times! We
will try to keep everyone
posted when we find this
information available! If you
have any questions feel free
to call or write!
The Goal: When this work is
done the goal is that that
the range will be far better
at projectile containment and
safety! This will be achieved
in a few different ways!
1) 100yd impact berm will be
raised from its current
height of 13' to 20'!
According to the NRA this
"should" be high enough to
stop deflected rounds from
going any farther! In case
it's not we're going a bit
2) We plan on eliminating
wooden target frames. It
appears that when hit by a
misplaced round they can be
prone to deflection! In their
place will be target holders
that use a chicken wire type
fence to hold target
3) Construction of a 50 yd
berm! This berm will be both
a berm and a shooting box! We
intend to build the majority
of the berm out of clay! Once
the clay portion is down we
will cut out what will be the
impact areas and fill with a
more porous material! A
wooden stop will be added at
ground level to keep the soft
material from sliding out.
Then a roof or eyebrow will
be placed over the impact
area! This eyebrow in theory
will stop deflected bullets
from traveling out of the box
and off the range. It should
be mentioned we're going to
attempt to do the same at the
100yd mark and eventually the
200 yd area also! If all of
these steps work as planned
we'll also be taking a step
in the direction of lead
containment and retrieval!
Those are areas that many
states encons are currently
looking at and we should be
4) Enforcement of Range
Rules: Everyone of us has to
make sure that we and our
fellow shooters follow the
rules! If the rules aren't
followed all of this work
might be for nothing! Please
remember it takes just one
person shooting a can off the
deck to put us out of
So what's Next?: After this
project is complete, probably
next year, we should take a
look at raising our side
berms! Scott Bucciero offered
some info on Mafia Blocks
that if used would prove to
be a permanent solution! Also
Charlie Testo will be talking
to a fabricator on the
possible construction of a
25yd Bullet trap!
Ok enough with the
Annual Members Only Raffle:It
was decided at our last
regular meeting that the
prizes available for that
drawing would again only be
available to Club Members!
What wasn't decided was what
firearms to use for prizes !
So if you have a favorite let
us know! We're not saying
we'll definitely get the
firearm of your dreams but if
the cost is good we'll
definitely consider it!
Ford 9-N Tractor: Thanks to
Jim Wager, ten hours worth of
mechanical work and a big
bunch of cuss words our 1939
Ford tractor is running like
new! As a matter of fact it's
running better then it ever
has! So we thank Jim and his
assistant Dan Place for all
their efforts!
Thanks also to John Rubino
for installing our new motion
detector light! Under the
heading of doing business
with like minded people we
should tell you John is a
licensed electrician. So if
you're in the need of some
electrical work he along with
Greg Lammon and Josh Charland
might be your guys! If
interested contact us here
and we'll give you numbers to
reach all of them! While on
this subject if any of our
members are in any field or
trade and they'd like to get
listed send an email with
your particulars and we'll
send it out next month!
One Final Thanks: This one to
Andy Crowley. Andy has been a
real asset in determining the
source of problems and
solving them on our rifle
Guess that's it! Thanks for
If you get a chance light a
candle and pray for me as I
suffer through the loss of
windows 7 and the challenges
of windows 10:)
Items on the April
Discussion on bringing rifle
range up to NRA
Discussion on the type of
Rifles to be used in Annual
And speaking of doing
business with like minded
people I thought I'd tell you
about a business started by
fellow member Tracy Church
and his daughter Amanda.
Called Freedom First They
specialize in powder coating
firearms but can coat
anything! So if it's that
slightly rusty firearm you
picked up at a garage sale,
prior to The Safe Act of
course, and want to deugly it
or that firearm you love but
just want to give it a unique
dress up they can do it! The
truth is they can also coat
any metal, wood or plastic
item! Check out their webpage
for more info!
From last meeting:
Approved Funds for readying
both grass cutting machines
Funds for Archery Range
Safety Fence approved!
Rifle Range:
we'd like to do a few things
to make our rifle range safer
and a bit more shooter
friendly! One of these
something's would be the
construction of an impact
barrier directly behind the
50 yd targets! Under
consideration now is a plan
that would utilize the left
over poles from the 100yd
berm repair! Under this
potential plan they would be
stacked horizontally to
create a wall that was 15'
wide and 6 foot high! This
barrier if so constructed
would potentially stop
projectiles at that mark! In
addition to this would be the
elimination of all wooden
target frames at that
yardage! In their place would
be a target holder system
that was made of chicken wire
type fencing, on which target
backers would be attached! It
would then be held in place
by two 4"x4" posts located 16
foot apart! This system,if
used,would cut down on the
possibility of projectiles
being deflected off the
horizontal and upright
Rifle Range Impact Berm
Height. When completed
several years ago the
altitude of our impact berm
was 15 feet! In the years
since it's eroded to about
13'6". While it's taller then
many of our neighboring gun
club berms it is is far below
the NRA minimum of 20 foot!
Given this It's probably a
good idea to get some current
pricing to bring it up to 20
ft level! This won't be a
cheap project! It will
necessitate bringing in a
very large bulldozer,
excavator and 100yds plus of
fill and then building an
earthen ramp! As many of us
might remember from past
experience the earthen ramp
is the only way the machines
can reach places like the top
and adjoining corners! We've
also been told by those in
the excavation business that
these heavier and bigger
machines present several
problems for us! They can't
be trailered up our narrow
road so they must be driven!
Driving them up can cause
damage to our road!Also
because of their weight
ground conditions have to be
extremely dry.This means a
very narrow window of
opportunity for their use on
our grounds! It appears that
we'll just have to play this
one out little by little!
Acting Range Officers: Two of
our members have agreed to
become acting Range Officers!
Andy Crowley and Chris
Spencer will be frequent
firing line visitors whose
job will be to assist members
in following range procedures
and safety rules! Christo and
Jeanne-Claude: if you see
what appears to be the
curtain work of those two
draped over the top of our
rifle range berm it isn't the
work of those two
international artists!! It is
though the brain child of
Andy Crowley! Andy came up
with this idea to help us
check to see if projectiles
were passing over the top of
the berm! It's our hope that
we don't see any holes appear
in it. If we do well then
that's another story! Either
way thanks go out to Andy for
this idea!
Upcoming events: Saturday
April 9th Defensive Pistol
Class: Hosted by our Club
This is a custom course put
together by Dan From North
East Firearms Training! In
this class students will
learn real life defensive
scenario uses for their
handguns. Dan will teach
shooting while moving,
engaging multiple targets and
reloading under adverse
conditions! The course is 60%
live fire so you'll need to
bring three to 400 rounds of
ammo! Also discussed that day
will be the legal aspects of
using a firearm in a
defensive situation! Cost of
the course is $ 200.00. For
more info or to register
visit Northeast Fire Arms
ny/.Or contact Dan at
With a little help from our
friends: Most of us would
never realize it but it takes
an amazing amount of effort
to keep our Club open!
Thankfully there are members
that help out ! Here's just a
few names of people who
helped in the month of March:
Mike Weiland. Mike and his
front end loader were only a
phone call away when we
needed to do an emergency
repair on our rutted road!
Jim Wagar! Jim took on the
mechanical work needed to get
our Ford 9-N ready for the
cutting Season! Andy Crowley
for being there with brain
and brawn to work on our
rifle range! last but not
least Josh Charland for his
shockingly good electrical
CPR Class:
The CPR Class scheduled for
Saturday March 19th has been
A new date will be scheduled
in the future!
Thank You!
In the future:
Our Club will be hosting a
CPR Class! This approximately
4 hour long Class will be
instructed by our own Frank
Razzano! Among the many hats
Frank wears he's also a
certified CPR instructor with
the Troy Fire Dept! Thanks to
him this will be a free class
for those attending! Class
size will be limited to 20
people so preregistration is
an absolute must! To enroll
email us here or call Doc
@469-8584! Please also note
that those who will need
American Heart Association
Certification Card for
completion of this
class(lifeguards and such)
there's an $8.00 fee! This
class though will be
registered and as such you
can obtain this certification
at a future date!
And Furthermore:
One of our members reported
seeing several members
setting up and shooting
waterfilled plastic bottles
on our rifle range!
We are now going over our
surveillance images to see if
we can determine who these
people were!
If we do determine who they
are they will be immediately
suspended! They will then be
brought up on charges at our
next meeting with the
recommendation by The Board
for expulsion!
If you are one of these
people it would be in your
best interest to step forward
now! From March:
Vote for the approval of
amended funds to build a
safety divider between
Archery Range Firing point
and Clay Bird Launching
Approved funds for: the
building of an 8'x22' roof
over front door of
The rebuild of 200yd rifle
range impact area and
construction of new safety
berm for the same area!
Monies needed to get tractor
equipment ready for the
cutting season!
NY State Pistol Permit Course
Class: we're pleased to tell
you that on February 13th
this class was held at our
Club. This was significant
for a few reasons. As a Gun
Club one of our chief
priorities is to assist in
helping people grow in the
shooting sport! Secondly this
was the first time in over 35
years this Club hosted such
an event! Thanks to all who
made it happen and lets hope
it can become a regular
New Members: On February 25th
16 potential members attended
our safety and indoctrination
meeting.As per our bylaws at
that time they also appeared
before a quorum of The Board
of Directors and have been
accepted as new probationary
members! We'd like to extend
our welcome to them and ask
all of our seasoned members
to offer assistance to them
if needed!
New Members Work Detail:
Starting in March each new
member will be required to
police the Clubhouse, ranges
and grounds for a few hours
each week. Their schedule
will repeat itself four times
before March of 2017. We hope
those efforts will keep Our
Club looking good and
functioning well.
Upcoming events: CPR Class:
Saturday March 19th 9am. Our
Club will be hosting a CPR
Class! This approximately 4
hour long Class will be
instructed by our own Frank
Razzano! Among the many hats
Frank wears he's also a
certified CPR instructor with
the Troy Fire Dept! Thanks to
him this will be a free class
for those attending! Class
size will be limited to 20
people so preregistration is
an absolute must! To enroll
email us here or call Doc
@469-8584! Please also note
that those who will need
American Heart Association
Certification Card for
completion of this class
(lifeguards and such) there's
an $8.00 fee! This class
though will be registered and
as such you can obtain this
certification at a future
Saturday April 9th Defensive
Pistol Class: Hosted by our
Club This is a custom course
put together by Dan From
North East Firearms Training!
In this class students will
learn real life defensive
scenario uses for their
handguns. Dan will teach
shooting while moving,
engaging multiple targets and
reloading under adverse
conditions! The course is 90%
live fire so you'll need to
bring four to five hundred
rounds of ammo! Also
discussed that day will be
the legal aspects of using a
firearm in a defensive
situation! Cost of the course
is $ 200.00. For more info or
to register visit Northeast
Fire Arms website:
Northeast Fire
Or contact Dan at 322-
In observance of Valentines
Day the regularly scheduled
meeting in February will be
moved to Sunday February 21st
at 2pm!
Items on that agenda:
Vote for funds to pay for the
construction of an 8' x22'
roof over the front entrance
and side of building!
Vote for funds to rebuild the
200 yd impact berm. Funds
would also cover the
construction of a berm 50'
long on the right side that
would extend from the impact
berm back towards the 100yd
berm! Additionally funds
would also cover a 10' berm
on the impact berms left side
that would extend back
towards the 100yd berm! Also
included would be a topping
off of the 100yd impact berm!
From Last Meeting: Motions
were made and carried to:
Obtain Estimate for the
construction of entrance door
Obtain estimate for 200yd
berm rebuild!
Ok'd for construction of a
barrier between Shotgun area
and Archery Area!
First Aid Kits: Thanks to
efforts by George Fradenburg
and Jay Wilkes first aid kits
have been placed on The
Rifle, Pistol Range and also
in The Clubhouse! In each kit
there are two smaller kits!
One contains
materials(Band-Aids etc.) for
cuts,burns and other minor
injuries.The other more
severe trauma type! Lets hope
none of these kits are ever
needed! It should also be
mentioned the contents of
each kit is itemized on it's
backside! Hopefully this will
discourage the curious
amongst us from opening and
rummaging through!
New Members: As of this
writing we're still not 100%
sure as to how many new
members we'll be binging in
for the 2016 year! It does
appear that we've lost a
record low amount! In the
next few days we'll know for
sure but at this point it
appears we'll be bringing in
less then 16. That amount
will just cover those who've
been on the list, in some
cases, for over a year! If
you have a friend or family
member with a pending
application tell them we'll
be in touch one way or
another within the next ten
days! Those who are not
admitted this year will be
kept on the list for next
Upcoming Events:
Saturday February 13th:
Economy Basic Pistol Permit
Course! Basic Pistol Safety
Course instructed by
Northeast Firearms Training
at Our Club! This is a class
for beginners – people
looking to get their New York
pistol permit and for those
who are just getting started
with formal training. Learn
the basics of safe pistol
shooting. This course
fulfills the NYS pistol
permit requirement, and does
not include books or range
shooting. Cost of course is
$75. For more information or
to purchase the course on
line go to:
Saturday February 13th:
available as an upgrade: NRA
Full Basic Pistol Course
instructed by Northeast
Firearms Training at Our
Club. This is a class for
beginners – people
looking to get their New
York, Florida and Connecticut
pistol permit and for those
who are just getting started
with formal training. Learn
the basics of safe pistol
shooting. You will learn the
basic knowledge and
fundamentals of shooting, and
the skills and attitude
needed for owning and using a
handgun safely. Class is
approximately 7 to 10 hours
long depending on if you
already have your NY permit
or not. Those that do not
have a NY permit will do
classroom only. And upon
passing the test at the end
of the class will receive a
certificate to aid in getting
your NY permit. After
receiving your permit you are
invited back for a free 2
hour class on the range with
your gun. Those that have
their NY permit or are coming
from out of state will do the
same class as above plus 2
hrs. On the range after
classroom that day. You will
need your pistol, 50 rounds
of ammunition, a strong side
holster, eye and hearing
protection and a baseball
style hat. Dress for the
weather of the day. Cost of
the course is $100 and there
is also a $10 range fee. For
more info or to sign up go
or contact Dan 322-2045!
Thursday February 25th @ 7pm:
Range Safety Class for all
2016 new members. This class
is a mandatory class for all
of our new 2016 members.It
will be instructed by Daniel
Bartholomew of North East
Firearms Training and focus
on not just rules of firearms
handling but also our own
Clubs Range Rules!
CPR Class: Saturday March
19th 9am. Our Club will be
hosting a CPR Class! This
approximately 4 hour long
Class will be instructed by
our own Frank Razzano! Among
the many hats Frank wears
he's also a certified CPR
instructor with the Troy Fire
Dept! Thanks to him this will
be a free class for those
attending! Class size will be
limited to 20 people so
preregistration is an
absolute must! To enroll
email us here or call Doc
@469-8584! Please also note
that those who will need
American Heart Association
Certification Card for
completion of this
class(lifeguards and such)
there's an $8.00 fee! This
class though will be
registered and as such you
can obtain this certification
at a future date!
Saturday April 9th Defensive
Pistol Class: Hosted by our
Club This is a custom course
put together by Dan From
North East Firearms Training!
In this class students will
learn real life defensive
scenario uses for their
handguns. Dan will teach
shooting while moving,
engaging multiple targets and
reloading under adverse
conditions! The course is 90%
live fire so you'll need to
bring four to five hundred
rounds of ammo! Also
discussed that day will be
the legal aspects of using a
firearm in a defensive
situation! Cost of the course
is $ 200.00. For more info or
to register visit Northeast
Fire Arms website:
Or contact Dan at
Lost Revenue: As most of us
know the sale of hunting
licenses is down drastically!
This means lost revenue for
the State! Faced with this
problem it seems Encon had to
find a way to increase
interest in hunting again! As
this photo from one of our
cameras shows they may have
gone a bit far.
→ FROM: January 10th
meeting: Items on that
Application for Life
Discussion on Club Projects
for 2016!
2016 Budget!
Christmas Party: close to 70
people attended and had a
great time! Thanks go out to
all who brought goodies!
There were some wonderful
food items there to say the
least! A big Hats Off to the
entire Barbera family for
their efforts with the
ham,turkey and all the
trimmings! Another Hats off
to Ryan Oppelt for creating
another stunning Taconic Gift
basket for our drawing!
Dues: Even more thanks go out
to the majority of our
members for their timely
payment of dues!
Unfortunately there are still
a few that haven't! If you're
one of those please send your
check for $ 80.00 to: Taconic
Valley Rod and Gun Club! 420
Dater Hill Road,Troy New
York! If you don't wish to
stay a member please respond
to this email with "I
withdraw"! This will allow
you to reenter at a future
date(current backlog appx 2
years)! Please keep in mind
that you may have to go on a
waiting list to do that! Also
as of January 1st those who
have not paid their dues are
not allowed to use the Club
or any of it's facilities!
Sorry but insurance prohibits
this! Reminder: those who
haven't yet paid now have
until January 31st to do
so.If payment is not received
by then you will,as per our
bylaws,be expelled! Expelled
members are never again
allowed admittance nor are
they allowed on the property!
In closing on this subject we
want to add we don't want to
lose anyone because of a
monetary problem! So if
that's the case please
contact us. It's possible
that something (with the
approval of our members)
could be worked out and your
name would not have to be
Stinkin Badges: when you
receive your yellow 2016 card
please place it in your neck
badge!! Remember these color
coded badges must be worn
when using any Range!
CPR Class: Saturday March
29th 9am Our Club will be
hosting a CPR Class! This
approximately 4 hour long
Class will be instructed by
our own Frank Razzano! Among
the many hats Frank wears
he's also a certified CPR
instructor with the Troy Fire
Dept! Thanks to him this will
be a free class for those
attending! Class size will be
limited to 20 people so
preregistration is an
absolute must! To enroll
email us here or call Doc
@469-8584! Please also note
that those who will need
American Heart Association
Certification Card for
completion of this
class(lifeguards and such)
there's an $8.00 fee! This
class though will be
registered and as such you
can obtain this certification
at a future date!
Snow Plowing: we're going to
try and not plow our entrance
road until the ground
freezes! Plowing it before
such time will take the crown
off and cause it to erode and
then rut! So if it does snow
please hang in till we either
have no other choice or a
good freeze!
Cabin Fever Avoidance
Schedule! Here's an updated
list of the events we've set
up for the first quarter of
Saturday January 16th: Utah
Pistol Course: Graduates can
Legally carry a concealed
pistol in 30+ states with the
Utah pistol permit.The class
is approximately 5 hours,
covering firearm safety and
Utah law. Finger prints and
photos are included in class.
All you need to bring to
class is a black pen and your
Driver's license. When you
leave the class all you need
to do is enclose a check made
out to Utah BCI and put
postage on the envelope. In
about 60 days you should
receive your permit (as long
as you have no
disqualifiers). The cost of
this class is $150. Please
make all checks payable to
Northeast Firearms Training,
LLC or you can purchase the
course online. An option is
available to receive both
your Utah and Florida permit
for a discounted cost of
$210. Checks and completed
applications can be mailed
to: 111 Barnerville Rd PMB
#119, Cobleskill, New York
12043 For more info call Dan
@(518) 322-2045. Or go to
to fill out and
Saturday February 13th:
Economy Basic Pistol Permit
Course!Basic Pistol Safety
Course instructed by
Northeast Firearms Training
at Our Club! This is a class
for beginners - people
looking to get their New York
pistol permit and for those
who are just getting started
with formal training. Learn
the basics of safe pistol
shooting. This course
fulfills the NYS pistol
permit requirement, and does
not include books or range
shooting. Cost of course is
$75. Please make all checks
payable to Northeast Firearms
Training, LLC or you can
purchase the course online.
Checks and completed
applications can be mailed
to: 111 Barnerville Rd PMB
#119, Cobleskill, New York
12043 For more info please
call: Daniel Bartholomew,
dmbpps@yahoo.com, (518)
Saturday February 13th:
available as an upgrade: NRA
Full Basic Pistol Course
instructed by Northeast
Firearms Training at Our
Club. This is a class for
beginners - people looking to
get their New York, Florida
and Connecticut pistol permit
and for those who are just
getting started with formal
training. Learn the basics of
safe pistol shooting. You
will learn the basic
knowledge and fundamentals of
shooting, and the skills and
attitude needed for owning
and using a handgun safely.
Class is approximately 7 to
10 hours long depending on if
you already have your NY
permit or not. Those that do
not have a NY permit will do
classroom only. And upon
passing the test at the end
of the class will receive a
certificate to aid in getting
your NY permit. After
receiving your permit you are
invited back for a free 2
hour class on the range with
your gun. Those that have
their NY permit or are coming
from out of state will do the
same class as above plus 2
hrs. On the range after
classroom that day. You will
need your pistol, 50 rounds
of ammunition, a strong side
holster, eye and hearing
protection and a baseball
style hat. Dress for the
weather of the day. Cost of
the course is $100 and there
is also a $10 range fee.
Please make all checks
payable to Northeast Firearms
Training, LLC or you can
purchase the course online.
Checks and completed
applications can be mailed
to: 111 Barnerville Rd PMB
#119, Cobleskill, New York
Saturday March 19th CPR
Class: See above for more
Saturday April 9th Defensive
Pistol Class: Hosted by our
Club This is a custom course
put together by Dan From
North East Firearms Training!
In this class students will
learn real life defensive
scenario uses for their
handguns. Dan will teach
shooting while moving,
engaging multiple targets and
reloading under adverse
conditions! The course is 90%
live fire so you'll need to
bring four to five hundred
rounds of ammo! Also
discussed that day will be
the legal aspects of using a
firearm in a defensive
situation! Cost of the course
is $ 200.00. For more info or
to register visit Northeast
Fire Arms website.Or contact
Dan at the above phone
number. Inventors in our
I could've been clearer about
the classes for 1/16/15
,2/13/16 and 4/9/16. So let
me take another stab at it!
These Classes are being run
by Northeast Firearms
Training! If you wish to
attend any one of them you
must preregister at their
website! Additional
information such as starting
times and methods of payments
will be listed with each
class! Thank you!
Patent # 24889-B: Awarded to
Jim Sleicher for the Sleicher
Plastic Bag Dispenser:
Kidding aside a thank you to
Jim Sleicher! Jim came up
with a rather novel idea for
a plastic bag dispencer that
will be placed on all of our
ranges! This will make our
carry in carry out efforts
much easier! Thanks Jim!
Patent Denied: Docs
application for his Wizard of
Oz Tin Man Brass Bucket was
turned down! Seems Dorothy
had come up with the same
idea when she lived in
Range Behavior: We've had
numerous complaints about a
member who fools around on
the rifle range! We've been
told his antics include
juggling and even riding a
unicycle! No one seems to
know for sure who he is. One
of our security cameras did
pick him up near the rifle
range! If anyone knows who he
is please tell him to quit
clowning around!
Dues: Another reminder! All
member's dues expire on
December 31st! So if you
intend on staying a member
please mail a check for
$80.00 to the Club before
then! If you don't intend on
staying a member please
simply respond to this email
with "I withdraw".
Withdrawing will allow you to
reenter at a future time!
Failing to withdraw will
warrant an expulsion!
Expelled members are never
allowed back in again as per
our bylaws! Nor are they
allowed on Club property
again! If they attempt to
visit the grounds they will
be banished to a French Penal
Colony located on some steamy
bug and snake infested remote
island that's surrounded by
sharks or worse yet a man
eating fish that closely
resembles Hillary! Also
Please keep in mind if you do
withdraw and then decide to
reenter down the road you
start at the back of the
waiting list! If you intend
on paying by mail a check or
money order can be sent to:
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
Club.420 Dater Hill Road Troy
NY 12180. If you intend on
paying in person by cash
please try and have the exact
amount of $80.00!
Saturday April 9th Defensive
Pistol Class: Hosted by our
Club This is a custom course
put together by Dan From
North East Firearms Training!
In this class students will
learn real life defensive
scenario uses for their
handguns. Dan will teach
shooting while moving,
engaging multiple targets and
reloading under adverse
conditions! The course is 90%
live fire so you'll need to
bring four to five hundred
rounds of ammo! Also
discussed that day will be
the legal aspects of using a
firearm in a defensive
situation! Cost of the course
is $ 200.00. For more info or
to register visit Northeast
Fire Arms website.Or contact
Dan at the above phone
All in all it looks as if
2015 was a good year for our
Club! We managed to find a
home for the Tactical Shotgun
users! Enlarged and
lengthened the Pistol
Range,made our entry road a
tad better and did some much
needed repairs to our Rifle
Range Berm! So the questions
is whats on the agenda for
2016. Well here's a few of
the things we've been tossing
200 yard target holder and
impact berm! The frame has
been literally shot to pieces
and is in dire need of
replacement! The impact berm
needs some height and while
we're down there maybe it
would be a good idea to
construct a berm on the
Clubhouse side that would
adjoin the impact berm and
extend 50 foot back towards
the firing point side. This
earthen wall would also be
high enough to insure that a
projectile couldn't stray off
to the Shotgun Shooters
Range Rules Signs: as
mentioned above we're having
signs made detailing range
rules for each range! While
most of us know and practice
these a few seem to have
forgotten! These signs will
serve as a reminder to those
folk! Also they will disallow
the favorite excuse of "I
didn't know that"! A note to
those who bring guests that
before you allow them to
shoot they read these signs!
Keep in mind their infraction
is yours!
Christmas Party: Will be held
Sunday December 13th starting
at 2pm! As always this will
be a free event with food
being furnished by The Club!
This year we'll be serving,
with the trimmings, turkey
and spiraled ham! Of course
we can't leave out pizza !
Something new for this year
also! We intend on asking
Chef Moe Barbera to cook one
turkey in a deep fryer. Rest
assured on two things,the
first is it would be cooked
outside! Second we'd make
very sure the Fire Dept
received our donation before
Moe started deep frying the
turkey! All that aside if you
feel like bringing a dish
from home please do!
Christmas Raffle: We intend
on having a small raffle the
day of the Christmas Party!
Tickets will be sold that
Also for March:
Discussion on possible
purchase of Video Security
System for Ranges!
Progress Report on Rifle
Range Baffle System!
Discussion on allowing new
members to bring guests!
New Location for Tactical
Enlarging the Pistol
From Last Meeting: late fee
for dues paid after December
31st.Voted on and approved a
$20.00 late fee for any
member paying dues after
December 31st 2015!
2015 Budget: Approved with
the bulk of our disposable
income targeted for range
maintenance and
Range Plans for 2015:
Discussed were ways of making
ranges safer and less likely
to send spent projectiles off
grounds! Voted on and
approved was the purchase of
The NRA's Range Manual to
help in these efforts!
Creation of Mandatory
Indoctrination Program for
New Members: discussion
explained how future members
will be informed in more
depth about the use of each
particular range, safety
procedures and what exactly
it means to be a member of a
Shut down of Tactical Shotgun
Area! After repeated abuse of
the Pistol Range by
shotgunners the majority of
members in attendance voted
to stop the use of shotguns
on the Pistol Range!
Onward: New Members: As of
this writing we're still
tabulating how many new
members will be allowed in
for the 2015 year! Depending
on the amount they may be
brought in over a two month
period! The reason for this
being new members tend to use
the facilities very often for
the first few weeks! While
this is an admirable trait it
often means a tad more
congestion on the firing
line. Especially on weekends!
So hopefully this tactic will
work as well this year as it
has in the past and our more
senior members will get the
range time they're accustomed
Tactical Shotgun: As
mentioned above that area has
been shut down! While it
solves the problem for the
pistol range it now creates a
new one! Tactical
shotgunners,the overwhelming
majority of who've followed
the rules and paid their dues
just like the rest of us, now
have no place to pursue their
interest at our Club! As six
or so have already pointed
out they're being punished
for the sins of probably one!
Doesn't seem right does it?
So maybe we should make it
right! Some how or way before
the next meeting ends we
really need to find an area
for this activity to take
place! Tactical Shotgunners
take note: You need to attend
this meeting!
Smoking During Meeting: A few
members have requested that
we put a ban on smoking
during our monthly meeting!
Given the fact that at least
one member left our last
meeting because of the foggy
conditions perhaps it's time
we did this! Please bring
your opinion and Nicorettes
to the February 8th
One Versus Two! Several
members at the January
meeting questioned the need
to send two letters to those
who haven't paid! Aside from
the fact it's a long standing
tradition it also complies
with our bylaws! Section 60
under Disciplinary Actions
demands the second! Article 5
section 3b the first! As much
as we all would like to save
time and stamps the practice
will have to continue until
these bylaws are changed or
According to scope - the
pilot counties will be
Albany, Schenectady, and
Bob also sent us a link on
the 700 Remington Recall!
Unfortunately that link seems
to have gone sour! That said
if you own one of these
rifles it might be in your
best interest to look into
This could be us: I'm
including a couple of links
you should click on! What
they will show are the
stories of two Gun Clubs that
were accused of sending
projectiles off their
property! Keep in mind that
in both cases it hadn't yet
been proven! Given that look
at what they've had to
→ From December:
Water: As we learned last
year the recovery rate of our
well isn't the best! At
picnics and during other
events we frequently drain
out!A proposed idea would
have us installing a larger
bladder tank.One that would
hold 3 to 4 times the volume
ours currently does! As
opposed to drilling a new
well this would surely be a a
more financially reasonable
way of solving the
Parking Lots and Remainder of
Road:It probably is a bit
early to say for sure but as
of now it looks as if the
crushed stone and vibratory
rolling have helped our
entrance road immensely!
Maybe we should look into
doing the parking lots and
remainder of the road? The
real question is what do you
think should be on the 2016
agenda? Let us know what you
Cameras: as mentioned
previously we've added some
cameras for surveillance! For
the most part this has been
good and has actually helped
us to stop a problem or two!
Unfortunately a photo taken
recently has caused us a
problem! Seems we can't
identify the subject! The
Treasurer ,who fancies
himself an authority on all
wild life forms, has
positively identified it as a
Beagle! We don't know about
that! So check the attached
and let us know what you
From November:
Items on that agenda:
Approval for donation to the
Eagle Mills Volunteer Fire
Dept! Approval for Donation
to the NYSRPA! Approval for
funds to purchase Moe Barbera
a nomex fire suit! (see
Christmas Party for
From Last Meeting: Approval
of funds to have Range Rules
Signs made! The Hon. Joseph
Michasiow having met all
Bylaw requirements was made a
Life Member!
Dues! All membership dues
expire on 12/31/15! 2016 dues
fee will remain the same! For
those of you who have a
memory like mine that means
they will be $80.00! Please
send checks or money order
for that amount to :Taconic
Valley Rod and Gun Club.420
Dater Hill Road Troy New York
12180 by December 31st! Keep
in mind that members who have
not paid by that time will
not allowed the use of the
facilities as of 1/1/16! p.s.
if you intend on paying in
person with cash please try
and have the exact amount! We
don't always have change on
hand! Also the Treasurer is
really really bad at math and
probably wouldn't give you
the right amount back
Withdrawing from Club: It's
quite possible that some of
our members may chose not to
renew their membership! For
those who've decided this we
ask they respond to this
email with a simple statement
that just says "I withdraw".
In doing this it allows us to
bring in new members that are
on our waiting list! It also
means that we will not expel
the withdrawing member! As
per our bylaws expelled
members are never again
allowed admittance as a
member nor are they ever
allowed on the grounds
Initiation Fee: will remain
the same at $50.00!
Cameras: as the result of
some vandalism on our ranges
a few months ago it was
decided ,by majority vote,
that we'd in invest in some
additional camera
surveillance equipment! So we
did! Many of us feel that
such surveillance is an
intrusion on our privacy and
puts out a question about
trust! Most of The Board
agrees with this train of
thought! In spite of this
feeling though there's no
denying the cameras have
already proven to be an asset
to all of us in this
organization! Without going
into details they recently
helped us stop a situation
that was rapidly damaging our
"peaceful coexistence" with
our neighbors! So while many
of us may be initially
opposed try and keep an open
Carry in, Carry out: We don't
have a refuse removing
service! That means that any
garbage you leave behind has
to be picked up and carted
away by one of your fellow
members and that just isn't
right! So take all spent
cups,water bottles and
believe it or not used
exercise mats and very large
truck air cleaner element
with you when you leave!
Fo r Sale:Minty Belgian
Browning BAR caliber thirty
ought six! Comes with 3x9
scope! If interested call
Frank at 237-2214!
Thanks go out to: Andy
Crowley for doing a much
needed clean up in our
Shotgun areas! Carlos Correa
for his archery target
Pistol Range: Please remember
that based on a majority vote
of this Club the use of.22
rimfire rifles was allowed on
this range! According to this
rule they are THE ONLY rifle
allowed! For clarification
purposes the .22
magnum(.22wmr) and any other
rimfire are not included!
Also on the no-no list are
ANY shotgun, center
fire,muzzle loader, inline
rifle and RPG! So in
conclusion the only rifle
allowed on the Pistol Range
is a .22 rimfire rifle!
Bore Sighter: I hate to admit
this but I was 53 before I
realized a bore sighter
wasn't an optical device used
to spot wild pigs! Well
anyway as most of us know
it's not! What it is though
is a device that allows you
to sight your scoped firearm
in without firing a shot!
Slight exaggeration! I should
say it'll at least get you on
paper at 50 yds anyway!
You'll need a few shots to
tighten it up from there! Now
the reason this is mentioned
is the Club has two of
these.If you want to save
yourself time,ammo and some
frustration just ask to
borrow one!
Clay Bird Range: A reminder
that only #7 1/2 to #9 shot
is to be used! Also shells
used should be of the low
brass type!
Tactical Shotgun Range: NO
Stinkin' Badges: Please wear
them! anyone caught not
wearing one is subject to a
fine of $10,000 and three
years in jail!
Surveillance Cameras: As a
result of discussions about
the Mad Shotgunners actions
and then a majority vote of
the members in attendance at
our September meeting
surveillance cameras have
been purchased! These cameras
will be placed at different
locations and moved
periodically! Intended areas
for monitoring will be
road,rifle,pistol,shotgun and
archery ranges! They'll be
also moved to monitor
possible intruders entering
and leaving via wooded areas
surrounding the Club!
Pistol Range Enclosure: This
structure has been painted!
Thanks to a sprayer supplied
and operated by Scott
Schmiedeshoff it was
relatively easy! The
difficult part was picking
color! After all we know the
wrong shade or color simply
would not create a
comfortable ambiance! So we
looked at thousands of
samples from the top
designers in the industry to
pick just the right hue.In
the end when our eyes feasted
on a Martha Stewart color
called Adams Apple #49 we
literally wept with joy
because we knew it spoke the
right message about
peace,love,the ecology and
firearms safety! We truly
hope you enjoy it as much as
we do!
The Door: Just in time for
the colder weather our front
door has been repaired! We
thank Neil Brown and Bob Dore
for their efforts on
Hunter Safety Course: Thanks
to the efforts of Kevin Busch
and Mark Caruso the hunting
world has close to two dozen
new members! We really need
to give a hats off to these
two guys for the immense
amount of time and effort
they put into teaching this
class! We also should give an
attaboy to our own Range
Officers ,Paul Quinn and Ken
Kaskoun for their assistance
in helping to supervise these
new hunters during live fire
on our range!
Projects of the Month: A
strap is needed to secure the
gutter downspout on the back
of the Clubhouse!
Replacement 2'x2's are
located on the decrepit porch
of the Ladies Auxiliary! A
cordless screw driver and
screws are in the
Laser Engraved Taconic
Crate!! Quite a few members
have asked who did the
engraving on Ryan Oppelts
Taconic Gift Crate! Ryan has
supplied us with that info so
you can check it out!: Blue
Turtle Design Design
Update on Rifle Range
1) Paper targets only! No
other types are allowed!
These paper targets are to be
placed inside the boundaries
of the wood frames! The
reason for this is so that
your projectiles will pass
through the 2'x2' openings
and impact the berm at
100yds! If placed in any
other fashion the bullet
could strike the ground and
skip over the berm or miss
the berm entirely!
2) Benches are numbered. So
when shooting from one make
sure your firing at the same
numbered target!
3) All shooting on the Rifle
Range is to be done from a
bench! Never step outside the
shack and in front of benches
to shoot!
4) All shooting is to be done
sitting and from a bench! The
heighth of targets is
configured that way! If a
shooter stands to fire this
will cause the bullet to
strike low, before the berm
and possibly skip over the
5) Handgun use on Rifle Range
is allowed but the same rules
as above apply! Also we ask
all members to use common
sense when doing so! In other
words please use pistols
capable of hitting at least
the 50yd target! We recommend
hunting type handguns for
this! If you're wishing to
use a compact carry handgun
here it's not advisable! It's
best that you stick to the
regular pistol range!
Please follow these basic
rules! For those who won't a
reminder. Not following them
is grounds for expulsion
NY Supreme
Court Considers SAFE Act
→ NYS SAFE LAW: I can't
speak for you but I'm not
feeling any safer since this
law was "passed". I am
feeling a lot more confused
though about what may be
legal and what may not! I'm
sure I'm not alone on this
too! Fortunately for us Glen
Hammond who's a fellow member
and local attorney has
offered to help us out.On
March 10th,following our
meeting,Glen will give a
presentation on the law
followed by a question and
answer period. Thanks
~Announcement from the
front: ~NY Supreme
Court Considers SAFE Act
This just in at TTAG command
Good News. The New York
Supreme Court has stated that
they will issue an injunction
against the new SAFE Act on
April 29th-unless the state
can prove that the law is
constitutional. This puts the
burden of proof on the state
of New York to show the Act
is legal under the newly
re-affirmed provisions of the
Second Amendment, which is
impossible. From WKTV . .
The Buffalo-based attorney
who is spear-heading a
lawsuit against Governor
Andrew Cuomo's recent gun
laws said that Wednesday was
"monumental," as a State
Supreme Court Justice issued
an order requiring New York
State to show good cause that
the law is constitutional.
New York State has until
April 29 to respond or else
an injunction will be
Bear in mind that the U.S.
Supreme Court recently ruled
that firearms "in common
usage" cannot be restricted.
And since the NY SAFE Act's
entire purpose is to restrict
ownership of the single most
popular firearm in the United
States, there's no way they
can make a case that their
law complies with the Second
Amendment. If this injunction
is upheld, then it opens the
door for New Yorkers to
challenge the standing
"assault weapons" ban and
other gun laws as well.
1. Eagle Mills Fire Dept
requested a donation of $100.
Motion was made, seconded and
passed to give the
2. Rensselaer County
dispatcher was notifed of the
location of the Gun Club
There was a problem with
location on an emergency
3. Discussion was held (in
length) on new requirements
for new members. Suggestions
included higher dues, and
volunteer work hours.
4. Discussion on increasing
the number of members in the
club and increasing the dues
for all members.
5. Suggestion was made to
have all users of the ranges
sign in. This would give the
club some information on how
the ranges were used.
6. Motion was made to set up
a committee ,co-chaired by
Brian Baker and Jim Sleicher,
on adopting a volunteer work
schedule. Their task is to
set up minimal hours required
and method of
→ OOPS! I made a
mistake! Last month after the
regular meeting I was
approached by several members
who had a question about our
bylaws rules on expulsion. In
particular the one that
mentions Conservation
violations. I said the rule
stated "convicted" on said
type of charge. I was wrong.
Investigation has shown me
that even being charged would
cause a violating member to
be expelled. Farther
investigation also showed
that this type of violation
does not just include hunting
or fishing related charges.
It also includes things like
illegal dumping! Interesting
and I stand corrected!
→ Dues: Are past due. If
you intend on staying a
member you must pay. If you'd
like to withdraw and rejoin
latter you can.Simply respond
to this email saying "I
withdraw if thats your choice
you'll need to possibly go on
the waiting list! . Whatever
your choice please act
vote decided that this Club
will stay with present NRA
approved Insurance Carrier
for our shooting only
liability! This means we will
have no hunting insurance
coverage! It was decided that
if there are enough
interested parties we will
obtain that coverage at a
future date!
2'x2' cardboard pieces have
been cut and placed at the
shooting point on the Rifle
Range. All members are asked
to use these as backing
material on target frames.
It's hoped that by doing this
frames will last longer and
projectiles hit the burm as
the design was intended!
All of the machines have been
rebuilt.If any fail to
operate please do not attempt
to fix. Instead contact
President Job ,who being a
graduate of The Trius Online
Skeet Machine Repair
University, will make the
appropriate repair
Looks as if this area is
getting a lot of use. We do
ask all users though to place
their targets so pellets not
strike the guide wire. Also
there is a limited supply of
cardboard available for
target backing material in
the Clubhouse.Feel free to
use it. A reminder to all
members.Please clean up all
empties and used targets on
all ranges!
→ Shotgun: It's become
very difficult for our
members to figure where
shotguns can be used
according to Club Policy! So
here's a breakdown we hope is
→ Shotguns on Rifle
Range: Solid projectile(slug)
only! NO SHOT!!!!!
→ Clay Bird Range: Shot
only! Sizes #6 to #8 fired
out of low based type
→ So Called Combat
Shotgun Range: This is the 8
YELLOW PAINT located at the
Pistol Range! In this area
any size shot can be used but
NO SLUGS! For this area Clips
have been attached to the
guide wire where you can hang
your targets! PLEASE DO NOT
FRIENDS DEPT: We're very
fortunate to have a lot of
great members! The names I'm
mentioning now are for the
folks who have gone way above
and beyond this month in
helping to make this Club a
better one! John Livolsi!
Freeman Loyner and Bill
Weaver! I'm sure I don't
speak alone when I say thank
you for what you've done!
From December 2015
As tradition has it there'll
be no Club Meeting in
December! Instead on Sunday
December the 13th we'll set
that time aside so that we
can have a small get together
to celebrate The Holiday
Season! The festivities will
start at 2pm! Under the
guidance of Chef Moe Barbera
The Club will be serving
roast turkey! Spiraled ham
and of course all the
trimmings! There'll also be
finger foods and some of
Giuseppe's famous pizza! If
you feel like bringing along
a confection for after dinner
or even a home made item
please feel free to do so!
Remember this is a free event
for all members and their
immediate family! If you plan
on attending please let us
know! Knowing how many will
attend makes Moe happy and a
happy cook is one we don't
have to be afraid of! From
Last Meeting: Based on a
majority vote President
Wilkes will be purchasing
three emergency medical kits!
These kits will be placed on
both the Rifle and Pistol
Range with the third being
placed inside the Clubhouse!
CPR: at the same meeting it
was decided that we should
look into having a CPR class
at our Club! If this goes as
planned the class would be
open to all Range Officers
and members! Onward:
Christmas Party Raffle:We'll
be having a small raffle the
day of the party! Many items
such as .22 ammo,knives
,firearms reference books and
accessories will be included!
Tickets can be purchased that
day or in advance! They'll be
priced at $5.00 each or Three
for $10.00! Winners need not
be present to win!
Winter Blues: Ever notice how
that time between New Years
and the first day of Spring
just takes forever to arrive!
Well maybe we can help some
of our members to make that
time go a bit faster! What
we've done is set up a
schedule of events that might
be of interest!
Saturday January 19th: Utah
Pistol Course: Graduates can
Legally carry a concealed
pistol in 30+ states with the
Utah pistol permit.The class
is approximately 5 hours,
covering firearm safety and
Utah law. Finger prints and
photos are included in class.
All you need to bring to
class is a black pen and your
Driver’s license. When
you leave the class all you
need to do is enclose a check
made out to Utah BCI and put
postage on the envelope. In
about 60 days you should
receive your permit (as long
as you have no
disqualifiers). The cost of
this class is $150.
Please make all checks
payable to Northeast Firearms
Training, LLC or you can
purchase the course online.
An option is available to
receive both your Utah and
Florida permit for a
discounted cost of $210.
Checks and completed
applications can be mailed
111 Barnerville Rd PMB
Cobleskill, New York
For more info call Dan @(518)
322-2045. Or go to
to fill out and
Saturday February 13th:
Economy Basic Pistol Permit
Course!Basic Pistol Safety
Course instructed by
Northeast Firearms Training
at Our Club! This is a class
for beginners – people
looking to get their New York
pistol permit and for those
who are just getting started
with formal training. Learn
the basics of safe pistol
shooting. This course
fulfills the NYS pistol
permit requirement, and does
not include books or range
shooting. Cost of course is
Please make all checks
payable to Northeast Firearms
Training, LLC or you can
purchase the course online.
Checks and completed
applications can be mailed
111 Barnerville Rd PMB
Cobleskill, New York
For more info please
Daniel Bartholomew,
dmbpps@yahoo.com, (518)
Saturday February 13th:
available as an upgrade: NRA
Full Basic Pistol Course
instructed by Northeast
Firearms Training at Our
Club. This is a class for
beginners – people
looking to get their New
York, Florida and Connecticut
pistol permit and for those
who are just getting started
with formal training. Learn
the basics of safe pistol
shooting. You will learn the
basic knowledge and
fundamentals of shooting, and
the skills and attitude
needed for owning and using a
handgun safely. Class is
approximately 7 to 10 hours
long depending on if you
already have your NY permit
or not. Those that do not
have a NY permit will do
classroom only. And upon
passing the test at the end
of the class will receive a
certificate to aid in getting
your NY permit. After
receiving your permit you are
invited back for a free 2
hour class on the range with
your gun. Those that have
their NY permit or are coming
from out of state will do the
same class as above plus 2
hrs. On the range after
classroom that day. You will
need your pistol, 50 rounds
of ammunition, a strong side
holster, eye and hearing
protection and a baseball
style hat. Dress for the
weather of the day. Cost of
the course is $100 and there
is also a $10 range fee.
Please make all checks
payable to Northeast Firearms
Training, LLC or you can
purchase the course online.
Checks and completed
applications can be mailed
111 Barnerville Rd PMB
Cobleskill, New York
From October:
Items on that agenda: Picking
up on past discussion on
posting safety and procedure
rules on Ranges! Discussion
on Future use of of .22 rim
fire rifles on Pistol
We're happy to report both
the Pistol Range and Rifle
Range have received their
Rifle Range: During the
rebuild it was noticed a good
deal of tires on the lower
levels were getting the
majority of hits and being
torn open! this caused the
sand in the upper tire rows
to drain down and eventually
out! Because of that it meant
that all tires on the lower
levels had to be
removed,along with the upper
level ones. Then all filled
with sand!Quite a bit of
work! So in an effort to
extend the life expectancy of
the impact berm and make it
easier to maintain we've
shrunk the both the 100 and
50 yard backer boards down to
18"x24". We're hoping that
doing this will help to keep
hits on the upper rows of
tires WHICH are far easier to
replace! ...... Ouch! I just
reread this and got a
headache! Maybe it would've
been better to say we're
conducting an experiment with
smaller backer boards that
will hopefully save us time
and money and left it at
In closing we also should
thank a few others for their
recent help! Jesse Lundy,
Mohammed Zamani ,John Livolsi
and Pat Rinaldi for their
assistance in our Rifle Range
That's it for now.Thanks for
reading and don't forget to
visit Mark over at
From September:
Items on that agenda: Annual
election of Officers!
Creation of Range Procedure
Signs !
Report on Annual
Raffle/Auction! Onward:
Pistol Range: Finally the
weather cooperated and this
years work on that range is
mostly done! When you visit
you'll find that the range
was widened to comfortably
accommodate 7 shooters! This
allows for a distance of four
feet, left and right, from
one shooter to the next! Also
the shooting distance has
been lengthened to 25
yards!(you can still shoot
less though) This is a
definite plus for our members
in law enforcement who train
and qualify at this distance!
.22 rim fire rifle shooters
should also be aware that a
rifle bench has been placed
at the 25 yard mark too!
That's something that many
members have requested! For
those who complain of
seasonal wet feet the range
also has been pitched and
covered in crushed stone! For
the safety concerned the
impact berm has been raised
to 15 feet and sides from 7
to 12'! The only problem now
is all this new work has made
the old shelter look pretty
shabby! So the week after
Labor Day we're going to
solve that with a new coat of
paint! All this all said come
check it out and hopefully
P.S. Hats of to our Excavator
Ron Showers! That guy is the
Mickey Angelo of bulldozer
operators! Without him none
of it would have been
Rifle Range: Weather
permitting we hope to start
and finish this the week
after Labor Day!
Picnic: we had a great
turnout that day! an
unofficial headcount puts
attendance at about 100
people! Thanks go out to Scot
and The Fraternal Order Of
Eagles for their food
donation! To Pat,Scot,Moe and
Mrs Barbera for their cooking
efforts and to all those who
brought salads and sweets! A
huge thanks also to the guy
who marinated the chicken!
That process made that
chicken the absolute best the
world has ever seen or
tasted! At least that's what
people are saying!
Members Only Raffle: Happy to
report we did well
financially with this! In
fact better then last year!
We're happy also because the
firearms were won by one of
our longest tenured member
and one of our newest
members! Congratulations to
the following members:
Mossberg Patrol Rifle! Winner
:John M
CZ 455 .22 Rifle: Laura S
Lee Reloading Set Up! Ulysses
2016 Dues paid: Ulysses W
.22 Bulk Ammo: Mario S
Rich K
Gary M
Tony O
Joe C
Members who've won ammo must
pick it up at Neil Browns
shop! Neil can be reached at
283-1307! Please pick up by
the end of September!
Utah Pistol Course and
Florida Live Fire: On
Saturday September 19th the
Club will be hosting another
Utah Pistol Course!
Instructed by Dan Bartholomew
of North East Firearms
Training those completing
will be given certification
in quite a few States!
For more info contact Dan @
322-2045 or visit
New York State Hunter Safety
Course!Friday September 25th
at 6 to 9pm and Saturday
September 26th from 8:15 to
5:00 pm: Instructed by Kevin
Busch and Mark Caruso this
course features all of the
things needed for a new
hunter to learn . It also
includes a live fire for all
students! For that reason we
ask that a few of our Range
Officers lend a hand on
Saturday for that aspect!
The Club will provide a free
lunch for all students,
instructors and helpers!
The Return of The Mad
Shotgunner: Many of you may
recall visits from The Mad
Shotgunner this past Winter!
It was then he stopped by the
Pistol Range and kind of
destroyed the place! Several
times! As a result that area
was closed off to him and
innocent others. This June
many of us gathered to make a
place for the innocent
tactical shotgunners to enjoy
their sport! Seems TMS ,in a
show of appreciation, has
visited that place too! He
recently peppered the footage
markers there with #8's and
finished one of them off with
a slug! To make matters worse
the slug left that marker in
a direction that would have
it leaving our property!
During his next visit he shot
up the archery target and
slugged a pine tree so
severely it had to be taken
down! To make matters even
worse those slugs were found
imbedded in trees that were
directly in line with the
Pistol Range! We think it
goes without saying that this
person could easily hurt or
kill someone with such
antics! He could also get us
into a lot of trouble with
our neighbors and the town!
Trouble that could be very
expensive to get out of! So
the question is what needs to
be done?
Lets talk about this on
September 13th! If you know
who this is let us know! Such
info would be treated
For Sale or possible trade:
It's been suggested that we
add this section to our
monthly email! So if you have
item or items ,be it cars,
firearms or whatever send it
in with your contact info and
we'll include it. Please also
remember all firearms and
ammo sales must follow
current laws!
Neil Brown 283-1307 tells us:
FIREARMS! He also has one 100
round box of American made
.223 and one 100 round box of
40 cal S+W for $35.00
1999 Toyota Avalon. Clean car
with leather interior and
sunroof! Price:$2000.00.
Contact Ara at 892-6158 for
more info!
Browning 1885 cal 45/70:
Rifle appears new and
features nice sights and
great wood! Price $750.00 !
Contact Ara at 892-6158 for
more info!
Train Set: 3 boxes of Lionel
stuff with track cars engine
etc! Price $25.00! Contact
Walt @ 618-8792 for more
2003 Hyundai Sonata: V6
,109k,inspected! clean in and
out! Price $3500! If
interested call Scot @
421-5102 for more info!
Rear Bumper: From Walts full
size Chevrolet pickup! After
market but almost new! You
remove price $50.00! Contact
that's it for now: Thanks for
Work Party: Starting at 10am
Saturday August 15th. The
focus of this effort will be
to make the Club House and
picnic area ready for Sunday
the 16th's festivities!
Gutters: gutters over the
front door have been replaced
thanks to Neil Browns
Annual Picnic: don't forget
it will be held Sunday August
16th with a start time of
1pm. Food items will be hot
dogs,burgers,chicken breasts
etc! If you feel like
bringing something please do!
This is a free event open to
all members and their
immediate family!
Members Only Raffle: A
reminder the drawing for the
below prizes will take place
August 16th at our annual
picnic! Those who need more
tickets can contact us here
all call Doc @469-8584 .
Tickets can be returned the
day of the picnic or mailed
back before.Our address is:
420 Dater Hill Road Troy NY
Second Place Prize: C Z 455
Third Place Prize: Lee
Reloading Set Up!
Fourth Place Prize: $$$$$$$$
Your Dues Paid for 2016!
Runner Up Prizes #'s
5,6,7,8,9 and 10! One bulk
carton each place (our
choice) of either Remington
or Federal .22's!
Small Auction: We have some
bulk .22 ammo which we intend
to auction off the day of the
picnic! We also will
have,thanks to a donation
from Neil Brown,a youth size
.22 rifle called The Cricket!
The particular one donated
comes with a pink stock!
Update: we can also add the
following items to our
Auction: More .22 ammo! .223
ammo! .40 S+W ammo and 9mm
ammo(thanks Carlos)! Heads
for reloading 9mm(thanks
Nick)! ww2 era helmet and
liner(US) and a very nice
fishing knife(thanks
Bulletin: as this was being
written Neil Brown contacted
and informed us he's donating
a quantity of Mexican .22
ammo for our auction! When
asked where it came from his
reply was "I've got this
tunnel that starts in my shop
and that's all I can tell
you"! Hmmm! Could it be the
rumors of the Poestenkill
Cartel aren't just
Swap Meet: don't forget about
this! we've been told of some
interesting items that will
be appearing! Included are a
pump action exposed hammer
shotgun! Many knives! Hunting
and fishing gear! Lionel
train sets and equipment to
name just a few!
Money: Please consider
bringing some smaller bills
with you on the 16th! We try
to have a few hundred dollars
on hand for change making
purposes! Unfortunately a few
hundred dollar bills eat that
up quickly!
Utah Pistol Course: On
Saturday Sept 19th the Club
will host another Utah Pistol
Permit Course! Instructed by
Dan Bartholomew of NEFAT
those completing will be
given certification to carry
concealed in quite a few
other states! For more info
contact Dan @322-2045 or
Hunter Safety Class: The Club
will once again hold a Hunter
Safety Class! Hosted by
Instructors Kevin Busch and
Mark Caruso this class will
be held the last weekend in
September! As this month
progresses we'll have more
info.So look to next months
email and Encons website for
more details!
From July:
Items: Announcement of
availability for office by
Discussion and vote to allow
NEFAT to host another Utah
Class in September at our
From Last Meeting: Section 5
amended by 2/3rds majority
vote to read that new
members( starting in
2016,)during their first year
will work 10 hours at Club
related maintenance. 5 hours
their second year! Failure to
do so will result in a fine
equal to 50% of the current
years dues!
Range Officers: We're pleased
to announce that ten of our
members will be attending the
Range Officers Class at Our
Club! This class will be held
Saturday July 25th! Start
time on the 9 hour class will
be 9am.
Road Repair: As a result of a
few serious rain storms our
entrance road was becoming
seriously rutted! Left
unattended it would have
worsened to the point where
it could have become a
muffler eater! Thanks to the
efforts of quite a few of our
members and some outstanding
work by our Excavator, Ron
Showers, the road has again
been stabilized and made
Members Only Raffle: A
reminder the drawing for the
below prizes will take place
August 16th at our annual
picnic! Those who need more
tickets can contact us here
all call Doc @469-8584 .
Tickets can be returned the
day of the picnic or mailed
back before.Our address is:
420 Dater Hill Road Troy NY
First Place Prize: Mossberg
Second Place Prize: C Z 455
Third Place Prize: Lee
Reloading Set Up!
Fourth Place Prize: $$$$$$$$
Your Dues Paid for 2016!
Runner Up Prizes #'s
5,6,7,8,9 and 10!
One bulk carton each place
(our choice) of either
Remington or Federal
Small Auction: We anticipate
having some bulk .22 ammo
which we intend to auction
off the day of the picnic! We
also will have,thanks to a
donation from Neil Brown,a
youth size .22 rifle called
The Cricket! The particular
one donated comes with a pink
stock! You may find it
interesting to know that the
manufacturer makes many other
stocks for this rifle! So you
could change that young
ladies look to a boys model
for as little as 40 bucks!
It's also possible to buy an
adult backpackers stock too!
With it's 16.5" barrel this
little rifle would be the
perfect gun to carry on a
camping trip or underneath a
long coat for a hike in
Rifle and Pistol Range Work:
We're once again at the mercy
of Mother Nature! Current
weather has left the ground
wet,muddy and unable to
support the bulldozer and
bucket loader that are needed
to do the work! According to
our excavator guy we need at
least seven days in a row of
dry warm weather for him to
start! Lets all keep our
fingers crossed!
Daniel Boone Award?
Congratulations to Mark
Caruso! A few weeks ago Mark
broke a 31 year old record
when he shot a fly that had
landed on his target at a
distance of 50 yards! This
beats the previous record
,set by the late James Glynn,
who struck a bee at the same
distance! Mark claims the
shot wasn't perfect since he
was actually aiming for the
bugs head and struck its
Donation from The Fraternal
Order of Eagles: Scott
Schmiedeshoff ,who's a member
of TVRGC and The FOE,recently
contacted us and informed us
that we're going to be the
recipient of 80 1/4 burgers
with buns to match for our
picnic!! We thank Scott and
his fellow FOE members for
this gift and wish them to
know if there's ever anything
we can do to assist them we
will be happy to do so! Oh
and a few things you might
not know about the FOE! They
were the group that headed
the charge on establishing
Mothers Day in this country!
They also did the same for
creating a Social Security
System! Established in
1898,they're described as an
international non-profit
organization that unites
fraternally in the spirit of
liberty,justice and equality
to make human life more
desirable by lessoning it's
ills and by promoting
peace,prosperity,gladness and
hope! Sounds as if we should
be honored to be associated
with such a group!
From June:
Tactical Shotgun:
thanks to the efforts of many
a new target holder, framed
in fluorescent orange and
located forward and to the
right of the Skeet Field,has
been built and is now
We remind all shooters that
they must coordinate with
those on the Rifle Range
before using! We also must
point out that this area is
for the use of shotguns
firing only shot! All slug
firing is to be done on the
Rifle Range! Users must
supply their own cardboard
targets and dispose of same
when done! Target material
can be attached to the two
clips located on the
underside of the overhead
support piece! Please do no
staple to the target
Range Officer Class:
A date of Saturday July 25th
has been set!
Start time on the 9 hour
class will be at 9am.
Prospective students are
reminded that the Club must
have their $30.00 check no
latter then 6/14/15.
Those attending must also
bring a pen and notebook!
Items on that Agenda:
Discussion and Vote on
Amending Article V of our
Announcement of availability
of Candidates for Office!
From Last Meeting: Funds
approved for Pistol Range
Funds approved for
expenditures of annual
Relocation of Tactical
Shotgun area approved pending
Work Party: There will be a
work party Sunday June 7th
starting at 10am! The purpose
of this work party will be to
clean up the pistol range
area of trees and undergrowth
and make it ready for
excavation! Similar work will
also be done on the area
slated for The Tactical
Shotgun Area! Those attending
are advised to dress
accordingly and be prepared
to work in the underbrush(bug
spray)! If you have a
chainsaw and a weed whacker
please bring it! If you're
not capable of doing physical
work please come anyway and
be a Supervisor! According to
Taconic Tradition 7
Supervisors are required for
every one person working.
Potential Supervisors must be
willing to tell all laborers
that whatever they're doing
it's being done wrong and
they have a better way of
doing it!
Meeting Times: Please note
that we are now on our Summer
Meeting Schedule! Meetings
for June July and August will
start at 11am!
Range Officers: As a result
of our work with Northeast
Firearms Training we are now
in a position to offer
members the opportunity to
attend Range Officers School!
This NRA Certified course
usually costs upwards of 145
dollars plus travel and an
overnight stay to complete!
Thankfully those of our
members who wish to attend
wll complete the course in
one 9 hour sitting on a
Saturday in July at our
Clubhouse! The only costs for
member attendees will be
$30.00 for the necessary
books that must be purchased
from the NRA! Non Members are
also welcome to attend for a
fee of $145.00! In order to
attend this class prospective
member attendees must have
sent a check for $30.00 in by
6/14/15! Non Members $145.00
by the same date! Please also
be advised that those
graduating this class will be
asked to occasionally act as
Safety Officers at
Shoots,check in on ranges
during busier times of the
shooting year and help
acclimate new members to
range use all in a diplomatic
and mentoring way! We also
hope that some of these
graduates will move on to the
next level and become Chief
Range Officers! After
obtaining that credential
they are allowed to sponsor
new Range Officer recruits!
This would help us in
maintaining a level of
qualified safety people for
the future!
Rifle Range Rebuild/Pistol
Range Work: We've been in
touch with the people
responsible for working in
both areas and advised them
that ground conditions are
perfect for working! Based on
that they will be starting
work as soon as their
schedules allow! As soon as
we're advised on dates we'll
pass on that info to our
members! Our goal is not only
to complete this work
asap.It's also to do that
with minimal closure time on
both ranges! Where possible
we'll make arrangements to at
least have these areas
partially open or open in
late afternoon and weekends!
So please hang in!
Annual Members Only Raffle:
As mentioned last month we'll
be having our annual raffle!
A recap of the prizes is as
First Place Prize: Mossberg
Patrol Rifle !
Second Place Prize: CZ 455
Target Grade .22 Rifle!
Third Place Prize: Lee 50th
Anniversary Reloading Setup!
Runner Up Prizes: Last month
we mentioned having several
thousand rounds of bulk
Remington .22 ammo! This
month for the more discerning
target shooters we've added
several bulk cartons of
Federal .22 match target
Tickets will be $5.00 each
and five tickets will be
mailed to each member this
Annual Picnic: don't forget
it will be held Sunday August
16th with a start time of
1pm. Food items will be hot
dogs,burgers,chicken breasts
etc! If you feel like
bringing something please do!
This is a free event open to
all members and their
immediate family!
Flea Market: As last year
members and their immediate
family are invited to bring
any type of item for selling
or swapping !Firearms and
ammo transaction must be
handled in a legal fashion!
Neil Brown will be on hand to
help in that area! Flea
Marketers can start setting
up as early as 9am! They must
provide their own tables and
blankets.They also are
reminded they must take all
unsold items with them at the
end of the day!
Taconic Items for Sale: Tee
Shirts: Black with orange
lettering! Sizes
small,medium,no large,ex
large,2x,3x and 4x! Normally
$3349.00 clearance priced at
15.00 each! Ladies Tee Shirts
pink with black lettering!
One medium! Normally
$33000.00 clearance priced at
$15.00! Taconic decals:
Normally two for $99.00 now
clearance priced at $4.00
each! Taconic 1927 Replica
Tin Badges: Normally $5800.00
now $5.00!
NRA: Don't forget we're an
Official NRA Recruitment
Center! That means we can
sign up new members(for as
little as $10.00) ,renew and
extend old ones! Questions
contact George @421-9635 0r
Doc @469-8584!
Approval of funds for pistol
range enlargement!
Approval for relocation of
tactical shotgun area!
Rehashing of Article 5 of
Approval for funds to proceed
with Annual Raffle!
From last meeting: Bylaw
Approved starting in
Addition to Section 5 to
read: New members must donate
10 hours of work time to Club
related projects during their
first year! New members must
donate 5 hours of work time
their second year! Failure to
comply with section 5 will
result in loss of
Annual Raffle: Based on the
success of last years raffle
and the fact we like to give
firearms to our own Clubmates
this years will be the same!
All prizes will be for
members only! Drawing for
these prizes will be held at
our Annual Picnic Sunday
August 16th at 2pm! Winners
need not be in attendance !
So what's on the giveaway
agenda? Well take a look:
First place prize: will be a
Mossberg Patrol! This rifle,
per Mossberg's spec sheet, is
in caliber .556/.223.It is
equipped with an A2 flash
hider ,Picatinny Rail,16.25"
medium bull barrel and takes
readily available AR-15 type
mags(comes with a ten
rounder) Tests have shown
this rifle will shoot less
then minute of angle at 100
yds right out of the box!
Second place prize: will be a
CZ 455 Target Grade
This classic styled rifle
,reminiscent of the
Winchester 52 Sporters, will
be supplied in .22 cal rim
fire! Thanks to a special
design by CZ engineers an
optional barrel in either
17cal or 22 mag can be
purchased and easily
installed! The rifle has an
adjustable trigger and comes
with a classic European type
stock with a Schnabel forend!
Tests have shown this rifle
will surpass the rim fire
target benchmark of firing 5
rounds into 1 hole at 50
feet! It will also cut less
then .5" inch at 50 yards and
will print under an inch
using carton quality ammo at
Third place prize: Lee 50th
Anniversary Reloading set
Tired of not being able to
find your favorite calibers
of ammo! And when you do it's
not in the right weight or
design you want! Then paying
way more then you should have
to for that inaccurate stuff!
Well you can change all that
by winning the below! Just
add powder.primer and
projectile! 50th Anniversary
Challenger Kit
Runner Up Prizes:! Bulk .22
Ammo! We have over 2000
rounds now and will get
Tickets will be $5.00 each
and five tickets will be
mailed to each member some
time in June!
Annual Picnic: as mentioned
above will take place Sunday
August 16th! Cooked under the
guidance of Chef Moe Barbera,
breasts and soft drinks will
be provided free of charge to
all members and their
immediate family! As always
if you feel like bringing
something we promise to eat
it! Food will start being
available around 1pm!
Flea Market: As last year
members and immediate family
are invited to bring any type
of item for selling purposes!
Firearms and ammo sales must
comply with all laws!
Mr.Brown will be in
attendance to help in this
area! Please bring your own
tables and blankets! All
unsold items are not to be
left behind! Set ups can
start as early as 9am!
Utah Permit Class: Saturday
May 9th: Openings still
available! If you haven't
signed up yet you need to go
click on the Civilian section
and then the Utah section
then the application section!
Fill out that application and
mail it in to NEFAT with the
appropriate fee! If you have
any questions contact us here
or call Dan at 518-322-2045 !
Class will be limited to 30
students so act quickly.
Thanks to the members who've
contacted us about the porch
roof collapsing!
We are aware of it and are
taking steps to stabilize and
temporarily repair the
Admission of new members!
Catch Up with some of the
items from the cancelled
February Meeting!
Items from Last Meeting:
Stinkin' Badges: We remind
everyone that badges must be
worn when shooting on any
range! The only possible
exception to this would be
our Treasurer! Last week he
managed to get his entangled
in the side view mirror of
our plow truck and almost
hung himself! Thankfully the
Eagle Mills VFD was able to
cut him free! Unfortunately
he was deprived of a crucial
amount of oxygen during this
time! So please don't pay any
attention to him if he tries
to talk you into voting for
Nixon in November! While on
the subject of badges please
note that our newbie members
will be sporting yellow ones!
When you see someone wearing
one of those please do your
best to keep him or her on
the right path!
Snow: This last week of the
month has been a challenge !
We've had a few small powdery
snowfalls that haven't seemed
like much from an
accumulation point of view!
Unfortunately the powdery
types cause more havoc then
any other! Seems that lighter
snow then blows from west to
east and then collects on our
driveway! In just the past
four days this area and other
parts of our club have been
plowed out 8 times! Please
know we're doing our best to
keep the club open and
Thanks go out to: Neil Brown
for his donation of a bore
sighter! To Frank Spallane
for his assistance in helping
to keep the snow drifts at
Thankfully that's it for now!
Sorry to all who know and
practice the rules for the
repeats! Hopefully those who
don't read them!!
A late fee for dues paid
after December 31st.
Discussion on 2015
Range Plans for 2015!
Creation of Mandatory
Indoctrination Program for
New Members!
Possible shut down of
tactical shotgun area!
Christmas Party: It appears
that went well! Over 75
people were fed,6000 rounds
of .22 ammo dispersed and a
couple of dozen nice gifts
given out! Add to that the
Club ended up making enough
money to pay our National
Grid bill for a year makes it
sure seem to indicate a
success! All that didn't
happen without the efforts of
quite a few! Those folks
definitely deserve a mention!
So here goes: Moe Barbera and
Family for cooking that
fabulous turkey,ham and all
the trimmings! Tom Batsios
for his generous donation of
all the pizza! The Bornt,
Spillane,Patton and Rinaldi
Families for their food
donations! Doc for bringing a
partial bag of Cheetos! Mark
Yamin,Chris Huff and Ryan
Oppelt for their donation of
prizes! Mark Caruso,Wayne
Burch and Neil Brown for
their combined work on
procuring and legally
dispersing .22 ammo for our
auction! Tony Dethomasis,Paul
Quinn and Kevin Taylor for
reaching deeply into their
wallets and buying that ammo!
Robyn and Jay Wilkes for
their host/hostess ticket
sales and poster work! Last
but not least Frank Spillane
for sanding and salting our
road and parking lot! I'm
sorry to say I know more
helped and donated but with
all the commotion we didn't
get to see the who and what!
To these folk we also give a
big thanks!
Dues: Thanks go out to the
majority of our members for
their timely payment of dues!
Unfortunately there are still
a few that haven't! If you're
one of those please send your
check for $ 80.00 to: Taconic
Valley Rod and Gun Club! 420
Dater Hill Road,Troy New
York! If you don't wish to
stay a member please respond
to this email with "I
withdraw"! This will allow
you to reenter at a future
date(current backlog appx 2
years)! Please keep in mind
that you may have to go on a
waiting list to do that! Also
as of January 1st those who
have not paid their dues are
not allowed to use the Club
or any of it's facilities!
Sorry but insurance prohibits
this! Reminder: those who
haven't yet paid now have
until January 31st to do
so.If payment is not received
by then you will,as per our
bylaws,be expelled! Expelled
members are never again
allowed admittance nor are
they allowed on the property!
In closing on this subject we
want to add we don't want to
lose anyone because of a
monetary problem! So if
that's the case please
contact us. It's possible
that something (with the
approval of our members)
could be worked out and your
name would not have to be
Tactical Shotgun Use:! For
some time now combat shotgun
users have been allowed to
use the open portion of the
pistol range! For the most
part this has worked out
acceptably! In the past few
months on four occasions this
hasn't been the case! A
shotgun user or users has
decimated the 2'x2' backer
boards and the 2'x4' ers that
support them leaving behind
several hundred empty hulls
and an area that looks like
an explosion at a saw mill!
These actions are ,shall we
say,irking our pistol
shooters! We've done our best
to sign that range to
indicate its proper use but
it seems to go unread! So at
the next meeting we're going
to have to decide what to do
next quickly! Let's face
it,our handgun shooters
shouldn't have to tolerate
this type of behavior!
Ranges: In the last seven
years we've made some
significant improvements to
our ranges! In particular the
rifle range! The additions of
berms and trying to maintain
their heights and impact
areas have definitely been
steps in the right
directions! The question now
is what can be done to
improve them even more? What
can we add that will make
them safer and help to insure
that spent projectiles stay
on our property and open up
the possibility of adding
other then shooting paper
targets to our menu?! The
answer to those questions
might be baffles! We'd like
to discuss this at the next
Mandatory Indoctrination
Program For New Members: As
per our bylaws we give every
new member an introductory
tour of our club! The focus
always has been on range use
and safety! While that's
obviously good its just not
good enough! We're currently
working on a program that
would involve a class where
all new members would be
educated not only in depth
about the use of our ranges
but also the importance in
maintaining them and the rest
of the facility! This class
will be launched in March as
our new folks arrive! So if
you have any ideas as to what
else should be touched on
please bring them to our
January meeting!
Please be advised that as of
1/11/15 The Tactical Shotgun
Area located on The Pistol
Range has been shut down!
This decision is based on a
majority vote held at the
regular monthly meeting this
date! Members unhappy with
this decision are invited to
state their displeasure or
present an alternate plan
,such as relocation of that
area, at the next meeting on
Sunday February 8th at 2pm!
All members are also reminded
that The Rifle Range is
absolutely off limits to any
shotgun firing shot! Slugs
only are allowed!
Thanks to all in advance for
their cooperation!
December 14th:
As tradition has it there'll
be no Club Meeting in
December! Instead on Sunday
December the 14th we'll set
that time aside so that we
can have a small get together
to celebrate The Holiday
Season! The festivities will
start at 2pm! Under the
guidance of Chef Moe Barbera
The Club will be serving
roast turkey! Spiraled ham
and of course all the
trimmings! There'll also be
finger foods and some of
Giuseppe's famous pizza! If
you feel like bringing along
a confection for after dinner
or even a home made item
please feel free to do so!
Remember this is a free event
for all members and their
immediate family! We do
though ask if you're going to
attend please email back and
tell us how many in your
party so that we can make the
proper preparations! We don't
have to water down the jello
again like we did last
Christmas Raffle:The list of
prizes continues to grow as
we get closer to December
14th and The Christmas Party!
As it stands right now we
have close to 3000 rounds of
hard to find .22 rimfire! We
also have Gift Certificates!
One for Verdiles Restaurant
in Troy! Also fellow member
Chris Huff, who's also owner
of Advanced Orthotics and
Prosthetics, donated two
coupons each for a free pair
of custom arch supports! (I
spoke to one of Chris's
customers about these.He told
me because they're custom
fitted they're incredibly
comfortable! They're also
worth upwards of $350.00) We
also have a nice Cabalas
knife and a custom shooters
gift basket put together by
Ryan Oppelt and his wife.Oops
I almost forgot to mention
even more .22 ammo thanks to
Mark Yamin! So if you haven't
bought tickets you should!
They're priced at $5.00 each
or three for $10.00! Winners
need not be present to
Dues: Another reminder! All
member's dues expire on
December 31st! So if you
intend on staying a member
please mail a check for
$80.00 to the Club before
then! If you don't intend on
staying a member please
simply respond to this email
with "I withdraw".
Withdrawing will allow you to
reenter at a future time!
Failing to withdraw will
warrant an expulsion!
Expelled members are never
allowed back in again as per
our bylaws! Please keep in
mind if you do withdraw and
then decide to reenter down
the road you start at the
back of the waiting list!
Good News: It appears Fall
has brought back with it a
lot of shooters! Use at both
the rifle and pistol range
seems to be up sharply! The
bad news is the 2'x2' backing
boards are getting shot up
much quicker then before!
That's not the problem
though! Getting them replaced
in a timelier fashion is! So
in an effort to change this
we're going to do the
following: Precut and leave
on the porch of the Ladies
Auxiliary Building a stack of
2'x2' pieces! Then leave
inside the Clubhouse a
cordless drill! With these
items range users will be
able to repair targets
themselves! Hopefully this
effort will help keep the
ranges ready for use by all!
Ok! Before some of our older
members email me I do
remember what happened the
last time we left a cordless
drill out! I have to remind
them though that the person
or persons responsible for
screwing the picnic tables to
the plow truck are older and
more mature now! So it's very
unlikely it will happen
that's it for now!
Hope to see all at our
Christmas Party! Oh and drop
in at www.tvrgc.com and say
hello to Mark
Next Meeting: Sunday November
9th at 2pm!
Items on that agenda:
Updates on Rifle Range
Information update on Clubs
911 Status!
Possible discussion on
enhancing Pistol Range, other
areas or no areas in 2015!
Discussion On Mandatory Work
Preparation for Christmas
Now Other Stuff:From
Christmas Party: Will be held
Sunday December 14th starting
at 2pm! As always this will
be a free event with food
being furnished by The Club!
This year we'll be serving,
with the trimmings, roast
turkey and spiraled ham! Of
course we can't leave out
pizza too! Something new for
this year also! Seems that
our two Chefs at large,Moe
Barbera and Tom Batsios, will
collaborate on roasting a
lamb donated by Tom, outdoors
over a spit! Sounds both
interesting and tasty! So
please bring yourself and
immediate family! It should
be fun!
Christmas Raffle: We intend
on having 15 or more items
for this drawing! As of right
now we have: Several thousand
rounds of hard to find .22
ammo! A $50 gift certificate
to Verdiles Italian
Restaurant in Troy and a very
nice knife and combo tool
from Cabalas! We will be
adding onto this list more
items as time gets closer to
December 14th! Tickets will
be: $5.00 each or 3 for
@$10.00! This will be a
Members Only Raffle and the
winners need not be in
attendance! Want tickets?
Call Doc @469-8584 or send an
email here!
Dues! All membership dues
expire on 12/31/14! As per
our bylaws(section 9
paragraph 1 for those of you
who think I just make this
stuff up) the Board Of
Directors has elected to
bring a slight increase to
our 2015 dues. This means
they will rise by $5.00. This
makes our new yearly fee
$80.00! Please send checks or
money order for that amount
to :Taconic Valley Rod and
Gun Club.420 Dater Hill Road
Troy New York 12180 by
December 31st! Keep in mind
that members who have not
paid by that time will not
allowed the use of the
Initiation Fee: As per the
same above section of our
bylaws Initiation Fee for
2015 will be $50.00!
Hunter Safety Course: Back on
October 3rd and 4th
Instructors Kevin Bush and
Mark Caruso put on a very
successful Class! We really
need to thank those two guys
for doing a great job!
Especially after dealing with
some of the curves life
tossed at them prior to the
Class! Also to be thanked for
assistance are: Ken Kaskoun!
Charlie Testo and Dan Place!
Those guys managed to standby
ready to help for two days!
Of course we can't forget Mr
Brown! He was kind enough to
loan three shotguns for the
live fire aspect of the
Improvements for 2015: As our
Club New Year approaches
we're trying to make some
plans for improvements for
the upcoming year! One of the
ideas kicked around has been
our Pistol Range! Another The
Shotgun Range! As most of us
know both of these areas
,aside for some light
maintenance, haven't been
updated in years because we
didn't have the money needed
to do so! That's now changed!
Thanks to the hard work and
support of our membership we
will be in a financial
position this new year to do
something! Or if you
prefer...nothing! Please come
to the next meeting and let
us know what you think! Your
opinion really is needed!
Shotgun use on Pistol Range!
A reminder Shotguns firing
shot only are to be used on
the open portion of the
pistol range! this is
mentioned again because
several times in the past few
weeks some inquisitive
individual needed to know
what happens to plywood when
it's hit with #8's from 7
yards with a shotgun!
Firearms Recall list: Fellow
member Dan Place has set up a
recall list in a bound book
at our Club! Dan tells us
he'll update this when he
learns of any new or old
firearms or ammo problems! He
also encourages fellow
members to leave such
information in this book if
they hear of any problem!
With a little help from our
friends Dept. We all need to
thank Carlos Correa for his
recent cash donation! Carlos
apparently forgot to return
his August raffle tickets and
felt obligated to make up for
that! It should be said his
donation far exceeded the
ticket value too! Also Walt
Johnston! Walt, who's often
harassed by our Treasurer for
his frugality, donated a
utility trailer a few months
ago! When he found out we
couldn't use it he arranged
for it's sale then donated
the money to us! Wish we had
more like these two guys!
Rumors: We've all probably
heard there's going to be
another indoor range opening
in the future! This makes
two! Now to adding one more
to the potential pile is the
rumor that the largest
firearms dealer in
Poestenkill is now
considering a similar move!
According to the gossip
channel he's now working with
a well known distributor and
looking at locations! Hmmm!
Does this mean that outdoor
ranges like ours will soon go
the way of the
dinosaur,honest politcians
and K-mart? Guess time will
A few items that were lost
recently! If you have them or
know who does please call Doc
@ 469-8584 ! Thank You
Men's Jacket: Left in
Clubhouse Monday October
Deerskin covered
sandbag(sentimental value):
Left on rifle range appx one
month ago!
One Item Found: Ring in
Clubhouse, today!
From October
Progress report on Rifle
Range Berm Repair!
Discussion on enlarging
Pistol Range!
Possible change in criteria
for new members!
From Last Meeting: Use of
pistols on Rifle Range
suspended pending results of
investigation by several
members of the
Board of
Directors!(suspension lifted
see accompanying info)
25yd small bore target
temporarily removed from
Rifle Range and relocated to
Pistol Range for 15yd
Results of Annual Election of
President: Jay Wilkes!
Vice President: The Honorable
Tom Batsios!
Secretary: Robyn Wilkes.
Treasurer,beating out Bernie
Madoff by only one vote,Doc
Board: Pat Rinaldi!
Phase 1 Of Rifle Range Berm
work was completed! Thanks to
the following members for
their help pushing dirt and
slinging shovels:
Jay Wilkes!
Robyn Wilkes!
Jim Sleicher!
Anthony Deththomas!
Bob Bornt!
Pat Rinaldi!
Ken Kaskoun!
Neal Brown!
Walt Johnston!
Doc McGarry (who claims to
have been there but no one
saw him)
Special thanks also to
Mohamed Zamani for dirtying
up his brand new truck to
make an absolutely essential
delivery to us!
Cool Heads Prevail: Early
this past Spring we had an
incident on our Pistol Range!
It seems one of our members
suffered a severe medical
emergency! Fortunately this
happened when another shooter
was present. That member kept
his composure, lent
assistance to the stricken
shooter,dialed 911 and walked
down to Dater Hill Road to
meet Emergency Personal and
guide them back up to our
fallen member! Thanks go out
to Brian Baker for being that
cool headed person! A sidebar
on this was that the 911
people had no idea where our
Club was. We've since
contacted them to make that
info clear! We also advise
members to remember the Clubs
address.In case you don't
have it handy it's 420 Dater
Hill Road Troy NY 12180.
Oh,forgot to mention the good
news.Our stricken pistolero
was back shooting within a
few weeks.
Our Club Today

Old Glory









Library of
Updates On Berm Rebuild! Vote
for Honorary Membership!
From Last Meeting: Ken
Kaskoun was appointed by
President Wilkes to go over
the treasurers books!
Raising Of Membership: Tabled
pending more study!
Doc McGarry was also
appointed by the President as
Members Only Raffle Winner!
Tony Oppelt was the winner of
the Henry .22 rifle!
Congratulations to Tony on
that and we hope he enjoys
that gorgeous rifle! Thanks
to all who supported this
raffle too! We made enough to
pay for our well and road
problems this Spring which is
good news! That means we
won't have to remove funds
from our savings to cover the
unbudgeted expenses!
Picnic: In all we were very
lucky to have such a perfect
day for it! I didn't count
attendees but those who did
told me we had well over 80
people show up! Judging from
the amount of food we went
through it appears they were
pretty hungry too!
Swap Meet! Seemed to go well!
Like anything this being our
first time out it wasn't
perfect! Next year though,
with the help of Dan Place,
we'll make some improvements
based on this years
experience and Dans
observations and we promise
it will be even better!
Rifle Range Side Berm and
Pistol Range Berm was
completed by Ron Showers in
August! The increased heights
hopefully will insure
projectiles don't stray off
of our property!
Rifle Range Impact Berm:
We've gathered material and
are poised to start but Mom
Nature hasn't been
cooperative! As of Saturday
8/30 the ground is still far
to soft to put on any of the
equipment needed! So wait we
Entrance Road: Thanks to
Tracy Church,Frank
Spillane,Tony Oppelt,Walt
Johnston,Mark Caruso and Ken
Dippel our entrance road was
repaired! Looks like these
guys did a heck of a job too
seeing it's held up to
several heavy deluges! I'd
also like to take the time to
deny the rumor that says I
was hiding in Rays cornfield
when this work was being
done! The simple truth is I
became disoriented from the
heat ,wandered in there and
just became .......lost! Or
something like that!
Honorary Membership: As
mentioned above we'd like to
award that position to
someone who's unfortunately
very ill! This person is a
life long friend of one of
our members! it seems one of
this persons strongest
desires is to be able to
target shoot as long as
failing health allows! We'd
like to help them with
this.If you feel the same way
please attend the September
Meeting and vote
Hunter Safety Class: Will
take place Friday October 3rd
from 6 to 9 pm! Saturday from
8:15 to 5pm! Registration for
this class: WILL NOT be
handled at Club level as in
previous years! Potential
Students must sign up at
DEC's website when class is
posted late in day on
Thursday September 4th!
Potential students are
advised that this class will
occur both inside and out.So
please dress accordingly!
Lunch will be provided by our
Club on Saturday! Please also
be aware that because of
insurance regulations we must
shut our range down on
Saturday October 4th! Any
questions write here or call
469-8584 !
In closing: We'd like to say
thanks to Tracy Church!
Tracy,who's famous for loving
to wear is ID badge,
generously donated two truck
loads of crushed stone for
our road repair! He also
donated the use of a
vibrating pounder that packed
the stone down like concrete!
Even better then that he
wouldn't let any of us use
that machine.Probably because
he knew we'd all end up in
the Emergency Room! This all
said thank you Tracy!
Speaking of thanks we have to
say that to Ken Kaskoun, Pat
Rinaldi and Moe Barbera.They
did an outstanding job
preparing food at the picnic!
Also Jim Davin for bringing
himself and 40 lbs of salad!
Boy was that potato salad
outstanding! Thanks also to
our Mr Brown for.....well
truth is he's got his hands
into so much it's hard to
pick one! Lets just say Mr
Brown thank you for all you
One final Thanks! This one
for Mark Caruso! Seems Mark
knows a guy who can fix
anything in life! I'm not
kidding! If you think I am
tell Mark your problem and
he'll pull his phone out and
in no time he'll hook you up
with that guy! Such was the
case when our standby Hunter
Safety Instructor Guy said he
couldn't hold a class this
year! Well I mentioned it to
Mark and sure enough he knew
this guy and ....well that
guys....is...running our
class this year!
Now I'll say thanks for
reading and hope to see you
→ Discussion on Rifle
Berm Rebuild!
→ Wiring repair for
Ladies Auxiliary
→ Discussion on
possibility of having .22 r/f
rifle Metallic Silhouette
→ Possible creation of a
Facebook Page for our
Purchase of Olympic size
swimming pool postponed till
all Life Members agree to
become certified
→ Opening of Taconic
Valley Rod Gun Casino Resort
Aquatic Park Convenient Store
and Trailer Park postponed
pending zoning board
→ August 17th Members
Only Rifle Raffle: Tickets
are available! They're priced
at $5.00 ea or 3 for $10.00!
They can be picked up at the
Club most Thursdays and
Sundays! Or if that doesn't
work for you call 469-8584 or
write us here and we'll
arrange to get some to you!
First prize will be a Henry
Heritage .22 lever rifle!
Runner up prizes(and this
list will grow as we get
closer to the drawing date)
are as follows! 500 rounds of
Federal .22 l.r. 525 rounds
of Remington .22 l.r. hp's!
One Years Dues for Taconic
Rifle Rod and Gun Club!
→ Swap Meet/Flea Market!
Sunday August 17th! Members
and members family members
are invited to bring any type
of item that day for swap or
sale! Items can also include
firearms and ammo! An FFL
holder ,Mr. Neal Brown, will
be on hand to make sure all
Federal ,State, local and
intergalactic laws are
observed! For all who just
have one or so items they'd
like to get rid of The Club
will also have a table!
Donated items can be dropped
of there!
→ Annual Picnic: Will
also take place Sunday August
17th! As always this is a
free event to all members and
their immediate family! The
Club will be serving real
hamburgers ,chicken and soft
drinks! If anyone would like
to bring an additional food
item it's definitely
→ Carry In/Carry out!
Thanks to all members who've
made an effort to not leave
their trash behind! After the
first month of the start of
our busier season the grounds
are looking remarkably clean!
We all hope it stays that way
→ NRA: A reminder we're
an authorized membership
station for the NRA! If you
wish to join, renew or
upgrade we can handle it for
you! Questions? Just write us
→ New York State Rifle
and Pistol Association! We
have applications to join if
interested(and you should
→ With a little help
from our friends: Thanks go
out to Bob Dore for his
tractor expertise and advice!
John Rubino for his emergency
repair of our pump house
wiring! Mark Jolicoeur for
his donation of wood! And
last but not least Tom Madsen
for cleaning up our metal
→ A fond Farewell! We've
learned that Glen Hammond
will be leaving our Club in
July! Seems he and his family
are moving back to Arizona!
While we can't say we blame
him for that we will say that
we'll all miss him! Glenn was
a heck of an asset to our
Club! We all wish him and his
family the best and hope he
knows he's welcome back any
time he's in town!
→ From May
→ Discussion about
repairs and architecturally
correct historic restoration
of our pump house! (in other
words lets bang some nails
into it quick before it falls
→ Relocation or repair
of Club Sign at entrance!
→ Discussion on filling
out application to turn Club
into a casino!
→ From Last Meeting: It
was reported that an
anonymous donor had made a
number of telephone poles
available to the Club for its
berm work!
→ Meeting times: were
temporarily changed by
majority vote! Please be
advised that for May, June,
July and August start time
will be 11am! (please note
also May meeting rescheduled
to third Sunday in observance
of Mothers Day)
→ Disposition of Ford
plow truck: Approved by
majority vote!
→ Well: Just prior to
the monthly meeting it was
learned that our well was not
operating! By majority vote
it was decided to have
→ Oh well! As mentioned
above we experienced loss of
water from the well! After
attempts to solve problem by
fellow members failed we had
to bring in a professional!
The end result was
replacement of our 40 year
old pump! Hopefully this will
be the end of any water
problems for another 40
→ Reminder on Range Use!
→ Guests: Please
remember you are responsible
for your guests behavior!
That said have them read our
Range Rules before using any
of our ranges! "I didn't
know" will no longer be taken
as an excuse for
→ Garbage: We've
mentioned before we don't
have a waste removal service!
That means if you bring it
with you make sure you take
it home! This includes
cans,bottles,coffee cups old
targets and empty shells! Oh
,and umbrellas too! Someone
actually left a broken one on
the range! We don't want to
threaten anyone! The fact is
most of our fellow members
are going the extra mile on
this! The very few who aren't
and won't though may want to
consider looking for another
Club to join!
→ Stinkin' Badges:
Please remember they must be
worn when using any
→ Club Clean Up! Is
scheduled for Sunday May 18th
following the monthly
meeting! Please do your best
to help out!
→ Taconic Valley Rod Gun
and Gambling Casino! As we
mentioned earlier we intend
on applying to become a
Casino! We've filled out all
the needed paperwork but have
lost our backer on the
million dollar application
fee! Seems our money man,Neil
Brown,had the funds buried
where his wife planted her
new rose bushes .He now won't
be able to make a
"withdrawal" till Fall! So if
there's anyone else
interested please contact
→ Dues! Another reminder
that every members dues will
expire on December 31st!
That means it's time to send
in your check for $75.00. Our
mailing address is: 420 Dater
Hill Road Troy Ny 12180. If
you feel you don't want to
stay on as a member please
send a brief note saying so.
This could allow you to enter
at a future time. It will
also stop you from being
expelled in February as per
our bylaws!
→ New Members! We are
currently accepting
applications for
admittance by new members is
contingent on availability of
membership positions.
→ Sign in Sign Out!
At the November meeting a
compromise was reached on
this issue! What was voted on
and approved was the wearing
of neck badges that hold our
Club membership card! These
are to be worn when using any
of the ranges.
As members pay their dues
we're giving out these badge
and lanyards set ups free! If
you've paid yours and haven't
received one yet( they
arrived just prior to
Thanksgiving) give a shout.
We can either mail you one or
they can be picked up at the
Clubhouse most Thursdays and
→ Annual Picnic! Will be
Sunday August 17th! As always
a free event for members and
immediate family!
→ Swap Meet/Flea Market:
Will take place the day of
the picnic! Members,members
family and friends of members
are invited to bring their
goodies and set them up on
their own tables! Any type of
item may be brought along!
This includes firearms and
ammunition! These items must
be dealt with according to
all laws! Meaning the sale or
swap of these must go through
an FFL holder who will be in
attendance! Thanks go out to
Neil Brown for providing that
→ Gun Raffle and Drawing
that day! If you recall last
year we had a very successful
rifle drawing! Three nice
firearms were given away and
the Club made quite a few
dollars! That was great! What
wasn't so great was that none
of our members won them! This
year we're going to change
that! This year we'll be
raffling off a very nice
Henry Lever .22 rifle! This
raffle will only be open to
members ! This means The Club
probably won't make any
money! That's ok though! As
long as a member wins and we
break even things will be ok!
Tickets will be $5.00 each!
Or 3 for $10.00! If you're
interested contact Doc!
→ T-shirts! We have a
limited amount of Taconic
Valley T-shirts available!
Price is $12.00.If interested
call Doc @ 469-8584
→ With a little help
from our friends! Thanks go
to Bill Halse and Chris
Loiselle for searching out
our recent electrical
That's it for now!
From April:
→ Continued talks on
Rifle Range Berm rebuild and
target return system!
→ Scheduling of a Spring
clean up day for Club!
→ Approval for
disposition of Ford Plow
→ Funding approval for
Ford Tractor repairs!
→ From Last Meeting:
Based on reports that some
members were refusing to wear
badges when on ranges meeting
membership unanimously
approved a mandatory 30 day
suspension for any offender!
So please wear your stinkin
→ Raising of Membership
cap! Put on hold pending
farther range use
→ Amended By laws!
Essentially those found on
page 8 of our Clubs bylaws
were approved for change! The
details of this have been
posted in the Clubhouse!
→ Ranges! Once again we
remind all members that paper
targets are not to be posted
on the wooden parts of target
→ Shotgun/skeet range! A
reminder that only field load
(low brass) 6 to 9 shot is to
be used!
→ Muddy conditions:
Please be careful where you
→ Sunday April 27th
staring at noon! Informal
shotgun shoot! We'll be using
our automatic machine for
this! Shooters interested
must provide their own skeet
and shells! There'll be no
prizes but don't complain
because there's no entrance
fee! Hotdogs and burgers will
be available at incredibly
low prices!
→ Lost and found! If you
can tell us the manufacturer
of the following items they
must be yours! Magazine for
semi automatic pistol!
Folding pocket tool!
→ With a little help
from our friends! Thanks to
Tom Batsios for his donation
of a very nice
From March
→ More discussion on
Rifle Range Retaining
→ More discussion on
rifle range target return
→ Admission of four new
→ Discussion on possibly
raising membership cap!
→ LAST MEETING: 11 new
members admitted!
By-law changes for election
and voting approved(details
will be posted and existing
bylaw copies changed to
reflect this)!
→ Newer plow truck: the
February 13th/14th snowfall
left two feet of heavy wet
snow on our property! Drifts
that ranged from 2 to 4 feet
filled the driveway! Our old
Ford managed to clear all of
this before end of day on the
14th! Apparently it was a bit
much for Ol' Blue because it
passed away quietly on the
15th! According to our
mechanic the cause of death
was listed as a bad fuel
pump! This left us in a
lurch. Resurrect Ol'
Blue(cost several hundred
dollars) or find a
replacement fast! Fortunately
a replacement was found! A
2002 rusty Dodge 2500 with a
plow became available! We had
our mechanic go over it ! he
told us although ugly it was
a sound vehicle. So it was
purchased and now stands
ready to finish out the snow
It's understood that The Ford
Museum in Dearborn is now in
negotiation with President
Wilkes on purchasing our old
vehicle. Seems they want to
put it in their collection.
Guess it might be placed next
to Charles Kuralt's
→ In search of Mr
Whipple: Back in November of
last year the Board of
Directors instructed the
Clubs Treasurer to put
together figures that
reflected a five year average
for monies spent on the
different areas of the Club.
Apparently this was needed so
they could create our 2014
budget! The Treasurer
reported that this was
relatively easy for the most
part! Things like insurance,
taxes and utilities are
always recorded! Where he had
problems though was in
finding out how much money
was spent on a very important
item! Toilet paper! It seems
in going back 5,10 and even
20 years he couldn't find
where the Club had even
purchased a single roll of
that important paper product!
Given that how could we
estimate the cost for this
year? Could it mean that
toilet paper couldn't be
purchased? Well one morning
the answer came. The
Clubhouse door opened and in
walked Pat Rinaldi with a
case of Charmin! When asked
what the cost was Pat replied
"nothing. I've been donating
this, hand towels and soap
for the past 20 years"! So
mystery solved. The next time
you see Pat don't squeeze
him.Just say thanks.If my
guestimate is correct he's
saved this Club over a
thousand bucks since he
started his donating!
→ As I sat down to write
this I received a phone call.
The caller told me that he'd
just heard that in
Connecticut The Police had
started confiscating
unregistered "assault
weapons". I don't know how
true this is but considering
the Whistle Blowing Reward
that's now offered here it's
a distinct possibility it
could start happening in NYS!
That's why it's of the utmost
importance that if you're not
a member of one or both of
the below organizations you
become one quick! Don't
forget the old saying!
There's strength in
now have applications on
hand! They can be picked up
at the Clubhouse or mailed to
you! Contact Doc if
ASSOCIATION: you can join for
as little as 10 dollars a
year.If interested contact
George or Doc and we'll get
the paperwork to you!
→ With a Little help
from our friends! Thanks go
out to Jack Stroh for his
generous cash donation! Dan
Hartnett for helping us out
with snowdrift control! Also
to Anonymous for the $200.00
donation toward the purchase
of our new old truck! Oh! And
one final thanks! This one to
Tracy Church for always
wearing his "stinkin"
From Previous Meetings:
→ Bylaw change
discussion on voting
→ 2014 Club Budget!
→ Funding approval to
begin search for a new plow
→ Discussion on 100 yd
rifle berm rebuild!
→ Dues: Thanks go out to
the majority of our members
for their timely payment of
dues! Unfortunately there are
still a few that haven't! If
you're one of those please
send your check for $ 75.00
to: Taconic Valley Rod and
Gun Club! 420 Dater Hill
Road,Troy New York! If you
don't wish to stay a member
please respond to this email
with "I withdraw"! This will
allow you to reenter at a
future date! Please keep in
mind that you may have to go
on a waiting list to do that!
Also as of January 1st those
who have not paid their dues
are not allowed to use the
Club or any of it's
facilities! Sorry but
insurance prohibits this!
Reminder: those who haven't
yet paid now have until
January 31st to do so.If
payment is not received by
then you will,as per our
bylaws,be expelled! Expelled
members are never again
allowed admittance nor are
they allowed on the
→ Badges: As of January
1st we all must wear our
badges when using any of the
ranges! The exception to this
would be any member who has
the Club logo tattooed on
their back. It must though be
similar in size and
proportion to those worn by
the Sons Of Anarchy
Motorcycle Club! This tattoo
must also be in the proper
colors! While on the subject
of badges we are mailing them
out as dues payments are
received! Please allow about
ten days to receive yours! If
this fails to happen please
call Doc @469-8584 and it'll
be taken care of! One final
thing on this subject! If
someone asks to see your
badge please don't respond
with "I ain't got no stinkin'
badge! I've already used it
to death and have been
threatened with physical
violence if I say it
→ Christmas Party: close
to 70 people attended and had
a great time! Thanks go out
to all who brought goodies!
There were some wonderful
food items there to say the
→ Club accessibility: we
do our best to keep the Club
open and ready for use! Often
there's a lag between snow
ending and plowing though! If
you have any doubt about our
road being open call Doc @
469-8584 before heading
→ Ranges: Please
remember paper targets
→ Pistol Range: Our
excavator was able to get
most of it done before bad
weather set in. Unfortunately
there's a small gap between
the backstop berm and the
right hand berm. So for the
time being please shoot no
closer then the 21 foot
→ Applications for
membership: We're still
accepting them! While we
can't guarantee those
submitting new applications
membership it appears we'll
be allowing about 30 in. We
currently have 25 apps on
→ With a little help
from our friends! Thanks to
those members who made a
donation this month! thanks
also to Neil Brown for his
work on our plow truck!
That's it for now! Hope to
see all soon!
→ Pistol Range
Thanks to a report from Bob
St.Dennis we're now aware of
a potentially dangerous
situation! This problem
involves the right side of
the pistol range. It seems
with the foliage down it's
very apparent that a stray
projectile could easily leave
our range and land on the
neighbors property. It seems
the quickest way to solve
this situation is by
constructing and earthen berm
on this open side. We've
contacted our excavator man,
Ron Showers, and he's given
us an outstanding price of
$1000.00 to do this. We'd
like to take a few minutes of
the upcoming Christmas Party
to make a formal vote on
this! We hope no one minds
but it's felt this really
needs to be taken care of
Well that's it for now! We'd
like to take this opportunity
to thank all of our members
for their help and support
this year! We'd also like
send them wishes of a safe
and happy holiday!
→ September Election
♣ President: Jay
♣ Vice President: Tom
♣ Secretary: Robyn
♣ Treasurer: Doc
♣ Director: Mark
→ NRA Membership: George
Hillje wishes to remind all
members we're still an
official NRA Recruiting
Station! That means if you
want to join or renew and
existing membership we can do
it! Any questions write us
here or call George
@421-9635. Don't forget part
of your NRA dues come back to
our Club as a donation!
→ Hunter Safety Course:
Our thanks again go out to
Instructors Johnny Bobo and
Mohamed Zamani for conducting
another Hunter Safety Course
at our Club! Thanks to their
efforts in September there
will be 30 new hunters afield
this year!
→ Club Dues: Last year a
few members asked for an
earlier reminder that dues
will be do January First!
Well this is it! Kidding
aside please don't forget
that we must receive your
payment no latter then
January 31st! Changes in the
bylaws now tell us that after
that date a member can be
expelled! So lets try to
avoid that and get your check
for $75.00 before then!
Our mailing address is: 420
Dater Hill Road Troy NY
→ A little help from our
friends: Thanks go out to Jay
Wilkes, Pat Rinaldi, Bob
Kelleher, John Siple, Mark
Caruso and Neil Brown for
their efforts in rebuilding
our 100yd berm. It not only
is safer it looks pretty darn
→ From September:
→ Voting On Motion to
sign in and out on
August Auction and Picnic!
Thanks to all the many who
helped make this day
successful! When the dust
cleared the Clubs Treasury
was $2000.00 richer! This
may not sound like much but
that amount covered the
cost of our School Taxes
and recent road work and
rifle range excavation!
Ranges: A reminder that
when using a shotgun at the
Pistol Range you are to
shoot cardboard targets on
the first 8' as you face
that range! The 16' to the
right is reserved for
pistol use! Thank you!
Rifle Range: Please no
shooting from in front of
the enclosed firing point!
And please place your
targets within the
boundaries of the target
frames! Not on them!
Lost and Found: Lost during
our Auction! One Mec 12 ga
reloading press! Please
return it or send in a
check for $60.00!
Left Over From Auction:
One green 5'x8' wool
oriental rug! Once owned by
Mike Tyson this rug can be
yours for $30.00!
Two Vietnam era medium size
field jackets! Price $25.00
One box .45 acp 230 grqin
box of 50 rounds! Price 25
One 1957 Ferrari 275 Spyder
color black; Clearance
priced at
Conversations with our
liability provider indicate
that we may have to start a
mandatory sign in sign out
Allocation of funds to do
road repair work and re-dig
drainage ditch located
along side and behind rifle
With a little help from our
friends dept! Thanks go out
to Charlie Testo and Neil
Brown for their work in
rehabbing a few of our
picnic table! Also thanks
to Moe Barbera for his
donation of a brand new
deep celled battery for our
skeet machine!
From July
Possible Vote on raising
Announcement by prospective
candidates for Office!
Possible formation of a
week night or weekend
league to shoot Sort Of
Candidacy for Office: As
mentioned potential new
Club officers have to the
July 14th meeting to
announce their interest in
seeking office! As per the
bylaws any member in good
standing(must have been a
member for 1 year) may do
so.Also prosepective
candidates need to have
attended at least three
meetings in the prior year!
Prospective candidates
should also have a very
strong understanding of The
Clubs Bylaws and Roberts
Rules of Order! They should
also be aware of the duties
and limitations of the
Offices they are interested
in as described by both Our
Bylaws and Roberts Rules of
In other words please know
what the Hell you're doing
and getting into! You're
only going to gum up the
works if you don't!
Trap Machine: We recently
took delivery of a Do-All
automatic trap machine.This
unit is portable and can't
be left outside
permemnatly! What we'd like
to do is make its use
available to as many
members as possible.In
order to do this we'd like
to work out a schedule
where responsible members
would have access to the
machine and also make sure
it was properly returned to
storage after use.If anyone
is interested please
contact us here!
There'll be no fee for the
use of this machine but
please bring your own
Fathers Day Sort Of Skeet
Shoot: Moe B and Ken K did
a wonderful job with
this.In all 21 shooters
participated while close to
20 onlookers....looked on I
Winners were: Ladies
Division: 1st Place
Danielle J
2nd Place: Amelia B!
Mens Diviosion: 1st place:
Moe B!
2nd place: Nick C
Dead Last in both mens and
ladies divisions: Doc
Copies Of New By-laws are
available for pick up at
the Clubhouse!
T-shirts and Beer Mugs:
Still available and priced
at $12.00 and $5.00
With a little help from our
friends: Thanks to Bob
Bornt and Skip Collins for
their expertise.It helped
us save close to $700.00!
Thanks go out to Neil Brown
for his plumbing abilities
and the use of his front
end loader! Thanks also to
Chuck and Emily Aloia and
Joe Hunt for their
donations. Also Dave
Robillard and Alisha
Gimlick for the loan of
their Trap machine!
From June
From last meeting! New
bylaws have been passed! We
hope to have copies
available by mid June for
members to pick up at the
Clubhouse! Please make a
note that as result of
these new changes Hunting
on Club Property is no
longer allowed. Also the
time for dues to be past
due has been shortened to
31 days( This means January
31st). After that a non
paid member can be expelled
from the Club! This is just
a partial list of the
changes. Please make sure
you read the entire new
set! Sorry to be brief but
there's a lot going on.
June 2nd Raffle
1st place: Henry Engraved
Golden Boy Winner: George
M! Ticket sold by Bob
2nd place: Henry Blue Lever
Winner: Gerry W: Ticket
sold by Robin W!
3rd place: Henry AR-7!
Winner: Lee H! Ticket sold
by Wayne H!
4th place: $250 gift
certificate to Veterans Gun
Dept: Paul T! Ticket Sold
by Paul T!
Thanks to all who sold
tickets! This was the most
successful Raffle we've
ever had!
--> from May
Ladies Auxiliary Building!
At least that's what it was
called in 1932.Since then
it's deteriorated and
become underutilized!
That's changing
though.Thanks to an effort
spearheaded by Pat Rinaldi
the building will again
become of use.Pat is
currently leveling floors
and enclosing a wall.When
completed this building
will be used for storage
and a repair shop. This
means the very overcrowded
and congested closet in the
Clubhouse will be emptied
and then turned into a much
needed office. Thanks Pat
for your work on this. It's
really appreciated!
Rain drops keep falling!
Have you ever stood outside
the Clubs front door when
it rained? If you have
you've gotten wet. That's
not a wonder though given
the condition of the roof!
Well that won't be the case
anymore! Seems Fred
Job,Dick Beeble and Ray
Patton have taken it on
themselves to remedy that
situation.Recently they
tore off the old and
replaced it with new.The
end result is a new roof
that's guaranteed to keep
all who stand underneath
dry. Thanks to all of them
for taking the time for
that improvement!
One door closes and another
open! Least that's how the
old saying goes! This was
never the case in our
Clubhouse though! As you
may have noticed we only
had one door.This is no
longer the case though!
Thanks to the combined
efforts of: Joe Gable,Mike
Groudas,Bob Kelleher,Tony
Deththomas and Mike
Stefalono we now have a
second door.These guys were
amazing to watch. They
worked together like a team
of top surgeons as they cut
open a wall and hung the
new door.So precise was
their work they even
managed to not harm our
existing siding.That may
sound like much but not
having to replace that
siding saved the Club
several hundred dollars.
I'm sure I'm not alone when
I say thank you to these
five for your work.It
really does look great!
Freds Souveneer Shack! Fred
would like to remind all of
the following:
The Classic Black is Back:
The time honored and highly
collectable classic black
and orange Taconic T is
again here! Available in
sizes from small all the
ways up to 4x.All sizes are
priced at the incredibly
low price of $12.00
bucks.So make sure to grab
Ladies Limited Edition
Taconic T in pink.That's
right pink! Available in
sizes from small to extra
large these pastel beauties
are only $12.00. So buy one
before they're gone!
Taconic Beer Mug: Hand
crafted by a retired
firefighter from Sycaway
these mugs are sure to
become a collectable! While
supplies last,I mean we
can't do this
forever,they're only
Taconic Decals! Available
in small and large they're
priced at $3.00 and
Items on the
Ongoing bylaw changes
Expulsion Procedure
Trap/Skeet Range
Nocturnal Renting of Fred's
→ Pavilion/Garage: Has
been ordered. When weather
is better ground excavation
will be started. Fred Job
and Joe Gable are preparing
to add our new door and
reside the outside of the
pistol range side wall. If
all works out we hope to
have the structure up and
all completed for the June
2nd Picnic!
→ Fred's Souvenir
Shop! Fred Job will be
opening a Taconic Souvenir
Shop in the very near
future. Located in the
closet at the Club it will
specialize in Taconic Gun
Club merchandise. reds
already come up with a few
deals for his Grand
opening(slated for April
21st).Among these will be:
Taconic Decals: Offered in
two sizes($3.00 and $4.00
respectively) they are the
perfect way to show your
support for your Club!
Taconic Classic T-shirt:
Available in sizes from
small to 3x and priced at
$12.00 this is the perfect
item to show you're a gun
owner and Club supporter.
Fred also reminds us that
with graduation and wedding
season not the far off
they're also the perfect
gift for that graduate or
bride to be! Now if that's
not enough Fred informs us
he's working on a line of
unisex fragrances. His
first,which will be called
Fragrance de Taconic,will
be blended with Hoppe's # 9
and burnt gun powder.FJ
tells us that this
combination is not only
pleasant to the nose but
also tells those within
smelling distance to be
careful because the wearer
is probably packing! Sounds
good Fred let us know when
it's ready!
→ Membership: As of
this writing it looks as if
we've retained our highest
percentage of members ever.
While that's good news it
also means unfortunately we
won't be allowing any new
members in this year. The
earliest possible new
admission will be February
of 2014!
→ NRA Membership:
Given the political climate
there's no member who
shouldn't be a member.
George Hillje can help you
out if you'd like to join
too. For only $10.00 George
can sign you up!
Interested? Call George at
→ There are still good
people: On July 15th 2012
,one of our own,TFD Captain
Tom Witkowski arrived at
the scene of a blaze in
Troy.He then took actions
that resulted in the lives
of three people being
saved. On March 15th of
this year Tom was the
recipient of The Maltese
Cross Award.For those
unfamiliar with this award
its given to a Firefighter
that has shown beyond doubt
his willingness to
sacrifice,if needed,his own
life in order to save
others. As fellow members
and friends of Tom we here
at this Club are in awe of
Toms actions and we are
very proud to say he is one
of us! Congratulations
→ With a little help
from our friends: Thanks go
out to Pat Rinaldi,Dick
Beeble,Tom Witkowsky and
Matt Plumley for their
combined efforts on
disassembling,moving and
reassembling one of our
woodsheds. Sounds like a
simple task but it
certainly wasn't. Also
thanks to Bob Kelleher and
Fred Job for selling a
crazy amount of raffle
tickets. Without guys like
those two our drawing
wouldn't be nearly as
successful! ♣
From March:
Ongoing proposed bylaw
Updates on rifle range
Updates on Storage/picnic
Updates on Rifle Raffle
Potential Trap Range
Introduction of evidence
for expulsion of member
Creation of an emergency
bank fund
→ Rifle Raffle:
Firearms have been
purchased. Engraving has
been ordered and tickets
printed. Tickets can be
picked up at March tenth
meeting or will be mailed
to each member shortly
→ Rifle range: fill
has started to be brought
in. Railroad ties for
reinforcement have been
→ Shotgun Range:
Throwing machines will be
inspected and parts ordered
where needed and then
→ Archery Range: New
target to be purchased.
Input needed from archers
as to what is the best
→ Pistol range: Input
needed from clubs
pistoleros as to what
improvements they'd like to
see this year!
→ Dues! It's last call
time for those who haven't
paid their 2013 dues. If
dues not paid by the end of
March delinquent members
will be expelled from club
in accordance with our
bylaws. To avoid this
please pay or withdraw.
Those withdrawing will be
allowed back in at a future
date. Keep in mind that
readmission is subject to
availability. In other
words you could be placed
on a waiting list!
Currently we have 20 people
on that list!
→ Topics to be
→ Wedding At The
Taconic: One of our members
and his bride to be have
requested the use of The
Club Grounds for a Saturday
afternoon wedding in
September. With your
permission their wish will
come true!
going to have our Summer
Solstice Shotgun Shoot and
Cookout! The rules will be
the same as before. First
and Second place Trophies
will be awarded in Adult
Male, Adult Female and
Junior Division (both male
and female) Entrance fee
will be $8.00 and Food will
be $5.00 per individual or
$10.00 for the entire
family. Like last time
bring a dish if you like.
The bottom line is this!
Come out and have some
Sunday June 13th,2pm! Of
importance will be
discussing and possibly
voting on the expenditure
of funds to lengthen the
existing Rifle Range Burm
by anywhere's fom 6'x6'x
80' to 6'x6'x 160 feet !
Estimated cost between
$1200 and $2400.Please make
sure to attend,air your
opinion and perhaps vote
one way or another!
To be held Saturday
September 25th and Sunday
September 26th by our
fellow member and
Cerrtified Instructor John
Bobo! This two day Class
will be limited to 30
attendees! Members and
family of members will get
first preference!
Preregistration is a must!
Contact Doc to make
arrangements! p.s. we'll
need members to help out
with this!
Trees have been planted
along entrance road thanks
to the efforts of Frank
Castle and George
Sadly our long time
Treasurer Rocky Harris
passed away in early May!
Needless to say he will be
missed! His excellent work
as our Treasurer will be
hard to duplicate! Still we
must try! elected by a
majority vote at our May
Meeting as Rocky's
replacement was Doc
McGarry! Filling the Board
Position vacated by him was
Dan Hartnett!
Yes we still have the
orange ones! Price is still
$11.00 and sizes S to 2x
are still available!
These reactive targets have
been ordered and
received.It's expected that
Committee Members Dan
Hartnett and Moe Barbera
will be installing them
within the next two weeks!
we'd like to remind people
these targets react best to
slow moving round nosed
ammo(ie .22 rimfire) So
don't waste your time and
money popping them with
pointed bullets! The
targets will not react!
OUT...for free?
Other then your back yard
there really wasn't such a
place! Up until about a
week ago that is.That's
when John and Nick Wagar
along with Eric
Christianson decided to do
something abut it! They
spent days hacking out
campsites in the woods near
our pump house! The end
result is there's now about
five places to set up
tents! Thanks to them these
spots will be available to
all members and their
families(when accompanied
by the member of course) on
a first come first served
Will take place Sunday
August 15th! For all those
who don't know it this is a
free event for all members
and their family!
Hotdogs,burgers,salads and
soft drinks are supplied!
As always if you'd like to
bring a dish feel free to
do so!
50/50 Raffle!
Tickets have arrived! Each
member will receive 20
tickets! If you'd like more
that can be arranged too!
Drawing will be held on
August 15th at Picnic! Last
years winner took home
about a $1000.00! Who knows
maybe this year it will be
we're hoping we'll be
having one at our Picnic!
Right now we're searching
for items! If you have
something or a lot of
somethings this could be
the perfect time to get rid
of them and put some money
in your pocket too! If
that's the case let us
know! We can arrange for
your items to be picked up
and stored to the Auction
Right now they look a bit
shaggier then we'd like to
see them! The reason is
equipment problems!
Currently that's being
worked out! We hope very
soon to correct things and
return to our former
manicured country club like
( www.tvrgc.com )Many of
you have contacted us and
told of problems logging
on! Our webmaster ,Mark
Maloney, is aware of this
and currently working out a
solution to that problem!
as soon as he does it will
be emailed to you.So please
hang in there!
Special thanks to the
following for helping us in
the Month of May! Without
members like this I'm not
sure where we'd be!
John Wagar!
Nick Wagar!
Eric Christianson!
Dan Hartnett!
John Bobo!
Paul Frangie!
John Livolsi!
Doug Duell!
Doug Doyle!
That's all for this month!
Hope to see you soon!
April 11th Shotgun Shoot
and Spring Fling party! It
appeared to be a good day
for many. Including
participants and bystanders
about 50 people showed up
The winners were:
Adult Division: 1st: Hady
H. 2nd: Fred T.
Junior Division 1st:
Vincent W. 2nd: Cole M.
Ladies Division 1st: Vickie
B. 2nd: Juliette B.
The shoot and party went
very well thanks to the
efforts of a lot of members
who stepped up to help out.
In all about $500.00 hit
the Clubs treasury as a
result. So we're going to
do it again!
Archery Range! Thanks to
efforts on the part of
Chuck A. and Bob S. that
range has taken on a new
orderly look. Stop by and
check it out. I think
you'll like it!
Shotgun Range! A 5th clay
thrower has been added.
This ones a high powered
model that will prove to be
more challenging then he
others. This also means one
more type of shot you can
practice for bird season.
It also means our
competitions will move 20
percent quicker. Check it
out and let us know what
you think!
Amnesty Program! Over the
years we've had a few
members drop out because
they couldn't come current
with their dues fee. It's
been suggested we offer
these past members the
opportunity to get back in
by just paying current
dues. This will be
discussed at our May
meeting. If you have
feelings one way or the
other that meeting will be
the place to air them!
Uninvited Shooters!
Recently three shooters
were found on our range.
When asked if they were
members they replied no.
They were told they could
use the facility by a quote
long time member. As it
turned out the long time
member they mentioned was
dropped from our lineup
several years ago for for
non payment of dues. This
is being mentioned to
remind all members that
they need not be shy when
it comes to approaching
another shooter at the club
and questioning him or her
on their membership. We
need to do this to cover
our butts. Non guests are
not insured. If an accident
were to take place
liability could fall not
only on the Club but also
its individual members. So
don't be afraid to ask and
don't be afraid to tell a
trespasser to leave!
with a little help from our
friends dept! Thanks to the
following for making an
effort to help improve our
Club this past month via a
donation of time, money or
materials; Chuck A., Matt
B., John L,. Al C. Sr.,
& Scot B,. Speaking for
all members we appreciate
what you've done!
Wood! Lots of wood! Next
door neighbor Ray P. as
donated a HUGE oak. It's
been downed and cut up into
18" pieces. Most of them
now are near our woodpile.
Approximately two cords are
still on Rays property.
Help is needed getting them
from Rays to the Club. Then
of course splitting them
up! We realize that
everyone is going to want
to help with this.
Unfortunately space
constraints will limit us
to only ten splitters. So
avoid being left out and
sign up quickly.
Dues! As of this writing
only 64% of our members
have sent in their 2010
dues. This means we still
can't figure out our 2010
budget. So please send in
your dues ASAP! Also keep
in mind our Insurance
Liability Update must be
sent in by 3/31/10. This
list will contain the names
of all members currently on
the paid list and cover
them insurance wise. If
your name isn't on that
list our insurance carrier
will prohibit you from
using the ranges!
So please send your check
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
PO Box 18
Poestenkill New York
In the very near future
we'll be sending out a
questionere. In it you'll
be asked what areas of
shooting interest you'd
like to see addressed
better. Please do your best
to fill it out and send it
back. we'd really like to
make improvements that fill
your needs!
Next meeting Sunday March
14th 2pm - Hope to see you
Topics to be discussed and
possibly voted on:
→ Proposed 12'x30'
addition to be used for
storage of equipment!
→ Proposed
improvements to archery
→ Proposed rebuilding
of 200 yd burm!
→ Not proposed yet:
Improvements you'd like to
→ Rifle range
So make sure you show up to
air your opinion or let
your proposal be known!
Summer Camp Program! Much
to our surprise only one
member showed an interest.
As a result Cole Madsen,
son of Tom, will be
attending camp this year!
Congratulations Cole!
Lost and Found Department!
Found! Small video
recorder! If you can
identify it must yours!
Contact us here!
Once again we'd like to
remind you about NRA
Membership! The Taconic Rod
and Gun Club is an Official
Recruitment Station for the
NRA and for the next few
months we can sign you,any
member of your family,
neighbor or anyone else you
know up for a one year
membership for as little as
$10.00! Keep in mind Our
Club receives a donation of
$5.00 to $10.00 from the
NRA for each sign up or
renewal! Also keep in mind
The NRA is the only
National organization
fighting to keep your gun
ownership rights in place!
So don't delay! Contact
George @ 421-9635 or Doc
@469-8584 ASAP!
→ Current plans for
improvements to our club
are now under discussion!
We'd like your input in
what you'd like done this
year! Don't be shy! Please
drop a note or come to the
February 14th meeting! We
really do need your
So that's it for now! The
place is plowed out and
there's plenty of firewood!
So make sure you come out
out and enjoy your
~~ Doc
→ President Pat and
Vice President Moe recently
were presented with quite a
challenge! Picking the
winner of the Traveling
T-shirt Contest! After days
of deliberation and pouring
over hundreds of photo's
they narrowed it down to
two finalist!
→ One of USMC Corporal
Jake S. wearing his Taconic
and holding his M-16 40
miles west of Baghdad! The
other of Karen W. wearing
hers at Daytona while
watching her favorite

→ Pat, being a USA
veteran and survivor of the
infamous 1966 Atrocity at
Stuttgart (he was forced to
drink warm beer for several
days after the Non Com
Officers Club coolers
failed) was wisely fearful
of offending the USMC,
chose Jake. Moe, being a
restaurateur and chef chose
Karen (he along with all of
us love Karen's baked
beans)! So after
threatening each other for
hours they finally made a
Solomon like decision and
chose both finalist as
winners! In conclusion
congratulations to Jake and
Karen and to all Happy
→ Still speaking of
prizes, Santa says to make
you an offer you can't
refuse...so, how about a
vintage plowtruck? We can
put YOU in a pre-owned
classic, for much less than
you'd expect. Just ask.
→ Finally,
paradoxically, safety
first: On the ranges,
hand-held and
shoulder-mounted weapons
only (no cannons!), and
paper targets only. Always
observe/obey the posted
~~ Ray
gotten to the point that
Insurance companies
influence our life in many
ways! The Club isn't immune
from that either! During a
recent phone conversation
with our insurance supplier
we were informed of the
necessity to have a sign
placed on our range
spelling out rules and
regulations! We had no
choice but to comply! So if
during your next shooting
outing you notice this sign
please don't be insulted!
We know most members are
quite safe and proficient
in the handling of
firearms! It's just if
we're not signed our
premium would increase!
→ One of our members,
John W., has created an
interesting spot at
www.MySpace.com/TVRGC show
club related photo's.
Currently he has some
wonderful ones of our March
Shotgun Surprise Shoot and
The Joe Cuz Match. check
them out. I think you'll
enjoy them!
→ Speaking of thanks
we should give a huge one
to Frank C. He donated a
gorgeous 18 horse riding
tractor to the Club. So if
the Club grounds look
better then ever make sure
you thank Frank for his
→ Rifle Rack- our
donated rifle rack was
raffled off netting about
$125.00! The winner of the
rack, Edward H., redonated
that rack back to the Club.
Rumor has it that fine
piece will be raffled once
again and the proceeds,
again, added to The Range
Improvement Fund.
→ If you have any
ideas for a competitive
shoot please contact
We have trouble thinking
and need your help!
Unfortunately there're no
shoots scheduled. If you
have an idea for one and
don't feel you have the
time or know how to make it
happen let us know! We have
a crew of members that can
help you put it together.
They can handle everything
from advertising to range
officers and would enjoy
making your shoot idea a
→ NRA Membership- Club
Recruitment Director George
H. apparently wants to
become the Tommy Fucillo of
the Taconic. He's decided
to continue offering NRA
Basic Membership for
$10.00's till Memorial Day.
To take advantage of this
HUGE offer contact us here
or call George @
→ Do you like shooting
but hate the noise? Or
maybe you don't like to
reload? If you said yes to
either one of those members
John W., Bill T. and Don B.
have the answer to your
problem. It's called
Airguns! They've even built
a 75 yard range at the Club
for you to enjoy them with.
This range has been under
construction for the last
few month's and is really
shaping up. When done it'll
feature a covered firing
point and knockdown
targets. For more info on
the range and any interest
in airguns contact us here.
I'll pass it on to them. It
also should be mentioned
the Club has six air-rifles
that can be used by any
member. This just might be
a good way to introduce the
wife, kids or grandkids to
the shooting sport too!