Club Calendar
Guest Book
Admission Form
M1 Garand Tribute
Adobe Reader
Bill Mc G.
Taonic Valley Rod & Gun
Let every nation know,
whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden, meet any hardship,
support any friend, oppose any foe,
to assure the survival
and the success of liberty.
~~ John F. Kennedy
The moment I heard of America,
I loved her;
the moment I knew she was
fighting for freedom,
I burnt with a desire
of bleeding for her.
~~ Marquis de Lafayette
I wish to have no connection
with any ship that does not sail fast;
for I intend to go
in harm's way.
~~ John Paul Jones
Letter to Le Ray de Chaumont November 16,
We sleep safe in our beds because
rough men stand ready in the night
to visit violence
on those who would do us harm.
~~ George Orwell
It's Tommy this, an Tommy that,
an 'chuck 'im out, the brute!'
But it's 'Savior of 'is Country,'
When the guns begin to shoot.
~~ Rudyard Kipling
You have enemies? Good.
That means you have stood up for
something sometime in your life!
~~ Sir Winston Churchill
If we succeed, the country is ours.
It is immense in extent,
and fertile in its soil
and will amply reward our toil.
If we fail,
death in the cause of
liberty and humanity
is not cause for shuddering.
Our rifles are by our side,
and choice guns they are,
we know what awaits us,
and are prepared to meet it.
~~ Kentuckian Daniel William
Defender of the Alamo 12/26/1835

The fight is here; I need ammunition,
not a ride.
~~ Volodymyr Zelensky
The world will know that free men stood
against a tyrant,
that few stood against many,
and before this battle was over,
even a god-king can bleed.
~~ King Leonidas 1
Four Freedoms:
The first is freedom of speech and
... everywhere in the world.
The second is freedom of everyone to
worship God in his own way
...everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want
. . . everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear
. . . anywhere in the world.
~~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
If we lose the virile, manly qualities,
and sink into a nation of mere
putting gain over national honor,
and subordinating everything
to mere ease of life,
then we shall indeed reach a condition
worse than that of the ancient
in the years of their decay.
~~ Theodore Roosevelt
The Bullmoose
Political language is designed
to make lies sound truthful
and murder respectable.
~~ George Orwell
Nam et ip
sa scientia potestas est
-- Knowledge is power
~~ Francis Bacon
It is not the critic who counts,
nor the man who points how the strong man
or where the doer of deeds could have done
them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is
actually in the arena;
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and
who strives valiantly...
who knows the great enthusiasms,
the great devotions,
and spends himself in a worthy cause;
at best, knows the triumph of high
and who, at the worst,
if he fails,
at least fails while daring greatly,
so that his place shall never be with those
cold and timid souls who know neither
victory nor defeat.
~~ Teddy Roosevelt
I do not fear an army of lions,
if they are led by a lamb,
I do fear an army of sheep,
if they are led by a lion!
~~ Alexander the Great
I cherish the memories of a question
my grandson asked me the other day
when he said,
Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?
Grandpa said,
No, but I served in
a Company of Heroes.
~~Major Richard Winters
Beware that, when fighting monsters,
you yourself do not become a monster...
for when you gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you.
~~ Friedrich Nietzsche

♣ Taconic Valley ♣
Rod and Gun Club
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy New York, 12180
Special Thanks to our friends who
helped out with Club Business;
Thanks to our friend at Dater Hill
Mike Hall has asked you to check his
website for motorcycle parts;
A very large selection of parts
and accessories for a wide range of
ATV, UTV, motorcycle, and other
motorsport product models at
competitive prices!

A very big thanks to our friends at
Kennedy's Garage.
Kennedy's Garage
271 3rd St, Troy, NY
(518) 272-3881
Special thanks to member Bob N. He
was kind enough to bring in his
equipment to dig the trench from the
Club House to the septic tank at no
charge. Please keep him in mind if
you need any of this type of work!
George's Auto
741 Pawling Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Office: (518) 286-1857
Cell: (518) 368-1284

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best in:
MS IE6 +
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It is not down on any map; true
places never are.


March 17,
The first
Day in New
was held at
the Crown
and Thistle
March 17,
of Irish
descent in
allowed his
troops a
holiday on
The Shield
of St.
→ Next Meeting:
Sunday April 13th, 11am!
→ New
Admission Form
→ Upcoming April 13th,
11am Meeting;
→ Items on the
Finalizing plans for our New
Member Meeting!
Discussion on plans for the
upcoming shooting year!
Expulsion procedure for those
who have not withdrawn or
paid dues.
New Members. Although we
haven't heard from all of our
members it appears we will
have appx 4 openings
beyond who we have on our
waiting list.
That being the case if anyone
has friend or family they'd
like to get in as a member
please go to our website
download an application fill
it out and snail mail it in
Membership is given on a
first come first served
Please mail to:
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy, NY 12180
New Member Meeting. We're
still working on details and
haven't set a date yet.
More then likely it will be
before the end of March
though and all concerned will
be notified.
From Last Meeting:
See attached Secretaries
New Members. Although we
haven't heard from all of our
it appears we will have appx
4 openings beyond who we have
on our waiting list.
That being the case if anyone
has friend or family they'd
like to get in as a member
please go to our website
an application fill it out
and snail mail it in asap.
Membership is given on a
first come first served
New Member Meeting. We're
still working on details and
haven't set a date yet.
More then likely it will be
before the end of March
though and all concerned will
be notified.
→ Dues: If you haven't
paid your dues by 12/31/24
you have until January 31st
2025 to do so!
Unfortunately, after 1/1/25 a
late fee will be added to
So please include an extra
$25.00 on top of your dues
fee(total $115)!
Any payments sent in after
1/1/25 without this fee will
be returned to the
Please also keep in mind that
after 1/1/25 any member who
has not paid their dues is
not allowed the use of the
Any member who has not paid
by 1/31/25 and has not sent
in a letter of resignation
along with their Clubhouse
Key will be expelled at the
February meeting.
Expelled members are never
again allowed on the grounds
nor are they allowed to
rejoin at a future time!
Letters of resignation can
either be written and snail
mailed or emailed to this
Keys though must be snail
mailed in.
Please mail to:
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy, NY 12180
→ Membership Cards for
2025: When your dues are
paid, you'll be given a new
colored card!
The 2024 card is a bright
Please slide this
eye-catching new card into
your neck badges and remember
the neck badge must be worn
visibly when shooting on any
of the ranges!
→ Potential New Members
for 2025.
As of this writing we're
still taking in 2025
We should have a handle on
how many new for 2025
openings by the first few
weeks of February.
At that time, we will contact
potential new members.
We may possibly have a few
openings for 2025
So, if you know of anyone who
might be interested, have
them go to our website,
download an application and
snail mail it into us.
Membership is given on a
first come first served basis
so they should act
Please mail to:
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy, NY 12180
→ Christmas Party:
Thanks to the efforts of a
few many members seemed to
have a good time at our
Holiday gathering.
a lot of food and good
conversation was shared with
some really great people.
→ Donations: Thanks go
to the following people for
their generous cash
Anthony Dethomasis
Brad Koisch
Moe Vitolins
Ed Yamin
Chares Marchese
Tim Yetto
and Mike Weiland!
→ Guess that's it for
Hope you have a great 2025!!
→ From Last meeting:
Discussed were potential ways
to make ranges safer and more
user friendly.
→ Wood stackers: Thanks
go to Mikes, Camprone, Drosky
and Urzan for stacking all of
our firewood!
→ Thanks go out: to John
Rubino and Johnny Bobo for
their generous cash
donations! ♣
→New Members:
We are accepting applications
for potential new membership
for March of 2025.
Anyone interested can go to
our website,
download an application and
snail mail it into us at:
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy, NY 12180
Openings for membership will
be on a first come first
served basis.
→ Dues: All members'
dues expire on 12/31/24.
2025 dues bills have been
mailed! This bill must be
paid by 12/31/24.
Any payment of dues received
after 12/31/24 will be
considered late and a $25.00
late fee will be
Any payment received after
12/31/24 without the late fee
included will be refused and
sent back to the sender.
Please also be advised that
after 1/01/25 nonpaying
members will not be allowed
the use of the
Those not paying by 1/31/25
will be dropped from the
roster and expelled!
Those expelled will never be
allowed on Club Grounds again
under any circumstance
nor will they be allowed
readmission as a member!
If you intend on paying with
cash in person, please have
the exact amount as change
may not be available.
Please also be advised the
preferred payment method is
check or money order.
Please mail to:
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy, NY 12180
Please also be advised it's
best to mail payment as
there's not always someone at
the Club.
Those who decide they no
longer wish to be a member
must submit a withdrawal
letter or email us here
before 1/31/25!
They must also return their
Clubhouse key.
Sorry if all that sounds
harsh but those are the
→ Well, that's it for
this year. Merry Christmas
and Happy New Years to all!
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
Eagle Mills NY
hunting, fishing, shooting,
outings! ♣
From Last Meeting:
→ Discussed looking into
raising the height of the
200yd berm.
→ Clubhouse: Needs a
good cleaning. Volunteers
would be appreciated.
From Last Meeting:
→ Election of officers
took place. They were as
President: Jim Davin
Vice President: Joe
Secretary : Karmen
Treasurer: Bill McGarry
Director: Ken Kaskoun
Treasurers Report: Treasurer
reported the Club to be on
very solid financial
Fortunately, all bills are
paid and we owe no one

November 19, 1863
Gettysburg Address Abraham
Four score and seven years
ago our fathers brought
forth, upon this
a new nation, conceived in
and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are
created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great
civil war, testing whether
that nation,
or any nation so conceived,
and so dedicated, can long
We are met on a great
battlefield of that war.
We have come to dedicate a
portion of that field,
as a final resting place for
those who here gave their
that that nation might
It is altogether fitting and
proper that we should do
But, in a larger sense, we
can not dedicate, we can not
-we can not hallow -this
The brave men, living and
dead, who struggled here,
have consecrated it
far above our poor power to
add or detract.
The world will little note,
nor long remember what we say
but it can never forget what
they did here.
It is for us the living,
to be dedicated here to the
unfinished work
which they who fought here,
have, thus far, so nobly
It is rather for us to be
here dedicated
to the great task remaining
before us
-that from these honored dead
we take increased
to that cause for which they
gave the last full measure of
-that we here highly resolve
that these dead shall not
have died in vain
-that this nation, under God,
shall have a new birth of
-and that government of the
people, by the people, for
the people,
shall not perish from the
→ Thanks go to the
following members:
Mike Camprone for the repair
of the John Deere door.
Mike Drosky for restoring all
of our parking lot
Mike Urzan for the repair of
our wood splitter.
→ Picnic: Thanks to all
who pitched in and made it
In all, 3 dozen people showed
up and had a great time!
→ Raffles:
Brain injury raffle took in
900 dollars. Winner was Jim
who donated his share of the
winnings back to the Brain
Injury Cause.
Chainsaw: was won by Eddie
who donated the saw back to
the Club for future
fund-raising endeavors,
Afghan was won by Ken
→ Thanks go to Karmen
Mitchell for engineering all
three raffles to successful
→ Donations. Thanks go
to Tony Oppelt and Anonymous
for their generous cash
→ From last meeting: it
was decided to sponsor one of
our fellow members, Caleb
Brunick, in his march for
brain injury.
This march will take place on
the Walkway Over The Hudson
on September 14th at
The Club pledged $100.00 for
this effort.
→ Unfortunately Nancy
Hanby will not be able to
continue on as secretary and
we thank her for her
We hope Karmen Mitchell will
be taking her place.
→ For those of you
who might not have read this
from the Times Union:
Tappan Zee Constructors
The four-company consortium
is made up of Fluor
American Bridge Company,
Granite Construction
and Traylor Bros. all of
which are named individually
in the lawsuit as well.
They could not be immediately
reached for comment.
We filed this lawsuit because
we did not get, and toll
payers did not get, what they
paid for, Givner said.
In 2016, a whistleblower
alleged that TZC employees
had attempted to cover up the
that a disturbing number of
the high-strength bolts that
held the Gov. Cuomo Bridge's
twin spans
together had snapped during
the assembly process. The
episode raised questions not
only about
the attempted cover-up but
also about the Thruway
Authority's response
to the evidence presented by
the whistleblower.
TZC ultimately settled the
case for $2 million plus
legal costs.
You'll be crossing this
bridge as you visit the
→ From spring
Discussed and tabled for
future consideration was
the day and time of meetings
for the Summer months.
→ Donations: Thanks go
out to Karmen Mithcell and
Jim Davin for their
Karmen donated a hand made
American Flag comforter.
Jim donated a brand-new
Both of these items will
ether be auctioned or raffled
off at our annual picnic in
→ Shotgun Shoot: Over a
dozen competitors showed up
for the my 25th
The top three winners
#1 Fred Tlaiji.
#2 George Rizk.
#3 Moe Barbera.
Thanks go out to Moe and
Family, Mike Camprone, Mike
Urzan and Jim Davin
also for their efforts.
Also thanks go to Elizabeth
Rivera, Caleb Brunick and Jim
Davin for their grounds
preparation work.
→ .22 RF bench rest
shoot: Will be held Weds June
19th with a start time of
Distances will be 50 and 100
Total rounds fired will be 20
at 50 yds and 10 at 100
This year we will have both
an iron sight and scoped
sighted division.
There will be no fee to enter
and there will be no prizes
Just bragging rights.
→ Cub Cadet Tractor:
Thanks to the combined
efforts of Mike Camprone and
Denny Bailey of Sycaway Bike
Our small yellow tractor is
now up and running again!
→ Things that need
doing: Club bathroom needs a
strong cleaning.
→ Plans for upcoming
shooting Season.
→ Scheduling of Spring
Plans for upcoming shooting
Scheduling of Spring
August 19th 1871:
Orville Wright was

The brothers' breakthrough
invention was their creation
of a three-axis control
which enabled the pilot to
steer the aircraft
effectively and to maintain
its equilibrium.
Their system of aircraft
controls made fixed-wing
powered flight possible
and remains standard on
airplanes of all kinds.
From Last Meeting:
→ Discussed and loosely
planned was the repair of the
back wall of the
Discussed also was a 22 cal
rifle shoot to be held during
the week possibly in June (no
dates as of yet).
Discussed was a possible
shotgun shoot for June.
→ New Members: On Weds
March 27th 6 new members were
voted in.
We thank them for joining us
and ask all members to offer
them any assistance they may
require on the ranges!
→ Shooting Hours:
They well be 9am to Sunset
Sunday through Saturday.
→ Waivers and Sign-in
Members, please make sure
your guest fill out waiver
completely and legibly.
Please also do the same with
sign in sheet!
→ New Members for
we are now accepting
membership applications for
Membership is given on a
first come first served
So if anyone has friend or
family they would like to see
as a member if they send in
an application now they will
be at the head of the
Applications can be
downloaded from our
→ Dues: If you haven't
paid your dues by 12/31/23
you have until January 31st
2024 to do so!
Unfortunately, after 1/1/24 a
late fee will be added to
them! So please include an
extra $25.00 on top of your
dues fee(total $115)! Any
payments sent in after 1/1/24
without this fee will be
returned to the sender!
Please also keep in mind that
after 1/1/24 any member who
has not paid their dues is
not allowed the use of the
facilities. Any member who
has not paid by 1/31/24 and
has not sent in a letter of
resignation along with their
Clubhouse Key will be
expelled at the February
meeting. Expelled members are
never again allowed on the
grounds nor are they allowed
to rejoin at a future
Letters of resignation can
either be written and snail
mailed or emailed to this
address! Keys though must be
snail mailed in.
→ Membership Cards for
2024: When your dues are
paid, you'll be given a new
colored card!
The 2024 card is a bright
yellow! Please slide this
eye-catching new card into
your neck badges and remember
that the neck badge must be
worn visibly when shooting on
any of the ranges!
→ Potential New Members
for 2024. As of this writing
we're still taking in 2024
We should have a handle on
how many new for 2024
openings by the first few
weeks of February. At that
time, we will contact
potential new members. We may
possibly have a few openings
for 2024 membership.
So, if you know of anyone who
might be interested, have
them go to our website,
download an application and
snail mail it into us.
Membership is given on a
first come first served basis
so they should act
→ Chrismas Party: Thanks
to the efforts of a few many
members seemed to have a good
time at our Holiday
a lot of food and good
conversation was shared with
some really great people.
→ Donations: Thanks go
to the following people for
their generous cash
donations: Jim Rubino. John
Rubino. Tim Yetto, Mike Urzan
and Rebecca Dodson.
→ Planning for the
upcoming year!
→ From Last meeting:
Discussed was potential road
paving project.
It was decided to table
project and explore other
avenues of road
→ RSO: Thanks go out to
Mike Drosky for attending the
RSO Class and becoming
→ Thanks go out: Ed
Yamin ,Johnny Bobo ,Joe
Cox,Tom Batsios,Nancy
Hanby,Andy Bryce and Mike
Drosky for their generous
well, that's it for this
year. Merry Christmas and
Happy New Years to all!!
June 6th,
The U. S. and her
allies embark on a
quest to save the
We few, we happy
we band of
For he today
that sheds his
blood with me
Shall be my
be he ne'er so
This day shall
gentle his
And gentlemen in
now a-bed
Shall think
accursed they were
not here,
And hold their
manhoods cheap
whiles any
That fought with
upon Saint
Crispin's day.
~~ William
Shakespeare - Henry
U. S.
From Last Meeting:
Discussion on potential
Christmas Gathering.
Report on potential road
paving bids.
Increase in Dues: Please note
our annual dues fee has risen
by $5.00 making them
$90.00.This is the first
increase we've had in 7
years. We dislike doing it
but increases in utilities,
taxes, insurance, materials,
medication for our treasurer
etc. leave little choice!
month we announced the names
of those who attended The
RSO's Class at the Hendrick
Hudson. Unfortunately, we
failed to mention Craig
Rounds who also attended. We
thank Craig for his efforts
and apologize for failing to
mention him last month.
→ Thanks go out: Jim
Davin for his donation of two
very nice fire extinguishers.
Roberto Martinez and Jim
Leyhane for their donation of
a top-of-the-line automatic
skeet machine. Craig Rounds
for his back to the Club
donation of his RSO's
→ Chimney Sweep Award.
The Chimney Sweep Award for
2023 was given to Mike
Camprone . Mike spent quite a
few hours recently
disassembling ,cleaning and
reassembling our wood stove.
We thank Mike for his
→ Things that need
doing: Clubhouse could
definitely use a sweeping and
From Last Meeting: Results
from annual elections:
→ James Davin,
→ Joseph Michasiow,Vice
→ Nancy
→ Treasurer, Bill
→ Mike Camprone,Board of
Discussion on paving all or
part of entrance road.
Possible Christmas Party.
→ Treasurers Report:
Treasurer reported that
financially the Club was on
very solid ground. Cash on
Hand had increased over what
it was for the same period
last year.
The Treasurer recommended
that the Club invest in a new
Ford Bronco Outer Banks
Addition for his use.
Unfortunately, no one agreed
but they did offer to buy him
a CDTA bus pass.
→ Range Safety Officers
School: Thanks go out to Mike
Camprone, Nancy Hanby and
Andy Bryce for attending the
RSO class at the Hendrick
We appreciate their efforts
and look forward to any
guidance they offer!
→ 22 benchrest shoot:
unfortunately, the last event
of the year was rained out.
So it looks like we'll try
again in June of 24.
→ Firewood: has been
obtained and stacked away.
Thanks go out to our
stackers, Mike Urzan and Mike
Camprone for their
backbreaking efforts.
→ Entrance Road: We
apologize for the condition
of the entrance road. It's
washed out and been repaired
out so many times this year
we've lost count.
We hope to explore the
possibility of paving all of
it or part of it in the near
future. In the meantime,
drive slowly. Mufflers ain't
→ Outgoing Secretary:
we'd like to thank Dan Place
for his many years of service
as our recording
His accuracy for detail will
be totally missed.We are
happy to report he still will
be attending all of our
meetings and has agreed to
stay on in an advisory
From September-
→ Picnic: thanks to the
culinary efforts of Jim Davin
and Laurie Allen we had
oodles of food.
It also should be noted that
both Laurie and Jim were at
the Club the evening before
the picnic working on making
salads etc till 8pm on
Saturday night. Then were
both back at it on Sunday
from start to finish. A real
hats off to them for their
tireless efforts.
It also should be noted that
because of the financial
donations of Roberto Martinez
and Jim Leyhane the financial
cost for the picnic was kept
to a minimum!
→ Any Member looking to
obtain their Range Safety
Officers credentials can do
so at the following
Please be advised the Taconic
Valley Rod and Gun Club will
reimburse $25.00 to each
member that has completed the
course and registered with
the NRA!
Please also be advised that
any member who obtains these
credentials and devotes 30
hours of their time doing RSO
related work
at The Taconic within one
years of their NRA
Registration will receive an
additional $25.00.
Veterans Gun Depot and Indoor
807 Hoosick Road
Troy New York 12180
Contact : Les
Hendrick Hudson Fish and Game
Club Inc
130 Gun Club Way
Averill Park New York
Contact: Clark Boyer
American Firearms Training
19 Lower Hudson Ave
Green Island New York
518-274-1911 or
Contact: Lee Borman
Candidates for Office: The
following people have made
themselves available for Club
Offices in September:
Jim Davin: President
Joe Michasiow: Vice
Nancy Hanby: Secretary
Doc McGarry: Treasurer
Mike Camprone: Director
Thanks go out: To Mike
Camprone for the rebuild and
restoration of our large gas
grill !
Before Mike worked on this it
looked destined for the scrap
heap. Now its so pretty we
don't want to use it.
Thats it for now and thanks
for reading. Hope to see you
Sunday August 13th at the
→ More discussions on
Seasonal planning!
200 yd Berm repair: It was
reported ground conditions
are still wet. Repair will
take place when ground
becomes dryer.
→ Range Safety Officers
The quest continues on.
Two good possibilities were
reported at the May
As more information becomes
available, we will announce
→ Lead Ban:
It was reported to us by the
RCCA that the use of lead
projectiles on state land
will no longer be
Unfortunately, we have no
more particulars on this!
The RCCA wrote the following
"Lead Ban: bill banning lead
ammunition on all State Lands
has Passed!
This includes shotguns,
rifles, pistol and black
powder ammo".
So for what its worth if you
hunt state land you best get
yourself some non lead
→ Donations: we'd like
thank the following people
for their help this past
Tony Oppelt for his generous
cash donation.
Terry McDonnell for his
donation of a very nice lawn
Mike Camprone for his
donation of a much needed
→ Things that need
Clubhouse bathroom floor
needs cleaning.
Plenty of twigs and branches
on club grounds that need to
be picked up.
→ George Hillje was kind
enough to send us this.
If you're over 62 you might
want to check out the
Senior Discounts in New York
Take advantage of the
discounts at your favorite
museums, parks, and more!
→ Senior Discounts in
New York State
From May!
Plans for upcoming shooting
Possible Range Safety
Officers Class.
Treasurers Report.
Back wall of Clubhouse:
Needs some possible
attention. Mike Camprone to
→ New Members for
We've reached our cap on
members for this year.
So we are currently taking
applications for potential
admission in 2024.
Applications can be picked up
at the Clubhouse or
downloaded off our website at
They should then be mailed
into us at our address of 420
Dater Hill Road Troy New York
→ New
Admission Form
→ Things that need
doing: Have some time on your
hands? Well......!
Clubhouse could use a
sweeping and dusting.
Bathroom floor needs to be
cleaned and mopped.
Old target frames located
next to ladies auxiliary need
to be cut up so the can be
Small branches on Club
grounds need to be picked up
and piled.
→ A little help from our
friends: Thanks go out to the
following people:
Nick Calordino: for procuring
us a good quantity of 2x4's
and plywood.
Jim Rogers: for donating
several cases of clay
Denny Bailey of Sycaway Bike
Shop. for donating and
mounting a new tire tube for
our small tractor.
Mike Drosky: for rerouting
the power line to the Ladies
Auxiliary Building.
From Last Meeting:
= =
< . . >
\ ~ /
→ Plans for Upcoming New
Member Induction Meeting.
→ Plans for potential
Spring Picnic.
→ New Member
Has been set for Saturday
April 23rd starting at
We anticipate having this
So, we advise all who will
attend to dress
→ Because of any health
and space restrictions that
may still be in place
sponsors are not required to
→ Presenters at new
member meeting.
We seeking members who'd be
willing to read over various
of our bylaws and range rules
at the April 23rd meeting.
→ New Member
We still have two opening for
the 2022 year.
So, if you know of anyone
have them get in an
application now.
applications can be found on
our website
→ Discussed were plans
for rebuilding 200yd impact
→ Discussed at great
length were updates on a new
gun laws.
Thanks go out dept:
→ Thanks go to Mike
Urzan, Mike Camprone and Jim
for stacking our newest load
of firewood!
→ Thanks also to Doc for
faking injury and hiding as
the wood was stacked.
→ Thanks also to Mike
Camprone for his bathroom
and also for his donation of
copying of our bylaws etc for
new members!
→ Thanks also go to Joe
Elting for his emergency
repair of the 200yd shooting
→ Thanks also go to Jeff
Wagar for locating and
installing our new/used
backblade for our
→ Thanks to Jim Davin
and all others who helped
create our small Christmas
that took place after the
December meeting.
Some excellent sandwiches and
salads were served,
unfortunately, no one spiked
the eggnog!
→ Donations: We'd like
to say thanks to the
following members for their
generous cash donations;
Ed Yamin, Bradford Kosich,
Ryan Oppelt and Dave
We promise to make sure the
treasurer doesn't use the
money to get a tattoo !
→ A final Thank You goes
to Ken Kaskoun for filling in
as Club Secretary during Dan
Place's absence.
→ Please be advised that
by majority vote of those in
attendance at our March
we'll be returning to our
original shooting hours as of
The hours will be 9am to
Sunset, Sunday through
Please also be advised that
the use of centerfire rifles,
shotguns and handguns after
dinner hours is
as long as those using them
show common sense and
consideration for our
If for any reason this change
results in any problems we
will return to limited
→ Dues: If you haven't
paid your dues by 12/31/22
you have until January 31st
2023 to do so! Unfortunately,
after 1/1/23 a late fee will
be added to them!
So please include an extra
$25.00 on top of your dues
fee(total $110)!
Any payments sent in after
1/1/23 without this fee will
be returned to the
Please also keep in mind that
after 1/1/23 any member who
has not paid their dues is
not allowed the use of the
Any member who has not paid
by 1/31/23 and has not sent
in a letter of resignation
along with their Clubhouse
Key will be expelled at the
February meeting.
Expelled members are never
again allowed on the grounds
nor are they allowed to
rejoin at a future time!
Letters of resignation can
either be written and snail
mailed or emailed to this
Keys though must be snail
mailed in.
Sorry if all that sounds
harsh but those are the
→ Membership Cards for
2023: When your dues are
paid, you'll be given a new
colored card!
The 2023 card is a bright
Please slide this
eye-catching new card into
your neck badges and
the neck badge must be worn
visibly when shooting on any
of the ranges!
→ Potential New Members
for 2023.
As of this writing we're
still taking in 2022
We should have a handle on
how many new for 2023
openings by the first few
weeks of February.
At that time, we will contact
potential new members. We may
possibly have a few openings
for 2023 membership.
So, if you know of anyone who
might be interested, have
them go to:
→Bill Mc G. ♣
e-mail Doc
Bill McG.
From Last Meeting:
→ Approval was given for
funds to purchase an air
purifying system for the
Club(not in yet)
→ Honorary Membership:
Approved by unanimous vote
for Honorary Membership were
the following:
Justin Meddis
Tom King
→ Clubhouse:
Unfortunately, is still
closed to gatherings!
We hope to change this
shortly. We've ordered two
machines that will help with
this effort.
The first is an air purifier
and ozone machine. What this
piece of equipment will do is
clean the building down to
the wall studs.
Unfortunately, when in
operation it does create
harmful ozone which is a huge
negative to the respiratory
systems of humans. So, when
this machine is in use the
building will be locked.
The second machines is an air
purifier with Hepa filter.
This machine we're told is
capable of capturing any
airborne viruses and can be
safely run anytime. vSo, the
bottom line is this. With
these devices, and the large
floor mounted fan donated by
Moe Vitolins(thank you Moe)
working we should be able to
open the Clubhouse for
limited use.
As soon as they're up and
running we'll send out a
In case you missed them here
again are the temporary
reopening rules which still
Clubhouse: will be
Bathroom: Will be open on a
limited basis. Face masks
must be worn and those using
must clean any area they come
in contact with when
Guests: No Guests. That
includes Family.
Club Officer or RSO on
grounds during hours of
Masks/Face Coverings: Must be
worn when there's more than
one shooter on any range or
in the picnic table area when
social distancing can't be
Hand Sanitizer: each shooter
is to provide their own.
Sanitizing: The Club will
provide this for disinfecting
of benches etc. A container
will be located on each
range. We ask all range users
to clean areas touched during
their visit. Used material
can be placed in a receptacle
that will be kept on each
These receptacles are for the
disposal of used cleaning
materials only. Take your
targets and other items off
property for disposal!
Rifle Range: Total benches
reduced to six and spread to
allow for social
no more than six shooters on
rifle range at any time.
Pistol Range: Total firing
points reduced to four and
spread to allow for social
No more than four shooters
allowed on range at any
Clay bird range: Throwers
reduced to two and spread for
social distancing.
No more than 4 shooters
allowed on CB range at any
Tactical Shotgun: No more
than one shooter at any
Archery: No more than one
archer at any time.
This Year: Has been the most
annoying year for all of
Thankfully it's almost over.
Lets hope that 2023 allows us
to return to normalcy at our
homes and jobs and of course
our Gun Club. Thanks for
reading and thanks for
hanging in.

December 2022
→ Last meeting:
Discussed were the recent gun
law changes.
Also discussed were
preparations for the then
upcoming 50-yard repair.
Decided was to hold off
repairs on 200yd berm till
→ New Members: We are
accepting applications for
potential new membership for
March of 2023.
Anyone interested can go to
our website, download an
application and snail mail it
into us at 420 Dater Hill
Road Troy NY 12180.
Planning for the upcoming
→ From Last meeting:
Discussed was the need to
repair parts of the entrance
Discussed was the 200 yd berm
Discussed was an update on an
RSO'S class.
→ From Otober:
→ More planning on rifle
range projects. Possible
Christmas Party.
→ Results from annual
James Davin, President
Joseph Michasiow, Vice
Dan Place, Secretary
Bill McGarry, Treasurer
Mike Urzan, Board of
→ Treasurers Report:
Treasurer reported that
financially the Club was on
very solid ground.
Cash on Hand had increased
over what it was for the same
period last year.
Treasurer recommended that
the Club purchase him a new
GT350 Mustang for his own
No one agreed and the
membership voted to hang him
if he attempted it.
→ 50-yard berm
Thanks to the efforts of Mike
Camprone we have most of the
material needed for this
We anticipate it taking two
days to complete.
Unfortunately, this means
shutting down the rifle range
for those two days.
When we gather the rest of
the materials and get the
needed people scheduled,
we will send out an email
announcing the shutdown time
and dates.
→ Thanks go out to:
John McCarthy for his
donation of some very heavy
weather resistant cardboard
This will be cut to the
appropriate sizes and used
for target backing board.
→ Range Hours:
On October 22nd we will
return to our Fall/Winter
Shooting time Hours.
They will be from 9am till
Sunset Sunday through
From now till October 21st,
they will remain from 9am to
6pm Sunday Through
→ We're sad to announce
the passing of our Club
President George
George passed on September
6th after a long illness.
George was a low-key genius
whose expertise and
mechanical knowledge guided
us through
and helped to solve many
problems and projects the
last few years.
He will be truly missed.

And you thought we saw the
last of Socialy Distant
→ From Last Month:
→ Picnic: thanks to the
culinary efforts of Jim Davin
and Laurie Allen we had
oodles of food.
It also should be noted that
both Laurie and Jim were at
the Club
the evening before the picnic
working on making salads etc
till 10pm on Saturday
Then were both back at it on
Sunday from start to
A real hats off to them for
their tireless efforts.
It also should be noted that
because of the financial
donations of
Scott Schiedeshoff,Roberto
Martinez and Jim Leyhane the
cost for everything was
and no money from the Clubs
Treasury was used!
→ Range Safety Officers
That was scheduled for
September 17th will be
Unfortunately, the instructor
scheduled to teach the class
has run into
some health problems and will
not be able to make it.
We will be looking into
having the class in the
but for the moment the class
and date remains
From Last meeting:
→ Announcement of a
availability of candidates
for Club Officers for
September elections!
→ Updates on August 14th
Picnic Preparation.
→ Updates on revamped
shooting hours.
From Last Meeting:
→ Discussed were cost of
one day insurance for
→ Discussed were amended
shooting hours.
→ Discussed were repairs
to equipment.
→ Discussed were
rebuilding/replacement of
200yd backstop
→ Discussed were
allowing North East Firearms
use of pistol range in
exchange for running a free
Range Safety Officers
→ Candidates for
September elections.
Offices available will be the
following: President, Vice
President, Secretary,
Treasurer and one
In order to run for any of
these positions the following
qualifications are
→ A) Must have been a
member 2021 or before.
→ B ) Must have attended
three monthly meetings
between September 2021 and
June of 2022.
→ Thanks go out: Mike
Camprone for our emergency
plumbing repair.
→ Gary Marcinuk for
identifying and getting rid
of the poison ivy on our
pistol range!
→ It's the time of year
to have your windows open and
maybe even do some cooking
outside on your deck!
Unfortunately, if you live
near a Gun Club these things
might be a tad less
Given that and out of respect
for our good neighbors,
it's been decided that we
will cut back our shooting
just a tad to allow them some
peace and quiet.
So as of 5/19/22 our hours
for range use will be:
9am to 6pm
→ No shooting before or
after those hours.
Thank You
TVRGC Board of Directors

Saratoga Battlefield
→ From Last meeting:
→ A Reminder: Range
Hours of operation!
Out of respect for our good
neighbors it's been decided
that we will cut back our
shooting hours,
just a tad to allow them some
peace and quiet.
So as of 5/19/22 our hours
for range use will be:
→ 9am to
No shooting before or after
those hours.
→ More Reminders:
Waivers: All members bringing
any non-member on Club
property must fill out a
It is the Members'
responsibility to make sure
that the paperwork is filled
out correctly and is
If this is not done or if we
can't read the name of the
the member will lose the
right to bring any
non-member/guest in the
→ Sign in/out Sheet:
Any member bringing a
non-member/guest who will be
using any range must also
fill out the sign in/out
→ Guest badges:
Any non-member brought by a
non-member/guest onto Club
Property must wear a guest
Sorry to have to repeat the
above but there are some that
just don't get it!
→ Our thanks go out
Mike Urzan for his excellent
mowing/manicuring of the
rifle range area.
Mike Camprone for giving up
an afternoon to repair our
Cub Cadet.
Scott Bucciero for his
donation of much needed
cleaning supplies.
Thank you very much!
From Last Month
Last New Member Induction
Meeting. Presenters from the
4/23 meeting are asked to
→ From Last Meeting:
Discussed was basic ideas for
Summer Picnic.
→ Also plans for the
April 23rd induction meeting
were ironed out.
→ New Director:
Congratulations go to Mike
Mike was nominated and
unanimously voted in to take
the place of
Director Laurie Rivera who
moved from the area.
Mikes term will expire in
September of 2023.
We thank Laurie for her
→ Generator: As
mentioned previously,
fellow member Ara Shahinian
donated a next to new
generator awhile back.
It had been sitting a bit and
needed a bit of TLC.
That care was given to it by
Mike Camprone who got it
working like new.
Getting it hardwired in to
our Clubhouse was a very
and intricate task to
Fortunately, Mike Drosky
stepped up to do it.
Mike finished the last
aspects of that hookup
and we thank him for the many
hours he donated
to complete that task.
→ Donations: We'd like
to thank Tony Oppelt for his
generous cash donation.
We promise not to spend it on
beer but we're considering a
neck tattoo !
→ Things that need
doing: If you have time on
your hands
and want to help your club
the following things need
→ Firewood: Located on
the edge of our parking
has to be moved and stacked
inside the wood shed
Tree limbs and branches.
picked up and stacked in the
wood line
where Mom Nature can compost
→ Clubhouse: bathroom
and kitchen can always use a
→ Carry in carry out: A
reminder that you can't leave
any material you brought in
with you.
This includes used targets,
brass, shotgun hulls and
beverage cups.
Remember we have no garbage
pickup. So, getting rid of
the stuff is a problem!
One that can be avoided if we
all follow that rule.
→ Conversation: We were
reminded by fellow member
Mike Urzan
that if you just want to hang
out at the Clubhouse,
you're more than welcome to
do it.
On any given day a variety of
subjects can take place. Of
firearms, hunting and fishing
are always top runners.
Also mentioned frequently are
old cars, aircraft, dress
making and the use of makeup
for men over 50 .
So, on a rainy, or let's hope
we don't see any for a while
snowy day,
stop up and join the BS
Thats it for now and thanks
for reading.
→ Plans for Upcoming New
Member Induction Meeting.
→ Plans for potential
Spring Picnic.
→ New Member
Has been set for Saturday
April 23rd starting at
We anticipate having this
So, we advise all who will
attend to dress
Because of any health and
space restrictions that may
still be in place sponsors
are not required to
→ Presenters at new
member meeting:
We seeking members who'd be
willing to read over various
sections of our bylaws and
range rules at the April 23rd
If this is something you'd be
willing to do contact us here
or attend the March
→ New Member
We still have two opening for
the 2022 year.
So, if you know of anyone
have them get in an
application now.
Applications can be
downloaded from the above
Mail or Deliver to:
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy New York, 12180
→ Special Thanks to our
friends who helped out with
Club Business:
Laurie Rivera: Unfortunately,
Director Laurie Rivera has
moved out of state.
Laurie did an excellent job
during the time she served.
It's going to be very
difficult to replace her.
Tom King: As many of you know
Tom King is President of the
Most of us also know he's
also an NRA Board Member.
By wearing both those hats he
has been able to accomplish
some great things for gun
owner rights both here and on
a National level. This year
Tom is up for reelection as
an NRA Board Member.
We strongly urge all eligible
NRA members to cast your
ballot for Tom.
→ Coffee Cups:
Because of the ban on single
use Styrofoam material, we
can no longer supply cups for
coffee at our meetings.
while we have searched for an
alternative, we just can't
seem to find good old
I guess that means bring your
own cup to the next meeting
or we'll just take turns
passing the pot around :)
From Previuos
→ Range Safety Officer
We are still looking for
members who'd be interested
in attending this Class. We
currently have five
volunteers and are looking
for more.
The Class would take place
Spring of 2022. It would
require one day of your time!
RSO's would also be expected
to put time in on our ranges
assisting shooters.
If interested contact us
→ New
Admission Form;
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy, New York 12180
→ Special Thanks to our
friends who helped out with
Club Business;
New Application Form
Thanks go out to Mr and Mrs
Tom Batsios for cleaning up
our old application and
giving it a new spiffy
Yes I said spiffy. Sorry but
I've a very limited
→ Donations;
More Thanks go to Tom
Hansen,Craig Hurteau and Brad
Kosich for their generous
cash donations.
→ From Last Meeting:
Annual Election!
The following people were
elected to the following
→ President: George
→ Vice President: Jim
→ Secretary: Dan
→ Treasurer: Doc
→ Director: Ken
→ Sgt at Arms: Mike
→ Rebuild of 50 yd berm
put off till cooler and dryer
→ Conclusion of Update
of Range rules
It will be added to our
Proclamations that all
shooters and guest must
follow all NYS Rules and
→ Waivers: Any member
who either fails to make sure
their guest fills out a
waiver or allows their guest
to fill one out illegibly
will receive a mandatory
six-month suspension and will
not be allowed to bring a
guest for one year.
→ Picnic: It was decided
that we will have a scaled
down picnic after the
September 12th meeting. This
gathering will be for MEMBERS
That means no guests at all.
We ask those attending to
bring a small food offering
if possible or a small cash
Burgers, hotdogs and liquid
refreshments will be
→ Range Safety Officer
We're still looking for
people who are interested in
becoming a RSO.
This class will be offered at
no cost. Those who wish to
take this class must
understand they will be
expected to put time in on
our ranges.
If this sounds doable contact
us here.
More discussion on the
→ Rebuild/revamp of
→ target area and
→ Raffle for this
→ Potential annual
→ Possible change in
Pistol Range Rule regarding a
non-permit holder handling
and firing another's
From last meeting:
→ 50 Yard Berm: It was
reported that because of the
amount of space required to
add another shooting station
it would not be the best
Another shooting station
would require the loss of one
target at 100yards. For that
reason, enlarging idea has
been abandoned.
→ Pistol Range Rule!
It's been pointed out to us
that one of our handgun range
rules iso longer correct. Our
rule currently states that
according to NYS law No one
is allowed to handle or fire
a handgun without being a NYS
pistol permit holder.
We are seeking clarification
and if available the results
will be reported at the June

Moving On:
→ Target Sizes: a
reminder that any target
posted must not cover any of
the target frames. Targets
must be placed within the
boundaries of the frame.
→ Guests: It's the
responsibility of the member
to make sure waivers are
filled out, signed correctly
and in a legible fashion by
his or her guest.
If we can't read them neither
can the insurance carrier.
That could mean in the case
of an injury carrier might
not pay for injuries.
In a case like that then the
Club might be forced assume
the expense. If we have to
pay, then we'll be forced to
sue the offending member.
After throwing him or her out
of course.
So, let's just avoid a
potential mess and make sure
they are filled out properly
and legibly.
→ Waivers: Please make
sure your guest understands
what they're signing and is
given adequate time to read
→ Carry In /Carry Out.
Make sure you don't leave
behind anything you bring in
with you. This means targets,
shotgun shell hulls and
beverage containers!
→Guests are now
As we mentioned in an email
to all members in April we
are now again allowing guest
but certain rules will
Let's make sure these are
followed. Failure to do so
will result in suspension or
termination of
Clubhouse Rules:
→ Because of the use of
an ozone generator for
disinfecting, the Clubhouse
is not to be entered Before
9am or after 8pm.
→ Face masks must be
worn when entering the
Guests, Waivers and sign
in/out rules:
→ All guest be it family
or friend must fill out and
sign a waiver AS SOON as they
enter Club Property.
→ All guests be it
family or friend must fill
out and sign a waiver EACH
TIME they enter Club
→ All guests be it
family or friend when using
any range must also fill out
the sign in sheet before and
after shooting.
→ All guests be it
family or friend must wear a
guest badge.
→ All members are
required to read range rules
to their guest BEFORE using
any range.
→ All members and guest
be it family or friend are
required to use no more than
one bench or lane.
Member and guest are not to
fire at the same time.
→ Face masks are
required when social
distancing can't be
→ Members are required
to bring their own
disinfecting materials.
→ All members are
allowed to bring one (1)
guest six(6) times a year
during the January to
December year.
→ Waivers, Sign In Sheet
and badges are located on the
office door in the
Waivers when completed must
be folded and pushed through
mail slot located on the
Badges must be returned to
same area.
→ Ammo: As we all know
it's hard to find and crazy
expensive when you do.
Not much we can do but grin
and.....well whatever.
On the brighter side if
you're the owner of a 7x57
Mauser shooting rifle, or as
the British call it 275
we may have some good news
for you.
Fellow member Mike Camprione
has donated 40 rounds of this
1960's Interarms boxed stuff
to us with the idea it goes
to the person willing to
donate the most money to own
it. So, if you're looking for
some zombie killers make an
→ With a little help
from our friends:
A big thank you goes out to
Tony Oppelt for his generous
cash donation.
→ Insurance/it pays to
shop around.
We recently received a
renewal notice for our
building insurance.
That notice told us that our
newest premium would rise by
10% and there was nothing we
could do about it.
Seems "rates in our area"
have just increased.
Please keep in mind that in
30 years with this company we
have never filed a claim. So,
we decided to contact the
people that handle our
liability and tractor
After filling out their
application we were quoted a
rate that was 58% lower than
our existing insurance
company's quote.
By the way we received
similar savings on our
liability and tractor
insurance from them too!
When all combined those
savings add up to the better
part of $2000.00 a year.
Needless to say we recommend
this company highly.
They're endorsed by The New
York State Conservation
Council and the family that
operates this business are
shooters and hunters.
So maybe the next time you're
looking for insurance be it
car,boat,home,camp, health or
whatever give them a
Their name is United
Insurance and our contact
there is John Long Jr.
They can be reached at
→ A big thank you goes
out to the following for
their recent cash
Jim Rubino, Johnny Bobo, Ron
Epstein, Darrin Kennedy, Dave
Rezey, Fred Realbuto, John
Rubino and Mike Camprione. we
can't forget Mike Droskey for
all his labor hooking up our
generator and last but not
least Denny Bailey for his
donation of an expensive
heavy cable that will be used
to get the electricity from
the generator and into the
October, 2020

Old Glory

The Club looks
great!! Thanks Bill
and Company!!
NYS Hunting Data:

Deer &
New York State
Department of Environmental
→ Please read the
special rules! ♣
→ Rules for all ranges
are posted below
Please refer to the special
COVID-19 regulations!!
→ Dues: If you haven't
paid your dues by 12/31/20
you have until January 31st
2021 to do so!
Unfortunately, after 1/1/21 a
late fee will be added to
So please include an extra
$25.00 on top of your dues
fee(total $110)!
Any payments sent in after
1/1/21 without this fee will
be returned to the
Please also keep in mind that
after 1/1/21 any member who
has not paid their dues is
not allowed the use of the
Any member who has not paid
by 1/31/21 and has not sent
in a letter of resignation
along with their Clubhouse
Key will be expelled.
Expelled members are never
again allowed on the grounds
nor are they allowed to
rejoin at a future time!
Letters of resignation can
either be written and snail
mailed or emailed to this
→ Membership Cards for
2021: When your dues are
paid, you'll be given a new
colored card!
The 2020 card is a bright
Please slide this
eye-catching new card into
your neck badges and remember
that the neck badge must be
worn visibly when shooting on
any of the ranges!
This is not to say you can't
wear it elsewhere though.
If you're comfortable wearing
it at work, while shopping at
Walmart's or even as an
eye-catching accessory to a
color coordinated face mask
please feel free to do
When it comes to
swimming.....maybe not!
Potential New Members for
2021. As of this writing
we're still taking in 2020
We should have a handle on
how many new for 2021
openings by the first week of
→ Some Observations from
Fellow Member Ray
Here are 12 things to
consider as we close the door
on one of the most horrible
years of our lifetime:
1. The dumbest thing I ever
bought was a 2020
2. I was so bored I called
Jake from State Farm just to
talk to someone. He asked me
what I was wearing.
3. 2019: Stay away from
negative people. 2020: Stay
away from positive
4. The world has turned
upside down. Old folks are
sneaking out of the house and
their kids are yelling at
them to stay indoors!
5. This morning I saw a
neighbor talking to her dog.
It was obvious she thought
her dog understood her.
I came into my house and told
my cat.
We laughed a lot.
6. Every few days try your
jeans on just to make sure
they fit. Pajamas will have
you believe all is well in
the kingdom.
7. Does anyone know if we can
take showers yet or should we
just keep washing our
8. This virus has done what
no woman has been able to do.
Cancel sports, shut down all
bars and keep men at
9. I never thought the
comment, "I wouldn't touch
him/her with a 6 foot pole"
would become a national
policy, but here we are!
10. I need to practice
social-distancing from the
11. I hope the weather is
good tomorrow for my trip to
the Backyard. I'm getting
tired of the Living Room.
12. Never in a million years
could I have imagined I would
go up to a bank teller
wearing a mask and ask for
→ In closing we'd like
to welcome the New Year.
Then tell the old one to get
We truly hope and believe
2021 is going to be a far
better one.
We promise to do our very
best to get things back to a
safe normal way.
So that said our very best to
you and your families.
We also send our wishes for
health, wealth ,happiness and
a regular supply of
reasonably priced but quality
ammo to all.
→ Dues: All members'
dues expire on 12/31/20.
→ Pistol Lessons:
If you're a member we have
some good news. Ron Epstein,
who has more instructor
degrees then a thermometer,
has agreed to help those who
wish to become more
proficient with a handgun
with free lessons. Non
members would be charged a
fee. If interested contact us
here and we'll give you Ron's
→ Taconic Big Foot
Sighting Debunked:

It was reported a few weeks
ago that what appeared to be
a Sasquatch was caught on
film by one of our security
cameras. The person viewing
the recording told us that
the creatures chest and head
were above the actual
Considering that this
particular camera is 12 feet
off the ground that would
mean the creature was...
well.... pretty damn
With this news in mind the
Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
Club Swat Team was notified.
They in turn showed up with
all types of Buffalo and
Elephant rifles and were
plotting the demise of the
Fortunately what they found
was the camera had been
knocked off the building by a
falling branch and was laying
on the ground. The creature
it recorded was there too. A
really mean looking
In all fairness he was a
rather large one though!
→ I have to shorten
this page!
Keeeping with my never delete
anything policy,
all previous posts and info
are on the archive
Northeast Firearms
For additional info and to
sign up for NE courses
contact Dan @ 518-322-2045 or
go to:
Bill McG.
♣ Your Club
Dues At Work

Old Glory

Berm Build

New Berm

Pistol Range

Rocky's Ridge

Reverse Berm


About a hundred years or so
ago a group of people decided
the location we're now in
would be a great place to
build a shooting range! As
members we should be thankful
for all their efforts and
hard work as we still enjoy
their choice today! On the
other side of the coin many
of us would like to ask them
TO THE TOP? Well that said we
now have to live with it!
Living with that means we
have to pay out money for
material to create man made
impact areas and berms! It
also means we have rules that
are probably unique to this
Club! Rules that help to
insure that fired projectiles
don't land on a neighbors
property! According to NRA
Range Management such an
event as that could easily
close us down! So here's a
list of Our Clubs Rules! We
ask you to read them and also
show them to any guest you
might bring BEFORE that guest
uses any of the ranges! We
also remind you that rules
not covered here are covered
in The Proclamation or
Standing Rules Of Order
located in the back of your
copy of The Bylaws! Now after
reading all those damn rules
make some time to come out to
your Club and look around!
From where we are located on
a clear day you can see the
Helderbergs, Taconics,
Grafton and even The Green
Mountains! As the Sun goes
down you'll see one of the
nicest sunsets this area has
to offer. Given these things
maybe we can see how our
founders were swayed by this
Homeland Security

~ Apache Chief Geronimo ~
circa 1886
→ ID Badges must be worn
when using any range!
→ Please refer to the
top of this page for Guest
Policy Guidelines!
→ Rifle Range
Rules ♣
1. Alcohol is not allowed on
any shooting range.
2. Minors under 17 must have
adult supervision when
3. Hearing and vision
protection must be worn on
4. Firearms must point down
range when on the shooting
5. Guns must be unloaded with
actions open and no one is to
handle any firearm when
targets are posted or
6. Paper targets only.
7. Post targets on designated
stands: Bench and target
frame must have same
number(no cross shooting)
Posted targets must fit
within the boundaries of the
8. Do not place targets on
9. no BMG.
10. Slugs only for shotguns
on Rifle Range. No shot of
any type.
11. Rapid/reckless
(machinegun style ) fire is
12. Ranges are closed during
monthly meetings.
13. Sunday Shooting after
14. Work proceeding on or
near a range(mowing etc.)
precludes shooting on that
15. Pick up brass and hulls.
Live ammo must not be left
behind and it must be
disposed of off of Club
16. All ranges open at 9am
closed at sunset.
17. Rifle range targets are
designed for firing from the
sitting position at a bench!
no standing ,kneeling or
sitting position shooting
18. All shooting is to be
done from inside the rifle
range structure.
19. Hunting type pistols are
allowed. NO compact carry

1. NYS Law. No one is allowed
to handle or fire a hand gun
without a Pistol Permit.
2. Safety is first. If it
looks like fun, don't do it.
In an emergency Dial 911 and
tell them to respond to 420
Dater Hill Rd Brunswick, NY
Send someone to Dater Hill Rd
to direct emergency
3. Eye and ear protection is
4. No more than seven (7)
people on line at one
5. Keep guns facing in a safe
direction with fingers off
the trigger until ready to
6. When anyone is down by the
targets, all guns will be out
of shooters hand, empty and
the actions open.
7. Shooters that are between
lean-to and targets have
right away. No shooting
around other shooters.
8. Shoot only paper targets.
Shooting the frames only adds
work for club members.
9. Follow a cease fire order.
From anyone.
10. Make sure you are
shooting into the berm. We
are responsible for all
projectiles that leave the
11. Clean up when you are
done. Take empties, targets
and empty boxes. Leave the
range better than when you
12. All rapid/reckless
machine gun style fire is
13. No Sunday shooting before
14. Range closes at

This is your club. Have some
responsibility and pride.
→ Tactical
Shotgun Range Rules
1. Paper targets only placed
within boundaries of wooden
2. No Slugs. Shot shells
3. When done remove target,
pick up empties and dispose
of off Club property.
4. Make sure Rifle Range is
clear before using this
→ Skeet/Trap
Range Rules
1. Use # 7.5 to # 9 shot
shells in low base only.
2. Do not move machines.
3. Pick up empties and
dispose of off Club
4. Make Rifle Range users
aware of your presence before
using this area
→ And
furthermore I'm including
these safety rules:
Commandments of Gun
- Always keep the
muzzle pointed in a
safe direction
- Don't rely on
your gun's safety
- Firearms should
be unloaded when not
actually in use
- Be sure of your
target and what's
beyond it
- If your gun fails
to fire when the
trigger is pulled,
handle with care
- Always wear eye
and ear protection
when shooting
- Use proper
- Be sure the
barrel is clear of
obstructions before
- Don't alter or
modify your gun and
have it serviced
- Learn the
mechanical and
characteristics of
the firearm you are
Safety Rules:
The only exception
to this occurs when
one has a weapon in
his hands and he
has personally
unloaded it for
checking. As soon
as he puts it down,
Rule one applies
You may not wish to
destroy it, but you
must be clear in
your mind that you
are quite ready to
if you let that
muzzle cover the
target. To allow a
firearm to point at
another human being
is a deadly threat,
and should always
be treated as
This we call the
Golden Rule because
its violation is
responsible for
about 80 percent of
the firearms
disasters we read
You never shoot at
anything until you
have positively
identified it. You
never fire at a
shadow, or a sound,
or a suspected
presence. You shoot
only when you know
absolutely what you
are shooting at and
what is beyond it.
→ And Speaking
of Rules let us not forget
this one
Taconic Beef Jerky Rule:
It's been over five years
since we last sighted a
sasquatch at our Club!
The reason for this is we
outlawed the presence of beef
jerky on our property!
Now as you can plainly see
from this image taken by one
of our security cameras the
damn things are back!
Probably because someone
brought a bag in and forgot
to take it with them!
Please remember no beef jerky
means no stinking Big

→ I have to shorten
this page!
Keeeping with my never delete
anything policy,
all previous posts and info
are on the archive
There ain't no fish here:
Well that may be the case!
This link sent in by George
Hillje will at least tell you
where they were though!
New York State
Freshwater Fishing Records -
A little help from our
friends: I forgot last month
to say thanks to Robyn Wilkes
for all her hard work during
the years she was our Clubs
Secretary! So thank you
Robyn! Now on another
positive note Robyn has
agreed to stay on as a
consultant! We thank her for
this too! Her expertise is a
very valuable asset!
~Doc ♣
Our Club Today

Old Glory









Report from Range Officers
and Board Members on
potential changes that would
help to make club safer!
Vote to reimburse the
"Accreditation Fee" paid to
the NRA by our Range
Updates on both Rifle and
Pistol Range
Range Safety Officers: On
July 25th ten of our own
fellow members successfully
completed this very long
course! We're pleased to
announce the following are
now NRA certified Range
Safety Officers:
Jay Wilkes
Tom Batsios
Mark Caruso
Ken Kaskoun
Kevin Busch
Paul Quinn
Lorraine Litten
Nick Calordino
George Fradenburg
Walt Johntson
Stinkin' Badges: Please
remember that all Club
members must wear their i.d.
badge when using any of the
Clubs ranges! Don't forget
that a vote by your fellow
members decided that no badge
on the range means no
Gate: Please keep gate closed
at all times. Also remember a
lock will be attached in
January of 2019. Your
Clubhouse key will open that
lock.If you haven't a key you
should obtain one asap.The
cost is $5.00.

Our new gate!
~Should The Club Pay for a
Full Time Zumba
→ Hats off time: We all
should offer our own Don
Miller and big pat on the
back. While off duty from his
job at the Sheriffs Dept Don
made one hell of an
apprehension. According to
the Newspapers and local TV
it looked like something out
of a movie too. Seems Don did
a flying tackle to take a
rapidly fleeing perpetrator
down. Jeezas that had to be
something to see. That said
Congratulations Don and thank
you too!
→ Rumor Dept: Once again
this month we're going to
confirm or deny some rumors
that have been floating
around the Club!
--- Rumor One: That Pat
Rinaldi was once a member of
a famous Rock Band! Answer:
Yes.He was the drummer for
Santana.He left shortly after
Woodstock to start his own
janitorial company!
--- Rumor Two: That Fred Job
played Eddie Haskell on The
Leave It To Beaver Show!
Answer: Yes and Moe Barbera
was The Beaver!
--- Rumor Three: That Doc
designed the M-16! Answer:
No! He has been known to
drink a lot of MD-20-20
From previous
→ Rehashing of Basic
Range Rules: We have added 50
new members since last
September first. For that
reason we'd like to remind
all of existing rules!
→ Rifle Range: Please
read rules before using. Not
mentioned the use of pistols
on rifle range is permitted.
Pistol shooters must shoot
only at existing target
distances and at targets
placed on existing wooden
→ Skeet Range: Shotguns
only loaded with shot from
#'s 4 to 9 0nly. No buck or
slugs of any type. Magnums
are not needed or
→ Pistol Range: First 8'
on left side facing. This
open area is for the use of
shotguns. Holders for
cardboard targets are placed
there. Please do not use any
area other then those 8'.
Pistol Range right hand side:
Pistols only. Please place
your target only on the 2'x2'
→ Rumors: In any
organization it seems you
have rumors. We feel if some
of these go unaddressed
damage can occur. So we've
decided to address three that
are currently in circulation
around our Club!
1) I've heard that you guys
invited Andrew Cuomo to our
Founders Day Picnic! If
you've heard that it's true.
He won't be attending though.
It seems he refuses to attend
dressed as a piñata as
we asked!
2) I've heard that Doc was
once the Manager of The
Supremes! The answer to that
is False. He never was. He
did come to a Christmas Party
a few years ago dressed as
Diana Ross though.Heck he
even belted out a pretty darn
good version of Stop In The
Name Of Love!
3) I've heard that Henry
Rifle is actually going to be
engraved "Fred Job. Worlds
Best Gun Club President and
Firefighter Extraordinaire"
This we've heard too. So we
went to Fred and asked him.
His Answer was FALSE. That
inscription will never be
marked on any firearm. It
will though ne inscribed on a
bronze bust of himself he
will unveil at the August
→ A Little Help from Our
friends: Thanks go to:
Steve Merriman.Ara Shahanian
and Scott Favreau for their
generous Donations!

E-Mail Doc
→ NO 50 cal bmg
rounds are to be used on any
targets are for .22 rifle
a count of three is required
between each round.This is
not new.Its been a rule here
for 20 years!!!!
only on any range.They must
be placed so they
is located on the pistol
range. It is the first 8 feet
We have no garbage disposal.
So if you bring it make sure
its with you when you
Keeping with my policy of
never deleting anything, I
will post all previous info
to the archive page.
Doug Doyle has sent this! If
you fish the Hudson there's
some good news for you!
→ Imagine yourself
working at a job where almost
everyday you and your
coworkers risked life and
limb to save lives and
property! Then one day you're
in a situation where you go
far beyond what's even
expected of that norm!So far
beyond that even your
coworkers are amazed! They're
so amazed by your actions
they decide you should
receive an award! Guess that
something you did would have
to be dammed spectacular!
Well that was the case last
year for Troy Firefighter and
our very own Ray Littlejohn!
Ray was in situation where a
person was trapped on the
third floor of a burning
building and there was no way
out for him! Not until Ray
decided to do something
anyway! Ray risked his life
and brought that man out of
the 3rd floor window! Saving
his life! For his actions his
fellow firefighters nominated
him for and he received the
2012 Maltese Cross Award!
We'd like to congratulate Ray
for his bravery! we're proud
to say he's one of us
Speaking of people who help
this Club I have to mention
Al Chabot! For over 20 years
Al has been committed to
making this organization a
better one! We thank Al for
all of those efforts! in
recognition of his commitment
The Board of Directors has
decided to make Al an
Honorary Lifetime Member!
Thank you Al!
→ Pat Rinaldi! No matter
when or what you can count on
Pat to be there and do whats
got to be done! Thank you
→ Those of us who carry
might want to read this piece
sent in by fellow Jack
Borden! It offers some very
good advice! Thanks Jack!

Job Well Done,
Thank You Very Much.
Our Mailing Address:
♣ Taconic Valley Rod
and Gun Club ♣
420 Dater Hill Road
Troy New York 12180
♥ And let us all
remember those we shall not
see here again: Rocky Harris,
Isabelle Seales, Joel
♥ Sadly our long time
Treasurer Rocky Harris passed
away in early May! Needless
to say he will be missed! His
excellent work as our
Treasurer will be hard to
duplicate! Still we must try!
elected by a majority vote at
our May Meeting as Rocky's
replacement was Doc McGarry.
Filling the Board Position
vacated by him was Dan
The Taconic Valley Rod and Gun
Club was incorporated in
It was in existence for many years
before that though. In fact Teddy
Roosevelt was a regular competitor on
our grounds when he was New York City
Police Commissioner from 1895 to
1897. In short this makes our club
some where around 111 years old!
Quite an accomplishment and something
we as members should all take pride
in and celebrate.
Doc Mc G.
Get action. Seize the moment.
Man was never intended to become an
~~Theodore Roosevelt - The

Apostle of Ireland
Born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton,
in Scotland, in the year 387;
Died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland,
17 March, 461.
I came to the Irish people to
preach the Gospel and endure the
taunts of unbelievers, putting up
with reproaches about my earthly
pilgrimage, suffering many
persecutions, even bondage, and
losing my birthright of freedom for
the benefit of others.
The Lord hath given to me, though
humble, the power of working miracles
among a barbarous people, such as are
not recorded to have been worked by
the great Apostles. But I beseech
you, let no one believe that for
these or the like works I am to be at
all equaled with the Apostles, or
with any perfect man, since I am
humble, and a sinner, and worthy only
to be despised.
Shield of St.
Some pictures here courtesy of Mike
Thanks Mike

Two Deer



New York State
Department of Environmental
New York State
New York State
New York’s
57th, The Honorable Kathy
United States
United States
The White
Library of
Welcome to the Taconic Valley
Rod and Gun Club!
incorporated in 1927, the Taconic
Valley Rod and Gun Club is located
off Dater Hill Road in the hamlet
of Eagle Mills, Town of Brunswick,
Rensselaer County New York. The
club property boasts rifle ranges
of 50, 100 and 200 yards with
covered firing line, 50 foot pistol
range with covered firing line,
informal trap and archery ranges,
and Clubhouse and picnic area.
Small by comparison to many other
fish and game clubs, this allows
for a more close knit group able to
respond to the needs of our
membership and facilities. Few organized
shoots are scheduled by the Club.
Rather, groups of members will meet
for various activities on the Club
grounds centered on the shooting
sports. Shooting the bull in the
Clubhouse is popular on Sunday
Meetings are held the second Sunday
of each month at 11:00 am in the
Tom Parker Memorial Clubhouse. Work
parties are held occasionally,
usually announced at the meetings,
in the quarterly newsletter, or on
this website. A cookout is held on
the club grounds during August, and
a holiday party is held.
In order to join, prospective
members should complete a
membership application and submit
it with an application fee during a
regular club meeting, or on any
Sunday afternoon when at least 4
Board members are present. Annual
dues are required.
Club dues have remained low for
several years now, due in large
part to the efforts of your
officers and board members who
never spend a dollar if we don't
have to. Please pay your dues
~~ Doug